/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones

>Returning Master Login Bonus!
If you’re a terrible person and haven't been on in 3 months, you get rewarded.

>London Chapter Release
Limited time Servant pickup Until 4-Jan-18
SSR Mordred and SR Frankenstein
Grab your new Mystic Codes

>[Mega-Pastebin] pastebin.com/HTrhq7Nk

Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread

Master Mission: Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments

Rate ups in JP FGO: imgur.com/GBfVu9G

Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=585071742

View: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo/edit#gid=1722316510
Add yourself: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform

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J alter- mordred- Liz

The dragon and female synergy


We /bigdamage/ now.

Did JPfags get their CEs back after that whole summer race thing?

>last night

They're nice together.

Is Fran any good aside from being cute as a button?

It was a magical night

Am I retarded for unlocking the school academy outfit first because I think it is better than the retarded plugsuit?

stop it bro

I want to bully Jack!


She's Tama Cat 2.0, so still basically a worse Jets.

Its not.
But its good for farming.

Vive la France!


Did her interlude come out already?

There are some Brynfags in here. They feel as gloomy as their interest subject.

>Oh I guess I'll keep rolling until I get any servant, even a 3*
>3* essences until this

I've rolled more 5*s than 4*s at this point. This is getting silly.


It's funny but it hurts.

>do a single roll
>shitty 3* archer
>card changes to gold and get this
what are the odd of that happening, its a 1st for me and was genuinely surprised

so how good is
inayusha shirou (ruler)

Now this is a reddit OP

wtf kouhai?!

With dubs

It's true, I do exist and I'm not a cheery person.

Signing in from yesterday, London is out correct? Any other news?


You get 30SQ, but don't roll them since the rate-up has been changed as a result due to this event.

we reddit now

we need to send reddit memes for quartz i think

Is Evil Cat on secret rate up? I got her with my meme ticket too.

+30 quartz
+4 Apoloquartz
>Casuals get 10 tickets if they log in 7 days in a row
>No New Year paid Gacha

I'm a Brynfag and the only thing that's depressed me recently was the quality of the past couple threads.

>don't roll them
>rate ups changed

Where is my kitten, I only got a Fran and a second Jets

>Get drunk during maintenance to pass the time
>20 mins left till L O N D O N
>Feeling so hyped and excited I can't wait
>Black out
>Wake up the next day in the afternoon to see what I missed
>My lineups are all changed to incomprehensible shit, I have triple the SQ I had before, and my Kiyohime is now double trailed
>Remember none of this
Wtf happened last night bros?

>Slings actually hit around 400 meters of distance, farther than most bows and stronger with the power of the rock thrown roughly equivalent to .44 Magnums

The fuck?

Maybe it's a secret Apocrypha rateup.

If DaVinci is #3, and Mash is #2,
who was #1?

time to roll I guess.

My king!

Mary or Scat?

Jesus fucking christ EE, no wonder your team can't win shit.

Yes, gotta clear London

You see him a lot already

>no new year paid gacha
the tears
they are delicious

Best dad

Can't stand the streamposting, but this isn't bad.

My male master?

Someone jewed you out of your cat
Hahahaha... wait what?

Your friendly neighborhood Dr. Roman

So if I don't have either of those she's worth leveling up?

Centrifugal force is a hell of a drug.

>No New Year paid Gacha
Have to resist rolling the 30 paid quartz in my account for a full year. Not gonna make it.

>Lvl. 4 Waver attack buff
>Lvl. 8 Support Waver attack buff
>Lvl. 6 Scathach Quick buff
>Lvl. 1 MC attack buff
>Lvl. 4 own attack buff
>Enemy defense down twice from Waver's NP
>400% Overcharge


I hate Fran. I wanted Mordred so badly guys.
Spent 90 quartz for nothing.

>No New Year paid Gacha

Hasn't been confirmed yet
Nice try doomposter


anyone else think romulus looks like chad?

Demon hearts when?
I need 1 (one) for my Mordred

>centrifugal force
It's not though, centrifugal force is a meme in physics and doesn't actually exist.

*misses poison*

>Cringe stream

Has anyone else gotten their CEs erased?

Slings were great if the opponent didn't have any armor. Even padded armor makes them near useless.

>make your son (female) kill his (her) closest social relations, commit genocide, and resign himself (herself) to suicide by temporal obliteration
It's the dad nobody should want to have,

Yeah, if you keep anything in the second archive, you will have them erased.

>still hasn't started the story yet
>probably won't even finish unlocking the Atlas uniform with today's natural AP regen

Do you also have a black grail?

Plugsuit last quest drops 1

She's a good waveclearer with decent NP gain, so sure. Just need to be very aware of her demerits since she can end up killing herself and her NP has self-stun.

Why do you think I only need one?

Yes, Black Grail on Mary, forgot to mention.

So last night was non-canon yes?

I dunno, I was playing then lost connection to the server and when I logged in back again all my CEs were gone.

Fluffy Servant

>No New Year paid Gacha
Did they really say this or is it speculation? Are they doing anything at all for new years?

>Hasn't been confirmed yet
They only ignored the question 7000 times
>Too busy rewarding casualfags and being cringy


Centripetal force? I don't understand what Centrifugal force is supposed to be.

The fact doesn't stop it from punching a hole in your gut with a stone.

Woah... london girls are like THAT?

I can picture a bow getting power since it's proportional to the strength of the string pulled, but I can't understand how a rock being spun can reach that level.
Aren't Magnums those guns that can actually go through protection though? Actually, I think the requirement to ignore armor is a caliber of .55, since it's the one of Flintlock Guns if I'm not mistaken, the ones that caused the decline of armor usage

>Fail to get Scat after saving EVERYTHING for her
>Well, may be I'll get Jack with just a few quartz
>Fail to get Jack
>M-may be I'll get Mordred with all this free quartz
>Fail to get Mordred
>Jeannu alter?


I live in London and they look nothing like that

NA DW loves money, so new year paid gacha will happen

Obviously they ignored it so people wouldnt save money for the paid gacha, letting them burn money for Moedred

Jesus christ

said nothing at all about new years, we have no idea what it'll be, could still be a guaranteed

>forgot I saved my level up before this event
Haha, fuck yeah I'll get two costumes today

>yfw new years event is 3 quartz and 50% Mordred 50% Jack Guaranteed Paid quartz gacha

No. Mordred is flatter. Much, much flatter in all places that count.


