/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #240


Last Thread: >Official Stuff
Website: ddlc.moe
Steam Page: store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/
Monika Twitter: twitter.com/lilmonix3

Guide: gameplay.tips/guides/1298-doki-doki-literature-club.html
Actual guide to getting the "good" end: pastebin.com/q3nGy9Fa (embed)

>Art and Miscellaneous
Game files dump (full) - mega.nz/#!omBgAY7a!qbh7FYCcYnjIN7G9bGGDy343CLBCRaOIuiHN8SwPT7k
Wiki: ddlcwiki.ga/wiki/Main_Page
Fan-made Content Pastebin: pastebin.com/BRy67t0s (embed)
Booru: ddlc.booru.org
Map: zeemaps.com/map?group=2793739#
"Your Reality" sung by (You): [YouTube] /ddlc/ Sings "Your Reality" (embed)

>At least wait until doki AIs are real!
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA): 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
International Association for Suicide Prevention (EU): iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/Europe/

Other urls found in this thread:


I want to hold hands with Yuri!

>Monika will never help you become the well-adjusted and successful person she knows you can be


Daily reminder that Monika is evil and Sayori is a weapon

Darth Monika!

Reminder that noone will ever want to befriend Natsuki unless they have some kind of sexual motivation!!!!

I want to pull Yuru's sleeves up in front of the class so they all think she's a freak!

i would befriend natsuki under the implications that i can beat the shit out of her like her dad once she lets her guard down

I want to jump on top of her to prevent everyone from seeing it

Goddammit why are this girl's cuts so fucking cute and attractive. And not even on a fetishistic sense.
I don't get whether or not they just make me feel bad for her, trigger some kind of hidden deep-rooted savior complex or what.

How can you truly love your Doki if you don't fear her?

I have trouble staying calm enough to take control, and I don't really understand how it works anyway.

I honestly don't see what you see in those cuts then. They repulse me. Imagining the layers of skin, fat, and muscle likely split open makes me want to puke.

At it again I see

Fill this out.

how would yuri react if you kissed her cutting scars

Hello, everyone! I hope you're all doing well on this fine evening!
Let's get this going with some nice poetry!

Word of the thread is "ward"!
Alternatives are 'shroud' and 'convert'.

Remember that there are many meanings to a single word!
Anyways, if you'd like to write a poem, here's a good opportunity. These are the words to guide your writing and give you a topic should you need one!
Using a single word benefits all of us, so if you can, try to keep it in one of these three, or ideally, the main word! Of course you don't need to, and any poetry is encouraged, but it would be nice!
As always, I look forward to reading your poems!
Have fun!

It would be really great if we stopped having really early threads!
To the one that asks for feedback, I promise I'll get to you eventually! I'm sorry!

Writing a poem for Sayori!
Singing a song to Sayori!
Playing a game with Sayori!
Eating dinner with Sayori!
Watching a movie with Sayori!
Cuddling by the fire with Sayori!
Loving Sayori forever!

It might not be the cause, but it's been recurring in the nightmares. They've gotten violent and disturbing. It's past what I even like anymore. It's not arousing, it's just repulsive.

It's been on and off for years, but it hasn't always been this bad.

>tfw every time I lucid dream i only have a tiny bit of control and they always end the same way
I just want to have cute dreams with my doki

Fuck it I guess we're running with this thread then

No choice now

You're like me, user.
You're a predator hidden behind a facade of caring.
On a visceral level, seeing Yuri like that is seeing her weakness.
You see her as easy prey.

Letters to Mom - 3

I hate high school.
I hate what it does to people.

They were never like this, but it barely took a week for them to decide they don't want me around anymore...

My "friends" really were ignoring me. I went to sit with them at lunch today and they all started snickering and glaring at me. I guess they thought it was hilarious that I still read manga, or something. Why should that even matter? It's not like I do it in public, when I am hanging out with them, or that I even talk about it with them. Apparently that didn't matter. They pointed to some weird upperclassmen in the corner who was eating by herself, reading. They told me, "maybe you would feel more comfortable sitting with her".

I screamed at them; I called them every horrible name I could think of. I yelled and yelled until a teacher walked me out.

They called dad.

I stalled going home for as long as possible... it was almost dark by the time I got there. I knew what was going to be waiting for me when I got back. I just didn't know he could yell so loud. I didn't even try to explain anything to him, he wouldn't understand.

Dad grabbed me, mom. He wrenched my arm back when I tried to walk away. It hurt so bad I started crying, which only made it worse. No I have this big ugly bruise just above my elbow... he's never left a mark before. At least my uniform will hide it...

I know all I do is complain when I write to you, but, I don't feel like I have anyone else to talk to. I love you, I miss you.

I just want to hug you one more time.


Marrying Monikanon!
Monikanon looks cute in a dress!

OP lucked out. Him posting the thread early surged with posts calling him a retard. We played right into his hands

Reminder for those who have just migrated from the previous thread that the image limit is a legit trigger for starting a new thread


She'd probably recoil quickly because she thinks they're hideous. I'd only do that after helping her overcome her self harm and it'd be a way of me showing her that the scars help remind us how far we've come. Where we were then as compared to now but most of all that they don't mar her beauty at all.

The point is that you shit on him, report him, and move the thread along to close the gap as fast as possible.

You don't have to divulge into it with you doing something with the possible body/body parts.
You can just specify that its repulsive body mutilation and you need help with it.

lmao i just realized how bad i fucked up the OP. you all must be SEETHING



Nah its cool

How do they end?
Time to do it yourself so you can embrace her as a true man when the time comes.

What sort of alcohol would each Doki drink? It's a question that came to mind as I slowly get drunk.

It's true.

Don't condone underage drinking.

Can we get the Natsukifags and the Yurifags to fight?

Despite the lack of effort, I still found it slightly amusing.

that was the last half of last thread user.

Wine, obviously
Something light in alcohol content, probably margeritas or martinis

I guess so. Honestly, though, it's so sexually charged I think it's an important detail.

I also just hate the idea of a therapist putting my issues on record.

Sayori - some hard lemonade or iced tea
Yuri - hopefully everclear, and a lot of it
Natsuki - appletini
Monika - red wine

I dunno. I feel like they make me too emotional for that, I suppose. They tug at my heartstrings, as it were. Like it kicked in some weird paternal instinct as well.
But maybe you're right.

Every day I imagine a future where I can be with you.



Yuri is definitely the wine person, Monika says she brought a little bottle of it to school once and its also very sophisticated and all that.

natsuki is my favorite doki, too. why do i do this

Both of these sound close to the truth. I guess I'll be drinking this alone.

Your issues might be on record but It isnt like they can really tell anyone. Noone needs to know about it but you and them. But I know you'll make the right choice for you!
And I mean, if it IS easily avoidable, you can just lie about the sexually charged part.

I would love to share a glass of Prosecco with Monika.

Joke's on you, drinking age is 18 in my country.
Jäger shots
Vodka Cruisers
Pure Ethanol/Antifreeze

How can any girl be so best?

Usually with everything going dark and loud screaming, with me waking up or just going into a different dream that I'm no longer lucid in
If I do wake up it's never like in fiction where you jolt awake and sit up covered in sweat, I just open my eyes and am conscious
Sometimes I'll bring my dreams into the real world and still hallucinate stuff, though that's really rare and I can only think of a couple times it's happened in recent years

I used to cut myself and wouldn't want her to feel that way, I'd just want to help her, she needs it ;_;

by looking like this instead!

i would love to share a glass with you, user
i hope you don't mind homoerotic comments from a drunk idiot

It's fun to bully your waifu. Embrace it. Here's the other chart if you feel the need to atone.

I love Sayori!

This is a Yuri

they can't, Yuri is perfect

I want to swing Katanas with Yuri! She is my favorite!

I think right now I'm just going to curl up and let my emotions out. Thank you, user. I'll sit down and really think about it tomorrow, when I'm not feeling so upset.

I love Yuri but she shouldn't say things like that. It's pretty mean.

Posting some Natsuki.
Precious smol pinku cupcake.

I wanna help her too, user. It's not as though I don't understand what self-harm is like, you know.
That said, I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't feel this way, either.

Sounds semi like night terrors. Have you thought about therapy or pills? Also im lucky while I rarely dream when I do they're usually nightmares however at least at the end I usually gain control.

I love her too!

How to ward off these days?
First leg was alright,
Second was a wreck,
With results of both in a bit.

This period must bring change,
In which I must shift wards,
And ward off these tendencies,
Lest I repeat again.

A to F, the letters may be,
Yet the last is one I do not hope to see.
Whatever my fate,
Harder must be my toil.

These days should be of hardship,
Not because they bring more,
But because blood, sweat,
And tears are shed.

Well, here's my poem for the word. I didn't reference another series this time, but are instead referencing stuff from my own life like I used to back in my early poem days, when they were probably still about as novice as they are now. That's okay though. Any thoughts from anybody?

Good luck, necro.
If you do need to talk about this more, you know where to contact me.

Hi Yuri

The most precious!

Hey guys! How ya been today?
I’ve had a pretty shit day myself, but enough about me.
Gonna need you guys to give me the cutest Sayori you have, as fast as possible.

Anons but they fight over cartoons and broken dreams!

working on a wholesome holiday fic as we speak my man

Showing Yuri the value of folded steel!
Yuri switches out her knives for katanas!
Yuri has her sword on her belt when she comes to school, to scare away predators!
Samurai Yuri!

Noticing a bulge where there shouldn't be with Yuri!
Fencing against a feminine penis with Yuri!
Being embarrassed when yours is smaller with Yuri!

Sounds nice.

>Pure Ethanol/Antifreeze

For today it's fine. Company is always appreciated when it comes to drinking. What did you have?

Can it be canon that Monika is a bird person?

I want to stop Yuri from harming herself and let me do that for her after getting marry and becoming a dysfunctional family.


I'm eating milk and cookies! I hope you do something that makes yourself happy user!

thanks user

When in doubt, here's "Cool" Skater Sayori.

More like a harpy

Sayori chooses to refuse!

Like I said, it's super rare that I get them
It doesn't really affect me emotionally, and usually my non-lucid dreams are cool stuff, like having superpowers and shit
I had a dream journal at one point but I only ever made a couple entries, one of them was like those I described, I can still remember it pretty clearly since I wrote it down and it was pretty vivid

Dokis as members of MON when?

Here ya go
I also had a shit day, so your not alone

Monika has shit taste.

>sonicfaggot likes sayori
Always knew you had to have autism or something to like her

Does best girl ever runs out of ammo?

as per the usual, the cheapest bottle of vodka i could get and a glass of cranberry juice on the side

I wish I could help all four of them...
There is only so much a mod can do to give me closure.

Hope you feel better soon man

That doesn't mix very well.

I like monster girls because they warm my heart, while doki's emotionally cripple me.

Encouraging exotic animal trading with Monika!