League of Legends General - /lolg/


Huge cock edition

xth for my wife Syndra

xth for consensual sex in the missionary position for the purposes of procreation.

delete sona

Hi, /lolg/!

ill make riot give morde this skin back on his VGU
just fucking watch

Why is the Lulu bot allowed to exist?

judge me, i'm a bronze shitter

They definitely shouldn't worry too much about keeping people who play one of these extremely old champions happy.

Not everyone that was neutral about Galio minds that he got "removed" when he got replaced with an actual champion that saw play.
>new galio isn't even good as a character
No? He's one of the few melees that can lane mid without, and literally the only one that can transition into a true tank.
>objectively a bad rework
>rework fixed the problems they set out to fix
>character became way more popular than he ever was

Thanks riot

xth for breast metal waifu

>Sakimi hasn't done Pentakill Sona
Does he/she take commissions?

no, i have imagined it's sona writing about her wanting to experience motherhood!

im too busy being tilted from losses to eat

what do i eat so i dont starve myself

>already wasted $15 on this game over the past year
>tempted to spend more for the christmas emotes and skins
what do i do?!?!

That thing is wrong

hot pocket

People keep letting him win

OUTRAGEOUS has a 100% win rate on you. You have a kryptonite.

eat mcdonalds.

forgot pic

im out of hot pockets
what kind should i get from the store


>>>buying emotes
there is no saving you

>being so fat you can't miss a meal or two

I keep trying to think of new hilariously over the top or overloaded designs that obsolete a bunch of older champs at the same time. But its hard. Riot has done most of my ideas.

>>>>buying skins
there is no saving you

ive missed 8 over the past 4 days

but emotes are the best way to BM.

xth for sike nigga you thought
his gems are too outrageous i can't focus when i see them
regular pepperoni hot pockets, plain foods are best foods

It's ok to be bronze if you are new in this game. You should watch high elo streamers or take advice from the anons here. It's easy to climb to silver

I want Jinx to leglock me!

xth for Sonas bust!

the biggest and best in the league of legends!

I could probably make Jayce and Tristana irrelevant/obsolete at the same time with mine. Maybe some other ADs too since if one does damage better than others ALL THE OTHERS are shit.

skins are better quality than a shitty paint image
emotes are overpriced low effort moneygrabs, by buying them you are supporting riots greed, same for some skins

everyone that would be tilted by them has them off


>get on leauge after not playing for a month or two
>see this

post em i guess?

bigger is not always better desu

Sona isn't even real. And even if she was why would I want to be relentlessly mating pressed by countless anons?

i've been playing since march 2016, i was silver last season. idk if i'm considered new anymore


Feels good to know I am not so shit at the game.

Don't ever let others tell you are shit, even if deep down you were,
I'll work on my self-esteem and plan to actually climb this next season.

May the ball be with you anons

>new particle effects
>new sounds
>new recall animation
I'm finding it very difficult to resist buying this skin.

fleshy pigtails

>Maokai : Bones break before branches"

reminds me...

a swv card inspired by llanowar elves has flavor text "One leaf, one wound. One branch, one bone."

More of Sona can never be a bad thing!

>would I want to be relentlessly mating pressed by countless anons?


Best girl.
Best eyes.
Best wife.

What do you guys think about my champ? He is top line.

/lolbabs/, Why are not you playing mundo support and making the enemy botlane literally wanting to kill themselves because of infinite poke?

Because mundo is shit.

So you admit that you like being mating pressed by Ahri then.

t.someone who can't land skillshots and can't manage resources.

>q only has 3 levels
Does r apply to r?

he is easy to poke in lane iirc

should morello come back?

I beat this crap as a Zyra easy.

t. someone who can't dodge or predict also someone who can't just go behind minions after you threw enough cleavers also someone who doesn't simply stand in turret healing with both the relic shield and passive when low health.

Do you even know what a minimap is?

is there more of this?

>They definitely shouldn't worry too much about keeping people who play one of these extremely old champions happy.
There is no way you could rework Karthus that wouldn't be an objective failure. He's fine as is. Unique, useful at all skill levels, and maintains that usefulness despite meta. Even during the ardent meta, Karthus did fine in SoloQ. The only way you could rework him would be a small mini-rework like Shyvana got.

There is zero reason to EVER delete such a unique and interesting kit to replace it with something entirely different when his current kit works. Just make a new, different champion. It would be an objectively better idea on every front.

>marks enemies
>doesn't say what the mark does
gj champ


they will poke you and he needs ult for sustain

>doesn't say what the mark does
nothing pleasant!

start with magic resist then mercs while dodging skillshots and moving away from the plants? .Inc

Its just exist for a lore reason.


Literally just proc the relic shield, only poke when you can, just fucking dodge everything that comes at you and get yourself D Shield with a ward and bonif you really need it.

Sion is good pre 25 minutes


>wanting to do damage as a tank
>not just frontlining and CCing for your actually damage based backline

You're playing the wrong champion if you wanna do damage at all points in the game

You build thornmail and continue being a punching bag.

If nobody picks up the game I go hydra.

Now that I think about it, when was the last time MF had under a 51% winrate?

Shit's stupid as fuck, user, stop trying

Zoe players have the biggest brains

Not that long ago. Ardent meta.




she was top 5 soloq adcs during ardent meta, still well above 50%

Post your main

well i can be a punching bag just fine, i get like 4.5k health and disengage for maybe 10 seconds to regen it all and shit, i leap headfirst into battle with my R to help set my team up
but my team just flat out doesnt kill anyone, like, with Nasus I can at least get people to fuck themselves if my ADC cant clean up themselves, you know?

xth for Colonization.

Its a season 2 style skillset

She definitely had under 51% at points, which was your original claim.

>sub 100 games
I want normies to leave

>can't even fly
she's best used as a public cumdump and nothing more.

i have very little time to play don buly plz

Just play Nasus then. Most tanks are bad at doing the damage job if your ADC/entire team is nothing but chimps. Most teams are fucking mentally crippled and uncarryable. It's called forced 50 user.

You are not allowed to respond to this post if you ward more often than I do.

Joys of playing a tank. You are not a late game carry.

There is no fix for that.

>if a bird can't fly it means she can be used as a cumdump

it's fly shaming!



we postin mains?

I heard cock, so I arrived. When's Riot gonna give us a skin with visible cock outline? A jockstrap preferably.


>Parries your knockup
>Still loses because Fiora is trash right now

>end gold 5 previous season
>breeze through placements this season
>get silver 4

You make Xayah think she's flying by putting her on top of you abd thrusting hard enough she gets pushed away from your cock before landing on it over and over and over again.

Damn that Xayah's cute

Tanks don't really carry late-game. Just be damage sponge and make picks.

post your face when you mostly play league to:

- sandbag games against certain female champions in skins you like
- dodge draft queues when you're about to face champions you don't find sexy
- keep a detailed spreadsheet detailing rates of skin usage, number of faps, and other fap-related information about sexy female champions
- somehow maintain a 55% win rate and mid-platinum mmr on out-of-meta champions despite doing this fairly often

pic related. same result on my main AND on all 3 of my smurfs except for one of them where i mostly play mid and my most deaths were to ahri

post more cute azir, user

i recall a pic how rakan fucks her standing and holding her in his hands and xayah is very mad on that pic...


>old fervor users like Fiora and Darius have to actually auto attack now to use the closest thing to Fervor we now have
