/alg/ - Azur Lane General #75

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She will do anything to fund her coila addiction.



Reminder that this harlot was responsible for the worst war crime of WW2


I married this harlot.





What about the HMS event?

So much bait

They are available in large construction, not limited construction.
So whoever doesn't have them yet will have to deal with both limited construction and normal large construction when the KMS event hit.

>K-KMS event soon g-guys, n-next week for sure!

Oh, I forgot limited construction is a separate thing, thanks for the reminder.

On the plus side at least we're not waiting for the BIGGEST and getting scam gachas so it could be worse.

>So whoever doesn't have them yet will have to deal with both limited construction and normal large construction when the KMS event hit.
Stated for February next year tho.

Limited construction and large constructions are different things? Or do people just mean heavy ship construction with large?

No that's when they are being added permanently, read again

>Atago + Wales rerun instead of just putting them in the pool
>Postponing KMS further
This game will die soon.

They'll be on a slight rate-up in Large Construction from 12/26-1/12.
Then they'll be permanently re-added in the middle of February.

Any chance that we'll have both that and KMS event?
This is too long without an actual event

They've hinted multiple times that KMS is coming at the end of the month on Twitter.
The fact that they're going to be in regular Heavy Construction and not a limited construction just means they want to bleed you dry by forcing you to have to use your cubes and gold on both.

The fact that they are adding them back for a limited time, but in normal construction instead of limited construction doesn't ring any bell?
It may or may not be KMS event, but they have to reserve the limited construction slot for something else.

That's what I thought, cool

Woo, a date for when they're being permanently added is good news.

Can't be bothered rolling specifically for them, but I'll gladly take a Vamp if she turns up in daily builds someday.

>this game isn't like kancolle, it shits out updates daily!

Oh, they're still limited and only have a rate up for those three for two week, then add em' permanently on February.
Since they're going to be on normal heavy construction I guess that pretty much ensures KMS will get a event construction banner.

>not laughingdragons.jpg
Get your memes right, fuckboy.

The devs obviously are too blinded by money to see that their popularity has reduced by a factor of 3 since release.
If they don't release KMS by the end of December, their game will literally be forgotten and players will instantly go back to KC.
At least then we'll get comics of the Admiral returning to their KC base.
Can't really expect more than a small little game from a company of 6 employees.

The game was doomed the moment they added enterprise.

>kancolle shitposters here again

>a small little game from a company of 6 employees


But they never left, they have been waiting for a chance to shitpost, and then reply to themselves.

>Can't really expect more than a small little game from a company of 6 employees.
This is ironic, right?

Honestly AL was fun while it lasted, but it's way past it's flavour-of-the-month expiry date. It should retire before it leaves a sour taste.

>"game" so dead they shitpost in threads with irrelevant gaijins

user, I see you posting but not leaving

Just here to mourn its passing.

mourning is something done in silence

How is this for a starter

Only good one, the rest are shit.

All the purples - hornet + lusty are somewhat usable though none of them are any good at low LB and skill levels. The rest are trash.

QE and Unicorn are there too

Illustrious is literally the worst SSR CV, though.
It's even worse than most SR CV's.

Illustrious is shit, user.
A normal rarity CVL is better than her.

I quit AL every week

You don't bring Lusty for damage.
You bring her for her shield which means you can Torpedo shotgun through the barrage of shit on-screen in later worlds without your escort fleet vaporizing.

Illustrious carried my ass with her barrier though, she's a good starter.

Why are shitcolle players so bitter about other games? They bitch and cry about AL, bitch and cry about FGO, probably do the same for Granblue too I wouldn't know about that one, all while acting like their flash spreadsheet is some bastion of purity.

>no lewd Maya Pics
this shouldn't be allowed

royal 5 gold box or union 5 gold box

Check Meme50's twitter user

is she good for pvp?

nigga there isn't a single part in the game that you actually need that that. Bringing more actual damage would serve much better.
t. CN player that's gone through ch10.

Both Shouhou and Unicorn function much better while also being cheaper on oil.

If I could draw I'd probably not want to have anything to do with Maya by the time she dropped unless I were a luckshitter too.

Planes are basically useless in high ranking PVP so no.

Because they've invested four years in their ships, and refuse to believe that the only thing keeping them there is sunk cost and pretty voices.

I am one of the few still struggling to deal with the fact I can't properly tear myself away from that game, but I have at least accepted that, apart from the work put into ship presentation (voice lines, art, etc), the "game" is garbage. As a result, I'm not shitposting.

Although, to be fair, most of the shitposters probably don't play KC and are just trying to get a rise out of people in this thread.

please respond onegai shimasu

>Can't really expect more than a small little game from a company of 6 employees
>ironically a company that is chucking out a rough million yen overall in a bloody pixiv contest
>could've used that to get AL serialized in manga form
>instead, they opted to keep advertizing by get more people make a whole bunch of art for them to garner more attention from the internet
Really weird right? Its like they don't know how to expand their business right?

thanks for the tip

See for yourself

so union have 2 good gold weapons and 1 good gold plane meanwhile royal have 2 good gold weapons and 2 good gold planes

well, iguess i will go for royal then

But the only good equipment in the Bong Boxes are the Gold Barracuda.

is the 113mm AA gun not bong?

AA guns are rather low on priority.

>Because they've invested four years in their ships, refuse to believe that the only thing keeping them there is sunk cost and pretty voices
This man speaks truth

post backyards

The thing is AA Guns as a whole are really fucking strong right now, and spending a couple of days in 5-4 will get a shitload of purple Bofors and Pompoms which is more than sufficient for most things.

Ultimately it really depends on what other equipment you actually have though.
I basically only had Tenzan's for my torpedo bombers for a while so I've been cracking open Bong boxes whenever the Jew rabbit has them so I can get some Barracudas going.

Not him, but I have no gold frontline gold AA guns (have 4 of the 105 for backline) while I have virtually everything else I need except a Belfast gun. Farming for them is fucking awful so I keep opening boxes hoping to get them.

Guess I'm lucky to have gotten 2 Barracudas from 2 of my t5 boxes

113mm AA gun is pretty good and seafang too

btw i got a gold barracuda from the boxes, pretty good since i didnt have a good gold plane yet

It doesn't help that later stages basically have zero planes whatsoever that you can actually shoot down either.

>6 days in and they still haven't noticed that I'm not a bear

Wait, so there's planes you CAN'T shoot down?

That's kinda shit.

He means planes are nonexistent. Your biggest threats are BBs.

Dive Bombers are the ones that make a bunch of little red circles before they hit, and can't be shot down I believe.
But starting on World 7 or 8 there's barely any planes or carriers even counting those whereas planes and carriers show up basically everywhere on earlier worlds.


Aircraft carriers rarely show up even in world 6

isnt that pic outdated? SK got a nerf if im not wrong

>later stages basically have zero planes whatsoever
Midway(chapter3) happened early, there's the part 1&2(world4/5) of the eastern solomons where RJ and the showed up cranes, we still have't gotten the Marianas Turkey shoot map either, and I bet there'll be another AAgun/plane rebalancing once the devs introduce a Siren CV/L mobs and bosses.

Ah, I see. I had noticed a marked drop in damage to my backline in World 7; it was basically just suicide boats. They'd finish bosses at full. Was strange.

I'm just finishing up World 7; does world 8 swap from DD to BB bosses? Tonnes of DDs in 7, and although them zipping around the place is a pain, they die with one or two BB shots, so I prefer them over previous bosses.

Man, I'm bored of shooting big boat girls and ship looking girls, I wana shoot at absurdly tough not-abyss boats.

It's from the first of the month but I haven't seen a newer one yet.

Who should I use instead of Aniki to make my team more cancerous to play against?

javerin, she's fucking cancer

Juneau, hamakaze kai

Is hamakaze worth upgrading for pve or is she esports trash?

She's beefy and does good torp damage.

havent played this game since the popularity pool after the kaku event

what did i miss

You know all that ZENRYOKU DE IKIMASU desu spam you hear? That's Jabberin increasing her evasion by 60% for 8 fucking seconds. This is on top of being buffed by QE by 15%. Further enhanced by her naturally high evasion plus any equipment you may supply her with to increase it further. She is an absolute nuisance and I fucking love her for it. And her retrofit only makes her better.

Is it possible to fuck the yandere out of this fox

Wow turns out 5-4 is insane for farming AA. I'm retarded.

>My little unkillable cockroach can't be this cute!

Does she charge by the hour or by shots?

It almost reads like a Madara pasta.

I made a packed lunch! Want some, Shikikan?

it sounds like she has hiccups whenever her skill activates

They clearly have much less experience than the master money milker KADOKAWA.
Then on top of that they also suffer from the same Chinkanese "fund hording" tactic that doomed LeEco, where they invest 95% of their income to try and attract more funding towards what is ultimately a really lackluster product rather than actually developing said product.
Just sell it to people who actually know how to make games already while they can. I don't know who, but there has to be some company out there who still makes decent games.

Yeah honestly I'm just not seeing any passion for the game. It's just feels like a blatant short term chink cash grab. Doesn't feel like it has long left.

Don't post the spooky ghost, I am barely holding onto my jewels.