>Haiti was the first Black free country from the Western Hemisphere, they gained their independence from the French in 1804.
What happened to Haiti historically? Haiti seemed to always be on the wrong side of history.
>Haiti was the first Black free country from the Western Hemisphere, they gained their independence from the French in 1804.
What happened to Haiti historically? Haiti seemed to always be on the wrong side of history.
They didn't exactly "win" their revolution, they killed all the white people on the island and then negotiated a truce with France, under which they were obligated to pay France a sizeable amount in reparations. Haiti wasn't really financially capable of this, and it slowed their economy enormously.
That and just general mismanagement that is typical in the Caribbean, but I think the reparations that were placed on them were what really brought the island to its knees compared to other Caribbean nations.
To sum it up niggers chimp out and kill the only educated people in the newly formed country and this destroys the economy
>first black free country
more like: first white free country
They killed all French not all whites.
Just like pretty much every other country ruled by Africans.
Not really.
Missing way too much in that abridged "history"
You're as stupid as a nigger if that's the conclusion you drew from that post.
There's several good black run states but hey if you want to ignore those that's fine by me.
Good joke.
This, the same thing was happend in some places of Mexico and Bolivia, you can't have a country without white people.
How many non french white's lived in St-Domingue befor the revolution?
I would asume not more than a couple hundreds, but correct me if I'm wrong
East Asia?
Mauritius,Seychelles and Sri Lanka?
>but I think the reparations that were placed on them were what really brought the island to its knees compared to other Caribbean nations.
>Sri Lanka
Yeah, great country
You realize this countries have a great white population, right?
Lol no ate you retarded. Seychelles is vastly Creole and Mauritius is mixed as fuck.
Whites are very minor populations in those states with I think both having more Indians and Chinese.
All nigger infested caribbean islands are shitholes.They just kept the wite population alive which were and are the only educated people there
You can be all the politic correct as you want, but only exist two ethnicities what can live in a civilizated way, White People and Far East People (Japanese, Koreans) the rest are just monkeys with more or less lucky.
>jail and kill the reasonable leader
>they replace him with a genocidal maniac
Fucking stupid frogs, every time.
Revisionist lie by modern nog-lovers
Thousands of Brits and Spaniards were murdered alongside the French by the Haitians
Only a few Poles were spared
>Korea and Japan
>Not China that basically propped their entire civilisations up
Pseud detected
>Japanese, Koreans
Who have been non-entities through most of history, of all the collectives that created landmark societies you put these americanized clowns as examples.
Source? I know this statement is wrong off the bat because a group of German settlers were also left alone.
Koreans were widely considered as subhumans in Asia before the 1970's.
>You realize this countries have a great white population, right?
Mauritius is made up of South Asian immigrants, not whites like Seychelles
>Yeah, great country
High HDI, lifespan, literacy rate, etc
Ah yes, Brunei, Singapore, Israel, Qatar, the UAE, Malaysia , Bahrain, Thailand, etc are all poor shitholes
>Brunei, Qatar, the UAE, Bahrain
Oil made them rich shitholes
People are still extremely uncivilized because of islam
>Malaysia , Thailand
Are indeed poor shitholes (dont make me post pics)
>historical non-entity
tell that to their neighbors.
kek get out kike
If you compare Malaysia and Thailand to eastern european countries then they are comparatively at a much better level
>inb4 muh "slavs aren't white"
A bunch of polish people on Haiti helped the black Haitians do it, from what I recall.
eastern europe is both a shithole and white
hell, aforementioned sri lanka has a higher HDI and GDP-PPP/Capita than shitholes like ukraine, moldova, FYROM and the like
As bad as Eastern Europe is, it's not THAT bad
>cherrypicked photos
>that'll show 'em.
It really is
but lets not cherrypick pictures and compare the average national standards
HDI 0.779 (High)
GDP/Capita(PPP) 26,891 USD
Life Expectancy 75.0 years
HDI 0.693 (medium)
GDP/Capita(PPP) 5,047 USD
Life Expectancy 72.1 years
anyone who say they'd rather live in the latter because it's European is kidding themselves
Try to find a similar photo for Eastern Europe
Percentage of people below the poverty line:
Malaysia 3.8%
Moldova 20.8%
Aa bit disingenious since Moldova is quite literally the poorest Slav Nation when Malaysia is a middling SEA nation, a better example would be somewhere such as Romania
This pic isnt comparable
That's one hobo shack, you could find one in the US
Meanwhile is a literal slum with thousands people
Except Mauritius. We did not kill our whites nor did we seize the 80% lands they took.
But then again the African descendant makes up only 20% of the population.
>it's not comparable
the stats are there senpai.
Well, that's the idea, seeing as the original statement was that only whites and far easterners can be civilised, but Moldova is a poor hellhole which still falls into the former category while Malaysia is not a completely poor shithole, despite the fact it falls into neither category
Mauritius is mostly Indian, fag
Gini 46.2 (High)
Gini 26.8 (low)
Moldovans arent whites
They're gypsies from India
>Mauritius is mixed as fuck.
True, also seeing the 10% whites mixing hard as fuck makes me sad desu.
>inb4 muh "slavs aren't white"
although in this case its "muh x is not white", but;
Ah, the /pol/ solution for "why is eastern europe poor despite being white"
Gypsies are a minority in Moldova as they are anywhere in Europe, some 12000 gypsies are present, the remaining 2.9 million are slavs, and slavs are, in fact, white.
Did I say it is not? This is why a flag is needed on /pol/, to cater for the poor reading comprehension of some.
Also, Mauritius knows a relative success because of the Indians who did not really give a fuck if the whites had all the lands as long as they were being developed in their best use and money is pouring in the country.
>India itself is much better off than when it was ruled by the white man.
United States 41.06
Pakistan 29.5
makes you think
Me: white
You: non-white
>thread descends into /pol/ two posts in any time black people are mentioned
>universally hated
Even Trump hates them now.
what happened?
excellent argument famalam
WTF I hate Trump now.
fucking crossboarders
>/pol/yps got stumped by the trump.
pretty based.
>There are idiots on /pol/ right now that didn't think this is exactly what was going to happen
>kill all whites
>live in poverty since then
To be fair, this doesn't so much have to do with "killing all whites" as it does with "France bankrupting the country by crushing it with a massive indemnity while other countries refuse to acknowledge Haiti's existence and trade with them".
It also never would have regained the wealth it had in the slavery era anyway because the populace was unwilling to work on hellish sugar plantations.
>I read this on Cracked.com's "5 Countries Whitey was Really Mean To"
Yeah, Haiti was never gonna get wealthy, partly because it was a tiny country which France had an excuse to squeeze for free money, but the fact that it's an irredeemable shithole is due to the constant bloody fighting over who gets to be de big man.
That's not an intrinsic part of "nigger genetics" though, and it's rather silly to deny the economic ramifications of such a large indemnity combined with most western countries refusing to trade with them. Mind you, a big reason for that was because of the chimp out massacre, but that's Dessalines being a fucking idiot, not "hurr durr nig nogs".
Everyone on /pol/ knew Trump would be a normal president
Only retarded leftards thought he was literally Hitler
Haiti has about the same GDP per capita and social indicators as most Western African countries. It has not failed considering the racial breakdown of the population.
If Haitians arent complete retards, why dont they fish instead of eating dirt?
They killed all the evil white boys
Arab Haitian here (that is to say, an Arab who is not racially/ethnically Haitian but has roots in/has lived in Haiti -- it's a thing). The country itself is very small, and there has always been much social discontent.
>All those naive jackass claiming the reason Haiti is a shithole nowadays is because hundreds of fucking years ago they were forced to repay reparations to France, as if debt was the sole contributor to the situation
Debt didn't stop post-WW1 Germany which was an absolute wreck, many areas in ruins, overun with immorality & criminals and under so much debt it was never meant to stand up ever again as a country, yet it didn't stop them from returning the nation to the powerhouse it had become by WW2 start.
The truth is that the sole reason Haiti hasn't truly improved overall after all these years is simply because they don't want to manage themselves as to improve the situation, preferring to sit on their ass all day and meagerly survive rather than collectively get off their asses and improve the situation. For fuck sake, there are still ruins from building that fell in the godamned 2010 earthquake that aren't even repaired yet, and it aint because they didn't had the help or opportunity to do so.
Rarely will you see the starving man pick up a plow, for if he had that kind of behavior then he wouldn't be starving in the first place!
>this man has never been to Thailand
>or Eastern Europe
walk around rural parts of fucking thailand or poor parts of bangkok and phuket and compare it to countries like Slovakia and Croatia
the bottom line is the darker your skin the more fucked your country
that's the basic rule and it seems to apply
/pol/ was well aware that trump could not publicly support them
its fucking Veeky Forums you retard and he is the fucking president of the usa
>what happened to Haiti historically?
They're talking monkeys...
>Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand
Full of East Asians
He has no political or military experience, that and a few other factors make him a unique president and he hasn't even taken office yet.
>killed all the white people on the island
How is that even possible?
Germans were there before and after killing all the French they brought thousands of Germans who were loved and lauded by Haitians. "Germanic" people and all women and men married to Haitians are constitutionally black.
They do and farm, clay cookies are mostly used by pregnant mothers. Its common with African descended groups until WWII
Barbados so no
You clearly don't know Haitian history.
>muh reparations
>picks the poorest gypsy filled nation in Europe
Well, not Hitler, yes. But /pol/ was/is projecting hard onto Trump.
They think the alt-right had any real effect, when it was just conservative americans voting for Trump that made him president.
Mauritius is Indian clay :^)
>/pol/ is alt-right
>childless single men who masturbate to anime.
>win Revolution
>non of the world recognizes you nor wants to trade with you
>most of your educated leaders have either fucked off to France, the Americas or other Caribbean Islands
It's the Cuba effect, which should be the Haiti effect. If you're a small land with little resources and you can't trade, you can't expect to economically thrive.
Also this
>we were only pretending : the epilogue
trump is a major businessman who has properties and investments in foreign countries.
He is going to be full on banana dictatorship tier corrupt.
>Krauts are basically niggers
Pretty obvious and this>Rarely will you see the starving man pick up a plow, for if he had that kind of behavior then he wouldn't be starving in the first place!
Is retarded as fuck.
Mauritius is shithole that is very unequal as fuck on top of only existing as a tax haven for Indians.
Also I'll mention again the inequality is very massive because of what you stated. the only way that you get money is through things the rich in Mauritius own. It's like a plantation colony but instead they do services.
>muh unfair treaty
Maybe they shouldn't have savagely massacred every white person on the island.
>Barbados so no
Ad several other states. Also guys like him really overstate the white populace impact.
No the treaty would have appended regardless. They lost their HIGHEST EARNING colony and they want money. They gave no fucks about the French who died there ultimately. Hell Haiti was even known as an utter shithole among vistors to the island pre-revolutuion .