Is it legal to screen employees by their MBTI? I hope to actively filter out INs and ENs as they are most likely to undermine, go against the rules or be Machiavellian
Is it legal to screen employees by their MBTI...
ENTP master race
I'm here for the bantz
Sure, it's legal: personality can always be couched as 'cultural fit'. You're an idiot to try to get rid of all N's though: businesses succeed by anticipating the future.
INTJs can just trade for a living.
Sure, I've taken personality quizzes for a couple jobs. Its more specific than the general MBTI though.
how do you know employees didn't just hide their power level?
I would add F's to the list as well, as people who go by feeling are worthless to the business world.
Well I am an 'N' myself, I am the INTJ master race. I need my people to be lemmings though.
If you don't know what the functions are or what the "F" represents, maybe you should do some homework first you fucking kike
Like, that chart is a complete misrepresentation of what MBTI and Jung's archetypes were about
Literally no one cares about personality types besides autistic NEETs on the internet
>Wants to filter out Ns
Why don't you filter out all T types as well. I guess a bunch of ISTJs would be useful if you want a bunch of brainlet drones who'll suck your cock
How is gifted defined here, and what do the ratios mean?
Special snowflakes like you who buy into pseudo-science psychology are pathetic.
You'll go broke in no time!
That is what I want, ISTJs and ISTPs, they are the most loyal ones, while 'N's all think they know more than you.
It's hard not being INTJ. Just go and get a 9 - 5 job, we can't all trade for a living.
I do know more than you. ISTJs are awful for thinking they know more than you though and dont back it up with solid reasoning.
>N-no youre wrong Mr.Goldberg said so
>M-muh traditions. We always dun tings dis way so ur wrong
> I know I'm right based on n=1 sample size
Though if youre the authority figure youre automatically right as long as youre not younger than them and can present the image that they have of authority.
Personally their sycophantic tendencies make me sick even when it's my cock theyre slobbering on.
I'd avoif ISTPs if you want drones 2bh
Academic achievement, and it's just a ratio of gifted to non-gifted.
>tfw INTP master race :3
ENTP here also. Always say some witty bs during meetings boss hates it because it goes against his grain. WIll probably get fired over it but fug it.
and no you can't do it before they are hired.
Goldman does it during their "intern" phase. you hire them and unleash the bullshit.
ISTJs are the kinds of people who believe in efficient market hypothesis and say things like "You can't beat the market!",
"Trading is just gambling!"
Academic achievement is a poor indicator for intelligence above undergrad level. It primarily correlates with industriousness or the "conscientiousness" dimension in the Big 5. Which is the only scientific and reputable system for personality "typing", btw. (although it primarily identifies and analyzes certain core traits).
ENTP reporting
Aren't you an xNxx, though? lol
Do that, and you run the risk of being unable to empathize with your customer thus being unable to predict their needs or target their desires. F's are the marketing and design departments in large. lol
ENFP here, and I love you gais. lol
Dark humor and off-the-wall comments is highly enjoyed by my kind.
you're a fucking idiot if you think this is anything other than pseudoscience
>uneducated mother and daughter misread Jung and turn him into pop-psychology
"muh personality type master race!!"
>implying OCEAN is any better
All personality models are shitty approximations of something that's immensely complicated. MBTI just happens to be the one that's the most fun.
Ok, pseudoscience or not, WHY do over 50% of profitable traders test INTJ when they do an MBTI test.
Obviously it's not a coincidence.
>tfw im sheev
feels good
> Is it legal to screen employees by their MBTI?
> Is it smart