Are the Baby Boomers the worst generation who ever lived in the Western World?

Are the Baby Boomers the worst generation who ever lived in the Western World?

1. Born in peace and prosperity that their parents, the Greatest Generation, gave them mindful their own troubled childhoods. Grew up in homes which could afford one parent not working at all.
2. As soon as their grew up, they abnegated everything their world stood for. They didn't want to correct its ills, they wanted to turn in on its head. They experimented with drugs and radical movements. They achieved jack shit. All positive changes in post-WW2 society like desegregation, expansion of civil rights, healthcare were all achieved by older generations.
3. When they became parents themselves, they immediately denied to their own children everything they enjoyed. Remember the War on drugs, conservative revolution and other wicked things that they supported.
4. When they achieved political power in late 1970s onward, they drove in two directions: an energy system totally dependent on fossil fuels (and backlash against atomic energy and electricity) and free trade deals. They fucked up everything. Environment is doomed, Middle-east is perpetually a powderkeg due to oil money and manufacturing moved into Asian sweatshops causing deindustrialization in the West. Even climate change deniers recruit mostly from baby boomers.
5. They used their power to finance a lifestyle well above their means. The effect is massive debt, both public and private. Debt which will be a burden for future generations for decades to come.
6. They are in their 60s and 70s. Pay for their retirement, you ungrateful little shit.

I wholeheartedly agree with this

Can't find fault in this, to be honest.

You are 100% right.

when your right your right.

And now they voted for Trump.

Why wouldn't they vote for one of their own?

That's the one good thing they did, retard.

Fuck the baby boomers. Cunts. Cant waiit to see them all die.

i wish i was born a baby boomer tbqh famalam.
>grow up in prosperity and peace
>make enormous amounts of money doing shit-all and getting a huge suburb house
>retire as the world goes to shit, smugly smiling and playing my vidya until my dying days.

You are an evil person.


Don't forget social security we have to pay taxes for

Also we'll probably never get social security when we're older because we'll still be fucking working at like 80 because of these fucks

Atleast something cool will happen like the race war most likely instead

My God he's right

OP is essentially correct.

reminder that 1965 was the year the floodgates opened across her majety's empire
that generation truly ushered in the end - with their rise came the end of all that was from old

I agree with everything except the critics to free trade.

(((free))) (((trade)))

Yeah boomers suck. My parents own like, three houses and probably won't retire till they're 75.
Like, how muh capital do they actually need? They don't do anything except watch tv and holiday and Europe.

My grandma gives them shit about it all the time, she knows what's up.

>baby boomers
>playing vidya

You would just sit around in your big house complaining about how hard PacMan is and solving cross word puzzles all day

worthless generation

and they have the balls to call X-ers and Millennials shit

No, you'd sit around all day drinking and reading the Drudge report

ha this thread has surprisingly little posts for one which resonates so much with the community.

Yea I'd say so yea. Probably the first generation in recent history that left a worse world to heir offspring.

All successful Veeky Forums threads are arguments.

No exceptions.

Here in europe they were also the generation that brought the birthrate down to the non-repplacement rate, flirted with communism and hippieshit and now occupie all posts in bruessels killing the nations their fathers fought for.

They also helped gut the unions that were an essential part of keeping the American middle class strong.

Generations are fucking retarded anyway.

What does a child born in 1982 have in common with one born in 1997?

I canĀ“t really blame them, previous european generations sacrificed their kids en masse

hundred percent

well when theyre all dead, it will be okay again. (birthrate).

>hopefully they wont sap everything out of us as a last fuck you before they go. probably gonna cost through the roof.

Indeed, you dont throw that sacrifiece away without thinking about what was good and was unjust and egoistic to die for.

Im not a fan of war, but holy shit these 50year old noborder faggots need to get a grip on what that means.

stop trying to break us apart.

Culture and a common sense of history from their shared experiences, influencing perceptions of the world.

That said, generations being defined by years instead of lived and remembered events is stupid.

The group of people who's early world view was shaped by the global terrorism of the early 2000's will take those experiences with them, as did the generation that fought the World Wars, as did the generation that experienced the Democratic Revolutions, etc. Recognizing these groups is one useful way of understanding people throughout history.

interesting. still, wouldnt it have to be lived and remembered events in a certain time of their lives or timespan?

Fucking old farts show your fucking face and defend yourself fucking cowards.

Didn't they give Clinton the popular vote though?

If you really want to do this, go to /k/, look for the Tripfag known as Phil, and ask him about millennials.

I've been doing it for years every time I see him.

agree 110% fuck the baby boomers we're fucked OP

Baby Boomers were raised in a unique environment, one that is long gone now. They have given us a great burden, to adapt and uphold their lifestyle for ourselves. This will be economically possible for only a few of us,

Absolutely, yes. The greatest generation was the latest good generation, no question. Millennials have a chance to do good things since they're the first generation really born with the internet, so they just have so much information of what to do and what not to do, and the speed of communication, who knows.

>what that means
>europe has been prospering for decades without warface under the noborder fags
>clearly need to go back to explosive ethnonationalism.

memes are funny tho

At least 5 of these are objective facts, OP.

You mean phil osserfers stone? He spergs About that sometimes

Baby Boomers are a generation that is defined by their own boundless egoism and hedonism. Regardless of whether we are talking about their hippie times or modern days, their primary objective was always to gave fun an good life. And fuck everything that stood in their way, including mathematics and the future of their own children.

Baby Boomers are also the very first generation that hasn't defined any ambitious goal for themselves. They didn't want to build a better world like the Greatest Generation. They didn't continue the conquest of space that was started by the Silent Generation. All Baby Boomers always wanted was to eat, fuck and shit.

Honestly I think baby boomer hate is overrated. I think generations are a product of there environment both us and the baby boomers have grown up in times of relative peace and stability. This makes us both spoiled and thus we tend to hate each other.

I agree that it's better to define them by event than years, since technically the greatest generation can be assigned to 1900-1925. Which means someone who fought in WW1 and is 40 in WW2 is in the same generation as someone who fought in WW2 and wasn't born until 1925.

That being said I cannot stand at all the insecure faggots who try and hedge themselves from the blame millennials get by going "nuh uh I'm not a millennial I'm a gen X or a Gen Z". That special snowflake phenomenon has never been shown by any other generation so it kind of damns someone as a millennial if they are so eager to not be defined as one. For instance I was born in 88, I distinctly remember the time before 9-11 and the time after it, and I can try and hedge by going "well I was in college right before the SJW phenomenon" but outside of smartphones which took off as I entered college my young years had mostly the same phenomenon they did, as did most of us 80s birthdays.

I loved how he caught publically lusting after some Poju art until finding out "FUCK YOU NIGGER THAT'S A BOY YOU TRICKED ME"

Yes, so people born in America between 1983 and 1993 would be a generation, not because those were the years picked out of a hat, but because anyone born in that time would have known the world as it was before 9/11. They have some memories of a time prior to living in a fear of terrorism that those born in the late 90's will not have. But also, it is a different experience than those born in the 70's would have had, being either more familiar with terrorism or better able to understand and contextualize it.

So going forward, we may be able to find patterns of thought or behavior based of this shared experience.

Both the events that shape a worldview and the point of development at which they occur for people matter, which is why the concept of generations matters

>draw a girl
>call it a boy (male)
why is this allowed

>Honestly I think baby boomer hate is overrated.

Baby Boomers are hated because they suck. No other generation, even as hedonistic and nihilistic like e-Xers, are that hated.

Well formed thought. Too bad it isn't abrasive.

you get the feeling that they were nihilistic because they didn't want to fuck up like the Boomers

Yeah baby boomers are dog shit but look at how the millennials are turning out. You reap what you sow. The only hope for us is in Generation Z and their Gen X parents.

Millennials are actually full of hope. They are the very first generation since the Silent Generation who spent either their childhood or early adulthood in times of economic uncertainty and political downspiral. They grew up knowing that nothing is granted, unlike the Boomers who take everything for granted.

Millennials aren't that spoiled like older generations portray them. They like their toys but understand that you can't sustain the current welfare system.

Precisely. They grew up in a world ruled by Boomers who took away everything from them. Xers' nihilism was a natural reaction to Boomers' wrecking the world before their very own eyes.

>controlling who can come into your country and settle there is explosive ethnonationalism

Kill yourself faggot or give me your address so I can do you in. SAD!

Plus since they can't afford the lifestyle on the timeline boomers expect
>house by 20
>kids by 30
Etc they flout it and spend their money on travel, gadgets, hobbies etc. The boomers are a bunch of miserable awful fucks who wasted their lives in the 60s and 70s and hate us for knowing and telling them they're failures

T. Someone who works with boomers

>see this
>"Oh damn that barrista is cute as fuck hey man you like that final fantasy shit, who is is she?"
>"she" ehehehehehehe

>hopefully they wont sap everything out of us as a last fuck you before they go. probably gonna cost through the roof.

I believe that's precisely what the Boomers want and what they will try to do. They consistently vote for platforms that promise short-term gains for them.

They don't seem to care what will happen after they are gone.


fucking A

I never understood all of this scapegoating amerifats do against baby boomers.

Because their decisions are the cause for all the shit the Western world faces today.

This is literally my boomer Dad.

Every time he buys a new console he sends me the old one.

He's getting a PS pro so he's sending me his PS4.

>his gen x son and millennial grandkids playing his hand me down vidya

How spoiled you have to be in order to give leftovers to your own offspring?

That's literally a basic evolutionary mechanism put on complete reverse.

same you know.

I think you might be looking into that too much

hes talking about popular vote. age voting statistics are on popular vote.

So is the majority of Veeky Forums in agreement that boomers are a shit?

They're almost as bad as the future generations

t. Hillary Clinton
No one really cares.
No lol, who the fuck wouldn't take full advantage of their circumstances?
There is only one law, the natural law.

Are you retarded?


lmao okay whatever you say libtard

They absolutely fucked our economy and are actively making it worse.
Same for the political scene-the youth aren't the ones voting the the same parasites we've had since the 70s.

You can also add that Baby Boomers were also that generation in which draft dodging was both massive and socially acceptable. It isn't bad in itself. However those hypocrites, once they gained political power themselves, were more than happy to initiate wars throughout the world. They also created a socioeconomic system which pressured thousands of young cannon fodder into military ranks even without official draft.

>tfw jody is a fucking baby boomer.

So far America had two Baby-boomer presidents: Clinton and Dubya Bush. Both avoided active service in Vietnam War through various means. And both were more than prone to bomb the shit out of some foreign people just as they were eager to send young Americans to their deaths.

By the way - congratulations America! You've just elected another Baby-boomer draft dodger. What can go wrong?

>no you see, europe was truly great when everyone was living shitty miserable lives working in coal mines and factories so that a select few could become rich, while having little to no say in their government
>current day europe with it's myriad political and social rights with a culture of brotherhood among fellow europeans is truly a curse.

Ameriburgers really need to go to school more often. Get educated or they get shot, mankind improves either way

>race war
>not age war

I think he means 1940's-1990's, Europe is a dying continent

>get educated
>believe the same propaganda and have the same viewpoints as me hurr durr

t. proud high school dropout



user, Hillary was a Boomer too. So was Bernie (though I actually like him, unlike :-Shillary and Dolan).

Here you go

>user, Hillary was a Boomer too.
That's partly the point


>Here in europe they were also the generation that brought the birthrate down to the non-replacement rate

I have like a dozen aunts and uncles but only like half of them even have children and only my parents had more than 2 children. And now my generation would have to pick up the pieces.

the picture he posted is broadly right, though

They're despised in Europe too

>Social security

No they paid their parent's social security, we just have to pay a disproportionate amount more, while they pay millennials' disproportionately lower wages.

>They achieved jack shit
like landing on the moon

Young people voted Clinton, oldies voted Trump, to really simplify things.

t. Boomer

Moonlanding happened when those cunts were in high school or college

This picture is just nostalgia bullshit. The problem is less about the generation shift. It is more about geopolitical changes. Established centers tend to lose influence to the periphery not because of the weak men but because they suffer from infighting between elites and overexploitation of masses for the luxury consumption of elites. The reason why center falls is not *good times* but the increased complexity of its own internal structure that harm coordination between of all its possible members.

that was the silent generation you boomer scum

Don't forget the part where they physically fucked up the entire planets climate.


>the picture he posted is broadly right, though
It's completely retarded.

Trump was voted in largely because of a hatred of PC, corruption, pandering, and disdain/dismissal for the working man, in other words everything Shillary stood for, and hell dismissal of men in general if all the lib backlash is anything to go by. The libtards and SJW's reaped what they sowed
>Young people voted Clinton, oldies voted Trump, to really simplify things.
That is a gross oversimplification