>run business into the ground by making decisions worse than your local zoo gorilla
How can I not hate women?
>run business into the ground by making decisions worse than your local zoo gorilla
How can I not hate women?
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Sorry but Yahoo ceo hate has always been a great Veeky Forums topic
Not to mention that Meyer was one of the most openly Biggoted and Sexist CEO's allowed to run a company in a long, long time.
Uber ceo's slight biggotry PALES in comparison to Marissa's blatant corporate policies.
She's the perfect example of what an "Unqualified Politically Correct" hire looks like. Suprised she even lasted that long...
Yahoo just probably didn't want to look bad for ousting an Asian and then a Woman from their leadership.
Other than politics, there was zero reason mayer was qualified to run Yahoo.
They better enjoy it while it lasts that's all i got to say. Capitalism is the only thing elevating them to their artifical status in society and it's built on the sandy foundations of infinite growth theory.
If the running out of resources doesn't kill it the automation will in due time. After that we will be going back to the old ways of life.
Company has been doomed since Yang's second tenure and his refusal to sell to Google. Ship was already sinking when she got on it.
But please keep blaming women for all your problems you loser.
This thread is biz related
I wonder what will happen to tumblr.yahoo bought them for $1b.
She rode the coattails of Google her entire life
Also she is le stronk wymyn CEO that can do no wrong
I don't think Tumblr has ever been profitable. That purchase was retarded.
I want to know how she avoided jail time or at least a super massive fine over the hacking debacle.
Why would she go to jail?
That's the whole point of a corporation
Sure man, read more kike reddit articles while you're at it.
Honestly though one of my dreams to scale a 0 profit meme company and sell to those tards at Yahoo, hopefully they stay up
basically this. Also said "she works harder than the president" while losing shareholder's money every day and making some of the worst acquisitions ever. I actually made a couple grand shorting this POS company and feminist bitch last summer.
she was hailed as the female Steve Jobs.
she didn't innovate in any way, shape, or form. nor did she revitalize the company.
but keep using "anti-misogny" as your little ego prop.
you are a sad little person if you actually believe that women are "uncriticizable" and can "do no harm no matter what."
what's even more hilarious is that your entire mating strategy is to supplicate women- and it has never worked.
gangster rap calling women whores comes on and women flood the dance floor. just a little perspective for ya.
I'd pay her 186 million dollars just to come to my house and cuddle while I make her laugh.
She was brought in to managed the controlled burn and transition. She fucked a few things up but did a few other things right. CEOs are a rubber glove for the majority shareholders and their appointed board members and she served her role.
yahoo was a stupid name anyway like yipee or yeehaw it had no other fate