/bbg/ - Bloodborne General

Fell for the 40 END meme: >New players read this finish the story mode offline:

>/bbg/ Resource, Builds & Mechanics Guide:

>DLC access:

>Build planner:

>AR calculations and gem setups:

-Guide to unlock FRC chalices for spelunks & fight clubs: i.imgur.com/KgVUkyd.jpg
-Gem farming spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q9enxffA3dyKGu6IVg-P4IVgmKSUYSP9UOOiThHmPIU
-Lost/uncanny weapons, runes, and gem spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1syKnSKflHbFiGY4pXkfIeXoMa2Lp9X1aXyme2qaTen4
-How to summon/invade in a chalice: pastebin.com/mjRU01XK
-SFRCs & FDs: i.imgur.com/yRxbVsN.png (if you want early T3 runes, wheel, chikage, or burial blade)

>PVE - Spelunk club (Every Friday 6pmET/11pmUTC plus impromptus whenever)
-Spelunks happen, join em
-Leave bell-ringing women alone for invaders
-Make sure you have all the chalices just in case an uncommon one is used (hintertomb, sinister)

>PVP - Fight club (Every Saturday 6pmET/11pmUTC plus impromptus whenever):
-Rules: i.imgur.com/WJXCN0Y.png
-Pthumeru: n6rc9jh8
-Loran: jjpkdcgd
-Isz: 9v8qndas
-2v2 arena: i.imgur.com/71WOC0I.png

First for Alfred.

Crush vermin


>bbg gets removed

So what exactly made the people in Yarharhar melt into walls and shit?

Fine by me

Which boss has decent summoning activity for vermin farming?


If you're BL98: Ludwig, Orphan and The One Reborn.

I get a lot of people for chalice Rom

Okay but what weenis penis bo renus splenus?

Body fluids rapidly and forcefully extracted out of their bodies, as they desperately tried to escape the ritual to create The One('s) Reborn. Leaving their dry, still clothed corpses petrified, frozen in the last position they were in, making them look like some really fucked up, pieces of artwork?

>Body fluids rapidly and forcefully extracted out of their bodies


im going to do my first experience with PvP, should i try bowblade? or stick with my cleaver?

go bowblade
cleaver is better

Name one boss you would fuck and it can't be Lady Maria

Queen Yharnam and we'll have beautiful pthumerian children.

Micolash, hands down




Isz Ebrietas is being a real bitch, anyone want to join? Layer 3 of Isz, pass is bbg

I'll try to srrc in, just let me boot up first.

That slimy whore is finally under, thank you much Jordan.


Oh. Sorry.

Ringing at warp room 2 boss pad for NG++ Dingodile, pass is wumpa.



>ywn ram egg's mouth after a long session of spelunking

ding ding

Why did this retarded post make me laugh so fucking hard? Jesus Christ.


Blame hiro

Best build for reiterpallasch?
40 skl/40 blt?

Yes. Alternatively just go for 50 skl and possibly 15 arc to buff it with eps, since buff dmg also applies to bullets.



Our women are pretty shitty as far as I'm concerned. What are your doing, hiro?

Southern Slavs can be qts though
Especially Slovenes

Yeah, I agree, but russian women have a reputation of being easy as hell, which is probably partially justified since many wanna just leave this mud-smeared shithole and the easiest way of doing so is through dicc.
Southern slavs? You mean cawcuz mountain monkeys? Because thats what you gonna get.

black women can be cute too, what's your point?


>he saved my screencap

>"it always comes down to the hunters helper to clean up after these sort of messes!"
Holy shit Gehrman was right. Deepest lore swirls and churns unending.

This can't be real.

Layer 1
>it was as short and fast to finish as my dick
>pits that had no stairs
>two witch rooms
>treasure area chest had ritual blood
>got raped hard by brainfucker boss

This man forgot to bring his good textures from home.

Looks like an alpha build of those bridge ogres with bricks.

Maybe he fell from a manhole and has been living there ever since

Did you ask him about the icons, zullie?

I- is there still a spot open?

Did anyone else slowly start to realize you enjoy farming gems more than anything else in the game?

Yeah. The guy that is unpacking the files has a tool for unswizzling them, but the guy who made the tool doesn't want to make it public, and there are like 980 textures to unswizzle so the unpacking guy isn't keen on doing them all for us. As of now, he's only done the cut content ones, because it was a much smaller ask.

No, you're saying this just to defend the shittiest part of the game.

Life sucks man

>farming gems
>better than any part of the game

Kill yourself.


Show off your cool sliders.
Where can i find more chara sliders ?

I enjoy having my skill tested by the more insanely difficult chalices, but the farming sucks.

In fact, I don't farm, because there's no reason to outside of PvP.


Nice! Truely a Great One reborn.

Layer 2
>got raped again, one more and I'll have the ahegao gesture
>big garden room with dead end corridor and red spiders raining from the balcony
>DUDE high on arcane
>killed by mad one because I tried to parry with a rosmarinus
>abyss creature cucked by seaman
>three stooges boss

Grinding separates the weak from the strong. Now, I know what you are thinking: how is that possible if its all chance based and there is no skill involved. Well, I am talking about a different kind of strength, strength of will, spiritual strength. Because grinding is a religion. You put your avarice and lust for power on a pedestal and and devote yourself whole to the will of chaos, put blind faith in it because you know and believe into the Second Coming of that perfect gem, you just dont know when will it occur, so you have to endure seemingly endless hardships of being in the ATK DOWN Limbo before ascending to Heaven.
This is why Pthutato exists.

Eggnog has the greatest sliders of all time. Too bad he will never share them haha.

I forgot
>tall pthu came down the stairs running on top of fireball

I bought the save editor and can turn every gem I have into perfect ones.

Checkmate, pthufags.

>changed katkas sliders a bit
>best sliders of all time
Dude, off yourself lmao

A-alright anons...I guess it's just me then.

Don't be so jealous, gnat.


Ok? Dumb nigger

Do you want to be Impostor Impostor Iosefka?

Only those with faith shall be spared.

If I would host ske4, would someone join me?

Ok let me put it in a way that your reptilian brain can understand. Imagine that Katka's sliders are like the Justice League directed by Zack Snyder. Sure, it's pretty good, but can be improved upon. Now, here comes the new director, Josh Whedon, who modifies it into a masterpiece: Eggnog/improved Justice League.

>le justice league is good meme
go back to /tv/ and stay there

Stopped reading.

Embrace the beast, /bbg/. Obnoxious zealots and impotent nobles have had their time. Now, it's time for transformation.

Dumb nigger

Tell this to the save editor, cuck.

>/bbg/ has turned into /dsg/ tier shit

Stop fighting and post your sliders, i need to make my character.

>people here ACTUALLY save edit their gems

Idk how or why but after the last FC the discord fags just kept coming back here.

Male or female?

Eggnog's sliders are the Dark Knight Rises of sliders

Wow I'm really depressed. I can't even enjoy Bloodborne anymore. I hope I don't kill myself. Or worse yet, I hope I don't spend the next few months doing nothing other than going to work, eating and sleeping, which is probably what will happen.

Now this guy gets it

Make your own cool sliders and post them, that's much more interesting!

Male but i'll save any sliders i like.

>pays money because he has no patience to play the game properly
>call someone "cuck"
Lmao, bet you used it to get blt offshapes for your cuckage, since all other gems are easy to come by.

>it's pretty good

>people replying seriously to that

>abyss creature cucked by seaman

No. It looks like shit. The beast face does not scale with your normal one and there is an ugly seam around your neck. Obnoxious zealots on the other hand got a cool wobbly traffic cone.

Man, that series dropped the ball closer to the end, never seen something go from great to shit in such a short amount of time.

Layer 3
>corridor after the elevator is long
>surrounded by three mad ones with no witch in sight
>got back my echoes and found the witch inside a wall
>treasure chest had mold
>Ebby killed me but the coopers killed her in time
>ringing at layer 4