Propaganda Thread part 3

Propaganda Thread part 3.
Part 1. Part 2.



















Something a little different


These two are probably in my top 10




Imma start using a trip/name if that's okay with yall



Love it user






i have german posters for every interwar party, don't know if i can be bothered to post it all





Please do, I really love the Weimar era posters. And I also like early Third Reich posters, something about how they stressed showing the Imperial and Nazi flags, almost like passing the torch of Empire hood on to them. But yes please post what you have, a lot of people are loving these threads.

One of the posters of the "Weimar Coalition" of DDP (Liberal) - SDP (Socialist) - Zentrum (Catholic Conservative)







Republican side of the Spanish Civil war was GOAT for posters

Another Weimar coalition













best caption

I'm no Commie, but the Soviets had the best Propaganda Posters. They were just so creative.




Zentrum candidate







Also Soviet Posters in languages that aren't Russian are much appreciated as well.

The "Economicaly minded people party" ie "less taxes ok plox"







I'm surprised the first Octopus is more than halfway down my collection, I guess it was more of an 1800's thing.







I wonder what would have happened if they had taken over, being monarchist and all. The Nazi's effectively sapped away almost all of their support being the major conservative party of the time.






Difficult to tell imho,




It litterly says dnvp in the file name lmao.
