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First for no bully thread


Rainbow 6 / Life is Strange crossover when
you know it could happen

>Tom Clancy's Anecdotes and Confirmation Bias Siege

Nah we gonna keep squabbling

>there will be no New Year event

>taken my brand
>taken my name (my brand)
>taken my life's work
>taken my books (my life's work)
>taken my work (my books my life's work)

Dead people have a hard time with lyrics sorry


How every other multiplayer game company balances games
>Oh hey this character is overpowered
>Why don't we try tweaking some of these variables by 5, 10 or 20% over the course of 1-2 patches to see if this helps us
>If it doesn't work I guess we need to overhaul a part of this character

How Ubisoft balances the games
>Blackbeard game breakingly overpowered for 5 months
>Hibana still 100% pick rate for over a year
>Ela is over powered and annoying because she has a 0 recoil high capacity high ROF SMG, and gadget is virtually invisible with no effective or fun counter play - and then they buffed her to make her gadget even more effective

I can't decide between spending on Hibana (on of my last ops...I know) or just saving a bit more and getting the north pol skin. Does it look nice on various guns?

Other games don't want to sell season passes and currency packs

Really niggah? Skins over Hibana? the best Attacker?

>getting the north pol skin
But it's ugly
Not as ugly as Hibana but still

>spending ANY amound of real life/in game currency on cosmetics
>not running default skin on every gun/operator
Shitter. Go play overmeme

Other games actually make more money than Siege does.

>hibana is his last op
Fucking why? Didn't you ever wish to win every attack round?

I liked blitz a lot better and then finally got buck and liked him even more. If we ever need a hard breach I always went thermite.

Fuck Hibana

>not picking the operator who makes Mira scared like a bitch
>Picking the Operator who 360 walks out of the room whenever he sees a black mirror

>operator who makes Mira scared like a bitch
nigga just shoot her
Twitch is the real Mira counter

I don't consider myself a good player or anything but I never encountered a scenario as blitz where i felt like I genuinely couldn't handle it.

>not just exploding the fuck out of Mira's class like the Chad you are instead of sneaking your tiny robot drone in hoping it doesn't get shot

>exploding the fuck out of Mira's class like the Chad you are
*notices u in mirror*
*shoots ur face*
heh... nothing personnel, c*cksucker...

vigil already has my highest k/d. i dont think i'm playing another defensive operator ever again.

>shit Hibana who can't identify mirror, 360 noscope it, and run back into cover before the time Mira pops it
>Mira has to pop the window the second the Kairos charges are on it

Sounds like Hibana still wins?

>pop the window
oh no, not again

I think Gib ac0G is funniest /r6g/ meme ever

i want to suck on IQ's sweaty toes!

So i have standard edition right now. If i buy year 2 gold edition will it upgrade my standard edition with year 2 operatives and other stuff, or am i just buying another copy for the same account?

Just buy

>Season 1 Operator Bundle
>Season 2 Operator Bundle
>Year 3 Season Pass

If you want. Price those out, and see what package is right for you. The operator bundles are available in the in game store.

You could also choose to buy credits to buy 2-3 of the good Y2 operators, and then grind for the rest.

Use your head, make choices.

Pole skin is the ugly sweater of 25k skins. Even the basic colors look better.

Gold edition is a new account. The year 1 and 2 op bundles are what you're looking for and are in the in-game store.

Thanks for the answers, anons

>[muffled autistic screeching in the distance]
Oh hey didn't see ya there, just farming from easy elo on these incels.

>waifufag reporting

No problem. If you play Siege alot, you won't pull your hair out not having half a years operators. You could also get the Y3 Season pass, and use the renown boost and store discount while grinding for the next season.

You pretty much NEED to get

And highly recommend

If you need Year 1

Are all also mandatory.

Anyone else you can wait a few weeks as you play the game for 6 hours a day and unlock new operators twice a week

>must have

From that list only hibana, ela, mira and valk are actual priorities.


>second best attacker after hibana, can do everything that other attackers do and more, no downsides except not a 3speed crutch


That really says a lot about the quality of memes in this shit general.

lesion buff idea:now his traps are able to destroy drones

Are you high?

do you guys get angry when you lose?

That's a nerf.

Sorry, I would concede that Buck isn't a priority since Sledge does exist and, you know, he's close enough where Buck isn't a must have

But, let's be real, Buck is fun as shit, and having both Sledge and Buck = fuck ton of frag grenades and the entire map being ripped apart like a wet paper bag

how many of you have platinum this game?
was it fun?

no. I only get angry whenever some guy is like "GG shit team!" on the mic right at the end when he coulda used it to fucking communicate. the entire time, but noooooo.

not really, just get disappointed.
i only get mad if i get turks/french on my team that wont shut the fuck up, brits also do this but atleast i can understand them.

Yeah, buck is my most played atk, but I wouldn't recommend a newfriend to invest in him over the other 4 I listed.


>"Report Jager, fucker didn't even help when Caveira came to interrogate me"

No, If I see the game is not winnable because I can't carry my retards enough I just quit, It's not worth my time when I have a 3 recruits that don't even reinforce.
And if my team is competent enough and I stay and we still lose, I blame it on me, I was probably playing subpar and it was my fault that I got peek'd and left my team 4v5 and that hinder them. Like , not mad, disappointed maybe

I feel like I only get rus scum doing this, triggers my doto ptsd.

Just a friendly reminder that zombie mod is all but officially confirmed, and it will be THunt but with new skins and suicide bomber's AI for all enemies.

Leak suggested there will be a lot of types of zombies.

from my experience its those with the heavy slav accent that are the most ok and only talk to give callouts.
french/brits wont shut the fuck up and constantly spew reddit memes.

Really? When i hear english it's almost exclusively callouts, but then again it's mostly non-brits.

*hacks ur dick*

>ranked at 4am
>get nothing but 150 ping french faggots

nice game

Guys, guys
Is he mute or is he def?

i cant say for sure they we're russians but they had a slav accent, could be eastern euros, from my experience so far they only give callouts and say good job if you clutch.
maybe because they arent comfortable speaking english.
but holy fuck i hate brits and french with a passion, especially the fucking french, they never shut the fuck up.

i think its the fact that french is a gay language and the french-english accent is atrocious that makes me hate them the most, though Germans come close second

woops too tiny

Mute seems like a generally strong, all around good operator, except he's like my worst performing operator by far.
I don't really understand what's wrong.

how about you play at normal hours instead you NEET fuck?

looks awful

im in education thank you very much

>our team Ela is anchoring

It's pretty hard to constantly keep talking sensible things in english when english is not your native language. Writing is easy but when I try to speak more than five words at once I stutter and mumble like a retard. I wrote this post in less than a minute but it would took me an entire round to come up with this and speak it in real time. I guess that's why you have to mute brits in your team as they will never shut up no matter what

>still no mateba
>still no mullet operator

>pick Ela
>teammates Pulse, Caveira, Jager and Rook
>only Rook stays to anchor 2 objectives
>help Rook anchor
See by adding some information to your story i made it a valid play, you need to put the necessary info into your bickering so we can see if your bickering was warranted or not

He's basically bandit except 2 speed and with a worse gun. He can't properly bandit-trick and his gadget is only better at covering a wider area.
He's not useless, just really mediocre.

>did like 5 headshots in a match
>forgot to activate the xmas challenge
guess i'll die

That's what she said.

Just play another match. Getting non-headshot kills would be a real challenge in this game

>sledge ornament
They already made a charm out of the hammer, what is it this time?

Mute has far more applications than Bandit.

>its a shitter theorycrafting episode on repeat

He can jam windows/castles as well as drones from behind a wall, but so what? If you're near a window you can hear fuze anyway, castles are still easily destroyed and jamming drones more easily doesn't make up for his other shortcomings.

Last season I was silver. Now I'm plat. Not even I can explain it. I have a kdr of 0.8...

the KD is a good sing of being boosted

He was talking about "Platiniuming" the game, the act in which PlayStation players complete their journey in a videogame when they 100% complete it, which doesn't make sense in Siege

oregon is an awful map
remove this garbage

bad case of a shittaste

theme park is worse

I just end up getting carried EVERY game. Only lost 2 ranked games out of maybe 20. No hate pls

>fps on consoles


i see that happen on pc

>Twitch jerks off about her drone for like 10 minutes in her video
>it's slow and can't jump
>but she glued a tazer to it

So this is the power of female mechanics... Wow...

I only three a single tier list together cause it sounded like he was more focused on year two. If I had to make a 3 Tier Year 1 list it would be

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3
>Echo, honorable tier 2 mention but requires high skill and being shit means your Yokai gets cucked, also only top tier crucial in bomb

And Year 2 would be

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3
>Ying, another honorable Tier 2 that requires high levels of skill and teamwork to be good

there are many people in silver and below on PC that play with a controller, its not a rare sight.
heres a gold consolebro in action.

the only thing that sucks about oregon is tower bomb defense. to a lesser extent, basement defense is pretty much the same every time with mira window in closet, smoke gassing stairs for the plant etc etc but otherwise it's a great map.

I want to lick the Space Elevator's soft Cable!

You only see people miss that many shots if they're on the other side of the room and even then I never see anyone missing by friggin meters like on console.

>buck tier 2
>vigil tier 3
im getting real tired of the shitters in this general

but vigil is good

>holiday challenge
>30 headshots
>only 7 days left
fuck you