I know barely anything about (black) African history

I know barely anything about (black) African history.
Tell me something about what you consider to be the greatest black African empire and why you think it was the greatest of them.

Why don't you fucking learn to research, or at least google?

>Expecting decent and unbiased responses on Veeky Forums of all places


to make yesterday's op happy:
Centralafrican Empire

The only other "real" one I could name would be Ethiopia. Mighty kingdoms and such would be Kongo, Mali and Songhai

What do you mean by greatest? Because Mali at its height was certainly the richest.


>greatest black African empire

That is not a black African empire.

>that ottoman empire
Calling bullshit

to be fair let's say Brazil, which is bigger

>let's smash together all the "states" from different time periods just to make it look like there were some
I'm not even polack and I know there were some really great native African states like Mali and Congo, but map like this makes sad, I can't imagine how such a map would look like for Europe or Asia.

like a rainbow. Everything overlapping with everything

You are right, they are only African.

It's just a map of some highlights over a stretch of time, since OP never specified a time period.

An unfunny meme regurgitated by /pol/ more often than by the entire black population


Ancien Egypt of course

t. Alberto Barbosa


Because it survived the longest.

this desu


Don't be fooled, there were blacks in power in Egypt, and not just during some shifty dynasty. Here's tiye, mother and grandmother of two of the most famous pharaohs aketahen and tut.

Kush took over Egypt for a time so I guess they deserve at least a mention
