League of legends general - /lolg/

visually updating lulu edition


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xth for breast metal waifu



Xth for Waifufags bloating the image limit

Underrated waifu

Post waifus and bloat the image limit? okay

Give me 1(one) reason why Katarina is still in the game.

Vlad's strength comes from his sustain. any damage he takes, he can heal with his Q. when his Q is empowered, he can actually do a ton of damage. E as well can do decent damage

typically you want at least two AP items (Liandrys, Protobelt, and/or Zhonyas), and then you can go Spirit Visage

you don't necessarily need to have a ton of dmg to be strong, but an empowered Q with decent AP can half health a lot of champs, add in an E and ult, he can definitely get kills. if I had to guess, I'd say you're either missing your Qs, or you're not building enough AP

reminder that quinn fucks birbs
human males stand no chance unless they are bbc

Post cute couple.

she's cute

>Bruisers in 2k17 lul
Best noxian girl. Idk why but i've always enjoyed playing with her. My favourite assassin

>last mission requires a win with poppy, bard, or braum on either team
>when i don't play them no one picks any of those champs
>when i pick them whole team feeds and i dont know them enough to carry
I'm never gonna get this fucking mission done am i


xth for shit balance

>best noxian girl
you mean second best

More like lulu the BAE sorceress

why is vi raping leona?

>I should play Evelynn because I played Yorick and Jhin
Riot? Hello? Jungle is by far my least played role, and assassin is by far my least played class. What do these three champions even have anything to do with each other?

That would be Vi making sweet, albeit rough, consensual love to her superior, Caitlyn. Leona is only for Diana.

Kat is more hot than cute

>What is bots?

>"i don't want to play with bots because is boring"
That's what a lot of people think

How come Sion is just a Soul Calibur character?

Why is top lane occasionally just a match of Soul Calibur?

Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.


>getting caught by Bristle in the first place
>Hurricane Pike
>Shadow Blade
>not just melting him down because he doesn't stop you from attacking or slow down your attacking, doesn't burst you without turning away from you, no gap closer when they Pike you, ranged carries can actually manfight if they're not behind unless it's shit like PA or Troll Warlord

Not an argument. Not a Marksman. Is just really annoying in lane and mostly played for melee form's 3 forms of CC in one kit. 2 of which are hard stuns.
>ADC in every game
It's a matter of people following what Riot says lanes should be rather than defining the game themselves like Dota does. Icefrog/Valve doesn't closely regulate what can be a thing or not unless it's just blatantly overpowered rather than just not what they wanted. Like when tank Ekko was a thing or people started taking mages as carries bot lane. They strangled that shit out right quick among other things of the sort.
>Hardly any ranged carries in TI
Because in Pro Dota, people actually do stuff user. They aren't snorefests where no one does anything. They're actually interactive examples of gameplay. There are more dynamics in Dota for pros to take to pick off/engage on a ranged carry than in League. So of course ranged carries are rare there. But in pubs they are amazingly strong with said hand holding safety items and lack of coordination.

The both of you need to stop.

Is playing only J4/Rek'sai viable?

Eve is garbage but I love her, just not enough to tank my MMR playing her in ranked.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Soul Calibur is more like doa though, dead on arrival

>Got a honor casule
>"cool maybe i'll get something good"
>forgot my last champ shard was a 6300 champ
>get a ryze and garen shard + 2 key shards
>open chest
>djin malz
this isnt bad luck prevention, its fucking bad luck guarantee
why is no one yelling at riot for the clear gutting of shard values, droprate and the fact the lootpool is now littered with emotes.

>Leona is only for Diana

>Eve is garbage

>It's another "top laner is a retard who only knows how to tp back to lane and run in 1v5 with sunfire cape" episode

He used to be a pretty endearing Schwarzenegger parody, I like his new kit but everything else about new Sion is too edgy, and not even to the point of being funny.

Cause of hugbox "Rito can do no wrong leddit mentality." within the community

she is not for sexual
and please, please dont turn this into a threadly post

I wanna cuddle Jinx and spoil her with more love

>tfw no qt petite gf

Still waiting on decent elf Jinx lewds

Today you will swim in Tristana.

>It's a matter of people following what Riot says lanes should be
no, at high level gameplay an ADC bot lane is objectively the better choice.
>Ranged characters have it easier in DotA except in competitive play where the game is closest to being play at its max skill level
do you have even the slightest idea how retarded that sounds?

Is Kat gay? Who's the lucky girl?

God fucking bless you, user, I've been looking for the full version of that picture for ages.

too fking lewd

>wanting the censored version


What if she doesn't want to?

I hope for your dick's sake you found the full lewd version without my shitty censorship

Okay but who cares about pro/high level League play? Pro play in itself is a joke with how literally no one does ANYTHING.

>Ranged DPS sucking in pro play sounds dumb
Okay, but that's like your opinion man because nothing you or I say about it will change that it is the case.

well, if you assume that much, i cant tell you that with either Pike or SB, Bristle can still catch and kill you
>melting down a Bristle on your own
you don't know what you are talking about

There's no such thing as too lewd, and it's a crime to not show off those amazing toned and tight bodies

I can, and did, find my own sauce, but thank you. You how no idea how many crops I've reverse searched since frequenting these threads

I want to MARRY Evelynn and impregnate her on our WEDDING NIGHT!

>Bristle can catch you through a Pike and SB
Do you even play Dota?

>can't fight Bristleback
Except you're wrong, especially since most ranged carries have disengage items, fuck huge long range and/or Orchid/Bloodthorn. Either that or they can cripple you outright with shit like Viper or Drow with her gust and Frost Arrows with Pike. Bristle gets the dick on a regular basis.

I know what you mean. I happen to really like making crops of well drawn midriffs

you're gonna died

She craves the big Demacian cock for sure.


xth for my wife Syndra


>open level 50 capsule and get Azir shard
>disenchanted another one I got before semi-recently because I still have some lingering hatred from the days of old Azir but decide to use it anyway because why not
>mfw hitting that perfect shuffle for the first time

Holy shit, this is fun.

Only if I fail to satisfy her. Death is a fitting punishment for such a crime.

That's the image i posted a couple days ago. You are making a good use of it user

>what is dust
>what is superior MS
>what is lotus (Bristlecore)
>what is BKB
>Drow 1v1 Bristle, Drow wins because she has a silence, slows, damage, Pike/SB, higher levels and Bristle is 2k mmr below her OwO no shit
simply put, you assume too much

ahri a nice, don't trust those who say you would die, i swear you wouldn't!

stop arguing with the guy, he literally said "melee carries are more used in ranged carries at pro dota level but ranged carries still have it easier in dota than they do in league"
he's retarded

a cute death

post more of these cute ahris


really, i wouldn't? will she treat me nice? she's looks like a nice, cute girl i want to go on a date with

I really wish I had a /lolg/ gf (male)

So, /lolg/, how's life treating you this holiday season?

Can girls love girls?

Frost Arrows, Viper poison, Skadi, Nullifier, Sniper headshots, other forms of slows a lot of ranged DPS have
>Lotus or BKB
>thinking it takes being lower MMR/several levels ahead for Drow to just forcibly remove Bristle from her ass.
No, literally all it takes is Gust and Pike with her Frost Arrows. She can even pop Nullifier on him and he can't even BKB it. There's TONS of carry enabling/diver killers in the items in Dota.

There's a reason why Bristle literally only works in shitter MMRs.in 4-5k he only has barely 50% and in 5k+ he goes all the way down to 36%. He is literally shit in any game where people have brains. He gets disengaged really easily and then kited forever with all the slows and escape items carries, including ranged ones, get in Dota. Just stop.

I warned you it didnt work

Got accepted into a college after paying off student debt from a past one

he's trying to trick you
If you want a girl to treat you nice, go for Irelia, Lux, Janna, Soraka, or Leona

every ahri is a cute ahri

>fid main in 2017

Of course they can.

here you are :3

the truest truth!

I fixed up my life this year and got a job and went christmas shopping for the first time ever to buy stuff for my freinds and family that i love

Unlikely to happen, Trist isnt very picky about who she lets inside Ive been told

pretty sick juke at the end my dude


but ahri is really convincing and is a lot cuter than those girls
her tails looks really inviting

thats a platonic relationship
at most vi wants caits pantsu butcait is 110% straight ok

Highest 15 win % at 5k+ MMR according to Dotabuff (in descending order)
>Elder Titan (melee)
>Spectre (melee carry)
>Omniknight (melee)
>Shadow Shaman
>Huskar (melee carry)
>Brewmaster (melee carry)
>Vengeful Spirit
>Terrorblade (melee carry)
>Bounty Hunter (melee carry sort of)
>Drow Ranger (ranged carry)
>Luna (ranged carry)
>Shadow Demon
>Crystal Maiden
>Enchantress (ranged carry)
you're actually so full of shit its retarded. Just because you're too shit to deal with range in DotA doesn't mean its babied or has an easy time at all

would anyone be interested in an Eve OTP stream.

Im finally not sick anymore (haha food poisoning) and I want to play on my smurf to see if I can help anyone out to see how to win in the lower (gold) elo up to dia.

I made a shitty overlay for a my stream the other day, spent 6 hours on it cause im autistic and bored.

if you want to see the last one, where I was playing on a low level account trying to get it to 30, just to check out the overlay and shit and make fun of me.

Even if you aren't interested, can anyone give me ideas on how to be "successful" by at least amassing 5 viewers or so. I plan on just going through my thought process and listening to good music and being a general autistic OTP ala ICU or Annie Bot.



Plot Twist user. I play basically nothing but ranged carries in Dota. And they are babied as fuck. The amount of range and self disengage we have is actually fucking disgusting.


xth for my wife who doesnt give a fuck about redditors complaining about image limits

Spectre shits all over your arguments

You have to take some fucking responsibility for this, tristanaposter.

You have to take responsibility for my urgent need to blast semen into something.

>most common items are Manta, Skadi, Dragon Lance, and BKB
>not a carry
If you wanted to sound smart you could at least have mentioned that his ult basically makes him ranged for teamfights

what's ur fave raka picture

Thats why those ranged carries are dominating 5k+ MMR so hard because they have all that disengage and are untouchable oh wait

t. Jayce
Admit you got cucked by a criminal butchdyke, pretty boy.