/fog/ - Fallout General

Serious Piper edition!

>Fallout 1 and 2
>General Information etc:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas
>General Information, Mod Recommendations & Run Ideas etc:
>Babbys first modding guide

>Fallout 4
>General Information, Mod Recommendations etc:

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository
>Steam Guide of good mods

>Rips (Primarily for NV):

>How to Convert Skyrim / Oblivion / NV / FO3 etc. Models to FO4 & Bodyslide Guide:

>OP Pasta:

/aco/ thread:
Pre-War thread:

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if you're not being a sarcastic jerk whenever possible then you're not playing fallout right

I want to pet__ Dogmeat!

Can you use different dogmeat pictures when you do this

>implying that's not a script running off some neckbeard's seedbox


Liz was the best Elizabeth.
All other Elizabeths are just pretenders.

>do it for your son
This is one of the worst justifications for joining the institute. I don't mind the morality debates since some people might just be at a place where they don't care about the surface or whatever but the idea that you have anything in common with him, or that he acts like a son to you at all, is crazy. He left you on ice, then just dumps you in the wasteland to die, then comments on how he expected you to die, and people still say "muh son" as if being blood relation means more than him being a psycho.

You lose your son twice in Fallout 4. You lose him as a baby when he gets kidnapped, then you lose him again when you meet him and think you've found him but he's really just some immoral old man who treats you like an experiment.

I want to toss dogmeat on a fire so his spirit will forever burn in the afterlife.

Also legion rocks


legion smells bad

He didn't know anything about you until he became director, why he released you into the wasteland? He didn't know what kind of man you were, would you destroy the last bastion of humanity? to even let you into the institute is a major liability.

NCR, yes "man" and house are silly.

Gonna start my NCR-supporting minute-man playthrough for >New Vegas, how's my SPECIAL selection?

>NCR supporter

I did the Courier roll thingy, and that's what I got. I cannot go against what the roll thingy says.
Also, it says I stay in Victor's Shack as my primary location, and ED-E is my main companion.

Honestly, I think he resented the Insitute deep down, and wanted you to come and destroy it.

He shut down the cybernetics program so no one else could be like Kellogg, refused to shut down the FEV program knowing that Virgil was the kind of man who would feel the need to do something so brash to get it shut down and that he was likely one who could get you in.

You avenged the spouses murderer, found virgil to get in, came and found him, met with the heads who were all so hateful of the surface world, the real world, bickering amongst themselves, never actually trying to further humanity as they could.

Made you the Director knowing it would piss them off, and try and drive a wedge so you could see their true colors.
The entire time, waiting with a child synth to give you, so you could have the child the insitute robbed you of, and robbed him of.

As Kellogg said, "all part of the old man's master plan"

Looks like it'll be fine, I've got another roll for you though

Too much PER
Too much AGI
Take 4 from PER, add to END
Take 4 from AGI, add to LUC
Take 1 from INT, add to STR

This will allow you to get all implants, and still get crit based perks. Service Rifle with hand load for the fucking win. Also no point in having those two in CHA. add to whatever

do .esls keep the same form IDs when you convert them?

That is assuming a whole lot, for all Shaun knows - you could have been completely inept in combat and was a desk jockey in the military. His whole grand idea of what Nate is, could've been ended in the Vault itself if Nate couldn't even get out of the Vault because he died to the first Radroach.

The story is trash, don't try to justify any part of it.

O-okay then D-Decanus, rolling.

I base my SPECIAL scores for characters around their personalities and what they as people are like, but how's this?

I dunno man, it's not like he was very fond of the surface either. I mean you have that big conversation with him all about it on the rooftop of CIT. I think more than anything he wanted reformation in the Institute and the current head of departments were too stuck in their ways for that to happen. So he pretty much gambles it on you since you're an outsider to everything.

As long as you are using a service rifle with appropriate perks. but that looks neat

When you look at it through the lense of self-sabotage, a lot of the "idiotic and counter productive" things the institute did under his control starts to make a lot more sense.

All I'm saying.

is realistic death animations worth it

Does anyone else feel like this game is extremely buggy? Yes, >haha lol oh user you card fo4 being buggy xdd, but I mean actually buggier than the previous FO games. For instance, playing in a completely vanilla game I had the quest where you have to track down Kellogg with dogmeat by yourside just stop working, because dogmeat just stopped moving. Like wtf

My New Vegas keeps on crashing after the recent Windows update :(

Maybe he resented some of the heads of departments but I don't think he'd hate the organization as whole, especially to the point of destroying it. After all he was practically raised as an infant and lived his whole life there so he probably made alot of trusted friends. But like the other guy said I guess it's just all assumptions in the end since we don't know all that much time of him being spent in the institute in the past. But who knows, maybe he really was suicidally insane or something. I guess I just prefer to view it through a more positive light. Like turning over a new leaf.

Yeah, I'm gonna main a .45 Pistol, Survivalist's Rifle, and Gobi Campaign Rifle.

i was fighting a deathclaw and he just started floating into the air.
i also had a Super Mutant teleport through a shack ceiling, with his torso clipping through the roof and it slowed my game down to 2 FPS until i killed him.

i honestly think my Fo3 playthrough was less buggy. Fo3 just crashed a lot, it didn't have these bullshit pranks.
that Kellog quest thing happened to me once too, one of the cigars became non-interactive, had to reload it.

You need 5 or 6 strength to handle good guns

And away we go.

Already changed it.


If Fallout 4 is the "Assassin's Creed 3" of the series, what with it's settlement building, minutemen and being set in Boston, does that mean the next Fallout will the "Black Flag" of the series?

>Fallout 5: Nuclear Tide, aka Pirates of the Radibbean .

>You play as a post-apocalyptic sea captain, sailing the Caribbean seas.
>Instead of settlements, you're given control of a 200 year old, atomic powered merchant ship.
>Update you ship with sails, crafting stations, radar dishes, cannons, ripper rams, tesla depth charges, harpoon guns, deployable ghoul sharks and Protechtron figure heads.
>Explore places such as the flooded ruins of Miami, a fortified Disneyworld, the Communist Cuba Junta, the pirate haven of Port Royal, a sea worthy Rivet City, an underwater vault and the mysterious Bermuda Triangle.
>Fight pirate raiders, Miami gangsters, Cuban communist robots, slavers of the East Wastelandic Company, Ghoul Whales and Brain Squids.
>Have a two headed rad parrot sit on your shoulder while the crew sings post-war sea shanties.

nothing at all

oh shit that means fallout 5 is going to be an amazing pirate game

God damn it.
You went from an insufferable BoS fag to one of the most enjoyable posteres with this prank stuff

sounds good to me

More like
>you're given an atomic powered upgradable car ala mad Max

nah fuck that i want a pirate ship

Can I roleplay as a ghoul exterminator in Fallout 4?

Do you mean a ghoul who kills bugs, or a man who kills ghouls


A man who kills ghouls doug. Ghouls aren't allowed to exist.

Is bot building worth the time and the perk/material investment?


The robots can be strongest companions in the game

You can massacre the slog and all the ferals you want. Brotherhood is the ghoul hating faction.

i feel bad for ingram
could probably get some nice comfy prosthetics but she has to wear a pa frame all the time

Can I destroy Goodneighbore?

you can try but you'll most likely get clown pounded

Decided to make a new character. Should I play with Energy Weapons? I've literally never done an energy weapons playthrough in any Fallout. Are they even any good in FO4?

That's a good looking girl. Preset?

I have been suspended from boarding the Prydwen for three days due to my escapades. Apparently the last one involving Maxson and the worst mess that the janitorial crew has had to clean up did not go well with him.

Fortunately, I can continue my escapades elsewhere.

Post em

Plasma automatic is really powerful

>"People never got Julienne and I. I loved the way she could take charge of a situation, helped me focus on my research"


Uhh, I'm just waiting for the right time t-thats all...

Whenever you use the do gooder lines in Far Harbor, the Soul Survivor sounds almost sarcastic. I headcanon this as they likely would be quit disillusioned.And shouldn't they be a bit disillusioned? After all their efforts resulted in them still having lost their family. The evolution to jaded raider king just makes sense come Nuka World.

>cliche die a hero etc.


Its a girl right? With a low breast body.

>Nuclear Option for the BoS
>Brandis shows up in an empty power armor suit except for the helmet

Has this happened to anyone else?

>well that seems like a dumb mod
>look it up on nexus
yeah why not

Is Sim Settlements a decent mod, or does it just induce headaches?

It's just cute, not really something I would recommend to someone looking for gameplay mods but I've enjoyed it as a little extra thing.

Same. All 0's until I meet Cait in game, which might be a while since I'm roleplaying someone who probably isn't going to go visit a raider den anytime soon.

There's not really anything to cause headaches, you just plant down your houses and farms and whatnot and assign settlers and watch the caps roll in.

can i do a full bot builder character and have the bots do all the combat for me?

Is the Gun Nut perk worth getting? I'm trying out a Clint Eastwood style character. Pistol only, no follower, frequent use of VATS, simple gear, etc. I feel like Gun Nut is a good perk to put points into, but a lot of builds I see don't use it.

Depends, do you just want to use whatever you find or do you want to add attachments, builds don't really matter without no level cap.

honestly there isn't a lot of energy weapon variety, just download shit like the break action laser and buffscale's caster and those are your best options for energy weapons that play differently

what mods do you use btw? that SS looks good

you might as well if you're not putting anything into rifleman or commando

Adding attachments sounds like fun. I'd hate to find a pistol I like (Kellog's Pistol) and never have it improve.

Sounds like a yes. I'll get it the next time I level up.

They most likely use unique guns/modded guns that are already fully upgraded upon finding them. If you want to get the most out of shit, like, upgrading legendaries that you find that are potentially better than the uniques? Then Gun Nut is almost a must.

Just these two.


Though I need to increase the width of his lips, his talking animation is hilariously awful. Especially with those upper left lip twitches and shit that the mocap actor tends to do way too often.

I just think the Institute is always the most reasonable option for Nora mainly because of Shaun and her pre-war history. It's literally all that remained from her family legacy, and the fact that Gen 3s carry her DNA as essentially her grandchildren I don't think Nora would ever turn her back on the Institute, plus all the technology and social structure inside the Institute, making them the only faction capable of leading humanity to a better path that isn't destruction (together with Mr. House, perhaps). So in that case I believe Nora would be quite disillusioned specifically with the surface, moreso after realizing even a fucking beaver is smarter than most people she ever talked to post-war. And she's a lawyer, so she has both the skills and the personality to ponder what would be the right thing to do.

Most people say Nate is a BOS type, but I also disagree with that, I think both Nate and Nora would inevitably align themselves with the Institute. Nate is a former soldier, and he's fully aware of what discipline without questioning the morality of your actions is capable of, it's all over the place all around him. That's the result of unchecked discipline, and Maxson giving him orders expecting him to never question would immediately turn the switch on his brain for an automatic no no fuck the BOS. Then it's the same as is with Nora, it's the legacy of his son, his grandchildren, the only place on Earth where people know to properly clean themselves and don't behave like animals worse than beavers, etc., etc.

So that being said it makes perfect sense for both Nate and Nora to be disillusioned with the surface as a whole and not really give a shit about it besides the usual "meh, whatever" attitude and just go with whatever benefits the Institute while still trying to squeeze some entertainment out of it.

>fallout 4
I hope you know that's considered impossible around these parts

Finding and buying all the right guns with the mods you want is a royal pain in the ass, it's not like you have anything else to spend you points on since everything is level gated any way.

I was going to follow this build youtu.be/JsICmq7RsmI
But instead of Bloody Mess I was going to do Gun Nut. Bloody Mess is nice and all, but it gets annoying trying to loot bodies when they're spewed around the room, and you keep finding chunks of meat from one dead raider you've already looted.

huh, well it doesn't even work

>paladin I want you to train our squires
>by taking them right into the field
>clear out this dungeon full of mutants and ghouls and whatnot that are very dangerous to you, let alone a fucking child

I think Kells is retarded

You gotta look at the holotape and stick one of the rings on your romance companion my guy

>there are been FIVE (5) main CANON Fallout games
>still no official Protectron companion

Explain this shit to me.

robots are faggots

yeah I did that and put another on myself for good measure
still won't work

On FO4 you can build any type of Protectron you can possibly imagine.

FO5 and/or FNV2 when? I can't stand it any longer

About 3-4 years after Skyrim 2 comes out.

that's why automatron exists, my guy

like some time during the 2020's, after Skyrim 2 and probably some sort of Fallout online type game

well according to the nexus page it's likely a mod conflict
fuck that I'm not uninstalling gameplay mods for this

well the aftershave works, but choosing the "hug" option then produced the most disturbing noise I have ever heard in this game, and I had my headphones on full blast when that deathclaw was stomping around in the witchcraft museum

>worse than beavers

hi "muh raider is the director of the institute" person

go to bed grassfag


Hi "muh can't provide any reasonable counterargument besides spamming green text with generic replies" person.

Are you saying you don't enjoy Fallout 4 anymore?
It provides literally unlimited quests and gameplay.

Grassfag, Caitfag, and 'tutefag

Marry, Fuck, Kill

You mean aside from the very point that your entire misunderstanding of Raider culture and the Fallout universe at large is precisely what's keeping you so dense that you can't accept any counter-argument that actually makes sense, as it breaks your entire character that you're so very proud of?

>raider culture

dump a barrel of grass on his bed
set cait to non-essential
trumpet in pooper

Shut down your computer and proceed to your bedroom posthaste to sleep, perchance to dream, grass autist.

>grass autist.

I don't even know what that means, but good to know that you got nothing to actually respond with.