Is it rational to dislike white people?
Is it rational to dislike white people?
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Yes, it's their fault Trump was elected.
fuck drumpf
fuck white people
fuck men
fuck patriarchy
fuck christians
fuck the church
fuck heterosexuals
fuck cis scum
fuck hate
fuck haters
fuck hate speech
fuck "free speech"
fuck bigotry
fuck racism
fuck sexism
fuck colonialism
fuck harassment
fuck cyberbullying
fuck discrimination
fuck employment discrimination
fuck housing discrimination
fuck white neighborhoods
fuck privilege
fuck the 1%
fuck pence
fuck priebus
fuck republicans
fuck conservatives
fuck corporations
fuck big pharma
fuck big oil
fuck monsato
fuck haliburton
fuck profit
fuck capitalism
fuck the bourgeoisie
fuck exploitation
fuck slavery
fuck police shootings
fuck school shootings
fuck assault weapons
fuck guns
fuck hunting
fuck meat eaters
fuck destruction of natural resources
fuck global warming
fuck voter id
fuck walls
fuck fences
fuck borders
fuck ice
fuck nationalism
fuck america
It could be depending on what they've done to you, or what you fear they will do to you
What did ice do wrong?
Turned people white
Kicks Illegals out
Funny enough they don't do much to the business they busted, just the workers
No hating any group of people that broad is stupid
t. Black socialist
Anyone who does is usually insane and a complete failure in life.
t. Mexican American Intellectual
No, you would need to be a genuine retard to blame and hate a race/ethnicity/religion or anyone for things that happened 100s of years ago or for things they had literally nothing to do with. Oh wait! I am on Veeky Forums...
Pretty much. But hating Western Imperialism is different.
t. Spanish/Chinese/SE Asian who apparently looks Mediterranean
t. white european
it's rational to dislike their hypocrisy
if they stopped being butthurt about other cultures genocide, slaughter, slavery, oppression other people wouldn't be bitching about the genocide, slaughter, slavery, and oppression they do
or they can just not do it, that works too
Whites loathe their own but it is a logic bomb to decide how sane that is.
not really
I'm black and I loathe my own
>tfw no history
and self-depicting jews was so common it became a jewish stereotype
There are rather firm merits to those prejudices. Even black cabbies avoid the hood
Yes, it is potentially rational to dislike "white" people as individuals.
It's only ok to hate a group of people as a lump if they have a choice in being in that group.
>it's not ok to hate white people, you're white from day one and it says little about your choices
>it's ok to hate, I dunno, Gaia Online faggots because they made the choice to go there, and they are free to leave whenever, but they're still there holy shit
I feel uncomfortable around most stereotypical suburban "white" people and they often seem to be shitty all around
t. Working class white male
It is not but it is normal not to be rational as your ingroup bias are a healthy instinct.
Nah. Whites dindu nuffin and are infact huge victims of the cultural marxist cuckspiracy.
Most Americans are white so yeah?