How true is this?
How true is this?
communism is satanic
About this much.
>Huge welfare system
>"Free Market" rarely exists except for very select commodities.
Seems legit
my real issue with socialists is their attitude towards small business owners. like, I work my ass off for ten hours a day, am subsequently rewarded, create jobs and pay people living wages, and I'm somehow a 'petite-bourgeois' and oppressing the masses? fuck outta here
"seize the means of production" is just a meme at this point. it'll never happen. we'll always have private property, inheritance and the need for resources from other places. it's an egalitarian fantasy, nothing more
/leftypol/ when you make your threads proselytizing about communism be sure to change the 8gag file name structure it gives you away
a counterpoint (I hate socialism even):
-your dad gives you money, letting you slip by with B+s
-you're struggling to maintain your C average when your mom gets sick and you need a month off to take care of her, dropping your GPA down to an F
there is literally nothing wrong with welfare
I havent met any socialists that are out for small business. Socialists keep trying to pass legislation on big business and corporations who then redirect and yell "THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL SMALL BUSINESS WITH TAXES" when the laws dont even apply to businesses employing under 50 people or some shit.
Small business owners constantly feel under attack but thats because its incredibly risky to start a business and people forget that. They want all reward with no risk, but thats not the capitalism you love so much. Small businesses pop up become successful then usually get bought out by a larger corporation, so there is no major long term success in it either. Socialists dont shit on small business, they realize its what brings innovation. They shit on big business cuz they abuse their workers and dont carry their weight when they can afford to do it. The only shit you might get is if you are a small business owner who abuses his workers, just be decent and dont treat them like wage slaves.
The problem is that while the laws often exempt small businesses, big businesses can influence the laws and buy their way out.
So there are big business, and there are small businesses, but if you want to grow your small business you hit a wall.
Yeah, nowadays in the twilight age of America.
How does that indicate that's a /leftypol/ image?
Bullfuckingshit, here they want to overtax (as in punitively high) anyone with a networth over 300K, which would kill all small business owners.
Leftists my fucking arse.
Full~chan images have a retardedly long combination of numbers and letters like OP's pic, making it clear he got the image from a full~chan board that also frequents this site, likely /leftypol/ because they feel the need to evangelize to us half~chan plebs the wonders of Marxism.
And in case it wasn't clear: rich fags would evade while small business fags would be stuck here, where they'd easily go bankrupt and turn back to middle class.
>This is their solution to solving public debt
wtf is leftypol
8 chan
yeah this is major league bullshit.
>the capitalism you love so much
who said I love capitalism? this is essentially my only issue with socialism, but it's critical because small businesses are more innovative and move society forward. it's why America and China are innovation leaders.
>Socialists don't shit on small business
that contradicts the socialists I've spoken to and read. they want every single business to essentially be a co-op right? that idea wouldn't work for a ton of business models.. to be an effective CEO, especially in the 0-1 phase and even more so in the 1-10 phase, you need a lot of control to see your company become competitive. sorry that I don't want everything to be handled by one super government organization.
can you read bro? he's talking about punitive taxation. you can have an effective socialistic government that wastes no money. yes, rich people evade taxes. but those two groups have a lot in common
I don't believe that America in its current state is capitalism. Pre-depression America was tho imo.
>not real capitalism
and venezuela wasn't real socialism