Is there any money left to be made off buying the big two? I got into this crypto business way too late
Long term yes
Short term shitcoins to make more btc
I bought 4 ETH yesterday and going to buy some BTC today for shitcoins. Good idea?
Yes. Keep that eth for years user.
Bitcoin and especially ethereum is worth holding long term, the crypto market is still in its infancy, but ethereum will make it mainstream
Always money to be made long term.
Any 10k/day CEOs around with spare BTC?
BTC $2500 by year end.
ETH $150.
Stick with large cap coins, the market has already decided they are the winners and they will continue to be.
Sent ;)
Good chance of these quote. Don't lock it down in cold storage waiting if you want to consistently gain or be a trader. Loads of money to be made if you dive down the crypto rabbit hole and do it well.
Example - Dumped 500 ETH in ETC last week. Took my 20% gains in ETC the lasts few days and back to an ETH/BTC split. Rinse repeat with up and coming alts. Just don't miss a train when the big two make moves off news/updates.
Also prediction - ETC will perform as LTC had. Get in now at $4 to see $15-20 coins by year end.
hehe good one
So while bitcoin doubles ethereum will triple? Pretty simple choice then. Ethereum ftw!
Where do you lads purchase and store? I'm having trouble getting started over at Coinbase. I want to punch my ticket before the ship leaves.
How do the people on Pixiv redeem visa gift cards for capital, to piggyback off the user above me.
Fuck eth, nwo globalist cucks
If the NWO controls everything, and they are invested in ETH, what does that mean for the price of ETH?
There's supposed to be some big presentation about Ethereum tomorrow, I'm expecting a bit of a rise in price tomorrow
Yes, but remember it's taken years to get to these prices so you can't really expect it to 100x over night, you can still expect the money to come in more quickly than before though.
Wait a few days for the dip. BTC is up atm
Yeah so fucking use that shit now while it still has good buying power jfc
By 2020 LTC will of gone past it's ATH, things are revving up. Imagine a 300B marketcap compared to 30B now.
how much ETH should I be holding?
Whatever you are willing to invest, I'd spead my investments across everything that has real tech applications that will have an effect on our world. A few niche coins can't hurt
As far as I can see BTC will always maintain market dominance but as the overall market grows that should slowly slip into other more predominant crypto-currenices like we're seeing now.
I think 2018 will be an even greater year for blockchain and crypto in general as awareness is rapildly increasing.
I just bought my first 3 ETH
Am I invited to the moonbase?
Yeah welcome. Hold tight for the next wave of EEA announcements to ride the new money
>As far as I can see BTC will always maintain market dominance
Now do market cap.
BTC only goes up in the long term. Limited supply + increased demand = up up up.
Get at least 1 BTC for long term or you'll kill yourself.
>muh market dominance
Sorry, BTC is king.
Yeah totally. Everything lasts forever. Kek
ETH just pumped a dollar in an hour you fucking mongs
buy now before it's too late
I-it will go back down right? It's not taking off now right?
That's right waggie, don't buy bitcoin.
I don't know what argument you are trying to make here you autistic NEET.. I have a little over 11 btc that I use to trade alt coins and 323 ETH. If you think bitcoin will last forever and the price can only go "up up up" you are a fucking retard.