Was Stalin a Russian nationalist, in his own weird way?
Was Stalin a Russian nationalist, in his own weird way?
yes he was a fascist
I dont know if he was, but the war definitely brought about a russian nationalist spirit to drive away the German Fascist invaders. But I think this also stirred up naitonlist spirits in other parts of the soviet empire as well and a "Soviet Culture" or whatever unifying zeitgeist failed to ever form
Nigga killed more slavs than Hitler, so unlikely
That doesn't mean anything though. He didn't do it because he hated Russians or something like that. He was a bloody dictator.
If anything given his opinions you might say he was a raging Russiaboo, even if not nationalist in conventional sense. Notice he gave his children Slavic names, and only Yakov spoke Georgian IIRC. And if I remember correctly he chastised on his daughter for dating a Jew instead of a "proper Russian".
Fuck off to /int/ please.
He was a Gregorian who hated Russians so no.
Where did you exactly get that?
He was Georgian nationalist. Just a nigger.
No, he was a politician.
Until the WW2 his policy was a continuation of Lenin's policy to support minorities to counter Russian majority, so the national republic were created, the national languages - promoted, and the national cultures - celebrated. Russians were under suspicious of chauvinism and oppression of minorities, and RSFSR (modern Russia) resources were used to improve condition in national republics. Pre-1917 Russian history was declared a history of imperialism and oppression, nothing to be proud about, Russian church was suppressed to a point of destruction.Newly created alphabets for minority languages were based on Latin script. Oh, and most of the victims of Gulags and famines were Russians. It didn't help he himself and many of ruling elite were minorities.
Then the war came and he suddenly found himself in a dire need to mobilize the majority, so Soviet propaganda switched to full Russian-patriotism mode, with Suvorov, Kutuzov, Alexander Nevsky and Ivan IV glorified, Russian church restored and Russian culture promoted. After the war the trend continued, Stalin's first toast during Victory celebration was "For the Great Russian people". All newly created alphabets for minority languages dully switched do Cyrillic script. Yet the economical system still favored national republic before RSFSR, national cultures continued to be celebrated and no attempts were made to assimilate minorities.
So, no, he wasn't a Russian nationalist, quite contrary, but he used a facade of Russian nationalism for some time to secure his position when it came in danger.
So how did the soviet union work exactly? were all the countries basically in a sort of communist EU, with Russia leading them?
Russia took whatever they wanted and pretended that they were helping.
Technically - yes, it was a union of independent republics, each with a titular nation, government, state language and its own communist party (except Russia, it had no party of its own). In practice it was a unitary state and everything was decided in Moscow.
It was like EU in a sense of wealth redistribution, where rich republics (mostly Russia) subsidized the poor ones, with state spending per capita in Baltic republics and Caucasus being two times one in Russia, all to keep national minorities calm.
This inherited internal division and unwillingness of Russians to keep the subsidizing were the reasons why USSR imploded so easily without a major civil war.
Yes, as a result of the Germans and Japanese attempting to take over. WWII is still referred to as "the Great Patriotic War."
He was raised Catholic. The Papacy has churned out more dictators than any country, cult or tribe combined. They get a God complex or something, recognize the power in the mother cult and go a bit looney.
He was raised Georgian Orthodox and later left the church.
Hitler caused the death of 38 million Slavs, Stalin nearly 19 million.
Quite right.
Stalinism is secular fascism.
t. Nazbol
>Nigga killed more slavs than Hitler
>Socialism in one country
Seeing how he managed to kill millions of his own citizens just for power...
>Nigga killed more slavs than Hitler
Non-Russian slavs though. Ukes mostly.
No. He was a Soviet nationalist, and constructed a Soviet nationalism based primarily on Russian traditions and mores.
That isn't remotely true
no cos he reduced the Autonomy of the lesser members of the USSR. couldn't give less of a fuck about Georgia if he tried
If by Russian nationalist you mean murderous creazy fuck than yes, he was
the only good side of communism is the inherent nationalism in it