Who future powerball winner here?
Spent nearly 1k (or maybe over, I stopped counting) on power balls tickets for this drawing
Who future powerball winner here?
Spent nearly 1k (or maybe over, I stopped counting) on power balls tickets for this drawing
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>Who future powerball winner here?
You know I hate shitcoins but at least you have decent shot at making money with them. Better yet fund your IRA. Or we can split some good coke. Anything is better than pissing it away on lottery tickets.
You are OP and you will win it!
t. people too scared to splurge on the lottery
It's like making multiple bets in roulette, it increases your chances of winning!
even if i dont win the jackpot ill definitely win at least a 4th or 3rd prize
Lottery is degenerate
you dont win if you dont play
do you think lotteries should be abolished?
No because people like you (compulsive spenders) fund my 401k's growth.
you also.don't lose money if you don't play
Also nah I wouldn't abolish them, as trailer park boys put it, gambling is a great way to fund social programs
>No because people like you (compulsive spenders) fund my 401k's growth.
>implying you know my spending habits without speculating
my tickets apparently go to funds for students and veterans. not a bad contribution desu. But then the big prizes are taxed just like regular income at the federal and state level but you still get to keep most of the winning
I love the "stupid tax"
God bless america.
Crazy how every day they do a lottery drawing and nobody ever wins... oh wait... there is always a winner
you can win smaller prizes to return on your investment. Best ones are the jackpot or the 1m prize
>subtle noticketer rage
You've spent over a grand on lottery tickets for a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of..... a percent chance to win.
I know your type exactly.
Why don't you describe me as accurately as you can?
The kind of guy who seriously thinks he will win the powerball. Usually you take up a lot of time at the counter so not only are you delusional but you're an asshole too. I just want to pay for my shit but you're up there scratching your ass and wasting money on lottery tickets mumbling "today's the day." You probably stink too.
Yeah that's what I mean, every drawing always has a couple mil winners.
I like to get two when I buy gas, figure it's better than any other vice. Though I've had pretty bad luck compared to the expected odds.
I think the last few didnt have the million dollar winner for powerball. Mega did I think.
getting 2 drawings (4$ worth) doesnt have a big chance of winning the lower prizes on it's own. It can happen though.
if you are just going to get a few numbers then I suggest looking up hot and cold numbers and picking at least a few hot numbers with random other numbers. also according to statistics its better to spread your tickets out multiple drawings instead of going all in on one pot.
if this thread is still alive ill update yall on what happens tomorrow at the drawing
>more implying
the noticket rage is strong with this one
>Crazy how every day they do a lottery drawing and nobody ever wins... oh wait... there is always a winner
Uh there have been stretches of months where no one wins the powerball jackpot
Did I hit too close to home?
Oh shit I just remembered I bought a ticket like last friday.
I wonder where it is...
>nah m8
sounds like i rustled you more than anything
It's not like roulette because the house edge is 2.5% or 5%.
Lottery "house edge" is fucking 50%.
Anyone who plays lottery is retarded. Should played that money playing something without a fifty fucking percent cut.
And if it was about charity, you should've donated 46% of that money to veterans or education or whatever. Then bet the remaining 54% on roulette, statistically you still woulda came out ahead of where you likely will. And the vets/kids would've got more money instead of having it filtered through the govt.
>never play roulette before
>bet 10k on 22 black
>lands on 22 black
>walk away 36x richer
>house edge might as well mean nothing
I see your point but you fail to see I have a much greater chance of winning compared to someone that buys
You fail to see that you're a delusional idiot. Even worse an arrogant one.
you dont win if you dont play
you dont increase your odds if you dont buy multiple tickets
also there are other prizes besides the jackpot
Whenever the powerball or mega millions jackpot gets huge i'll buy one ticket. I know the chances are literally infinitesimally small, but i just like to at least have one "hook in the water" so to speak, just so I'm at least playing the game. 3$ every few months may not be worth it from a pure EV standpoint but at least it's a thrill
Funny thing is i came up $300 from starting with the minimum $15
If there is a way to play it this is it. Anything else is delusional.
His singular ticket has the same chances as all other singular tickets. He is just being frugal.
>Could have doubled that for you tomorrow morning within an hour
>Instead it's going to the state now
>this is why this country is amazing and awful at the same time
>Fucking morons
I know it has the same chance as all singular tickets; that's the point. I just want to have a chance, no matter how small and utterly unrealistic it may be. Can't win if you don't play
I think yhe statistic was the chances of you winning the powerball when kt was at a billion, are the same chances of you getting struck by lightning twice while in the middle of a shark attack. Also you arent 10x more likely to win, just 10x less wealthy, and since you are relying on the lottery to save you from your shitty life im pretty sure this thread has made me 10x dumber. Let me know how all the free tickets u get for next drawing works out.
I can turn your $1000 into $0 too user
>OP wouldn't lie on the internet, would he?
0.0000143 lottery coins have been deposited to your account
Can't lose 1k if you don't literally give it away for printed paper and an ignorant piece of mind.
Literally what lotto players believe
>There's always a winner with Lotto tickets!
>a clear winner, fair winner!
My nigga you could've put $100 on 10 sub .10 cent pennies randomly and walked away richer and with better odds than the fucking lotto
1k? I literally buy a ticket like one or two times a year. Also - what's a piece of mind?
>Who future powerball winner here?
another day wasted buying powerball tickets instead of buying posw
You could spend 100k on lottery tickets and you're chances of winning are still practically zero.
K keep me posted
Also I only counted 40 tickets in your picture
Oh god are you the same person that has been posting lotto tickets on /r9k for over a year now?
You do realize lottery is just another way to tax stupid people, dont you?
I hit 5 out of 6 on a $3 super lotto ticket when I was 18. $22k.
I still buy 3 or 5 dollar quick pick tickets here and there.
You do realise that there is on average 200,000,000 tickets sold for power ball draw.
You have around 40 tickets, each says they costed $20. 20 x 40 = $800.
You spent $800 on tickets for a 40 in 200,000,000+ chance of winning, any you're trying to justify and reassure yourself by spewing autistic bullshit when people tell you you're an idiot, which you are.
Keep doing it though, people like you are great for the economy.
t. elliot rodgers
I'm surprised that he actually went out and bought the tickets, instead of waiting for a lucky ticket to fly into his face.
lmao what a tard, the only reason the lottery exists is it's small entry fee, the odds are astronomically low and people only buy because 'why not, I'd waste 2 bucks in something else might aswell have a shot'
But no user spends a grand on one Of The worst gambles available, you would have more of a chance continually going all in on shitcoins until you reach a million than win this way.
1 in 14 million.
1 in 140k at the cost of $1,000?
I actually ran some numbers for PA, and found out that Treasure Hunt would give you the highest chance of winning. The jackpot is 10000, and there's other secondary prices. I suspect if you dumped what OP did, you'd probably make at least 1/2 to 3/4 of it back, and have a pretty decent chance at the jackpot. It's still a Gamble and I wouldn't never do it anyways though
i wouldn't never do it noways neither.
My dad falls for the math illiteracy tax too
Should've memorized this chart and actually had a decent chance at winning money because blackjack is somewhat fair
Is my theory that the lottery office decides when to build up the pot, when to give it out and to which state insane? I feel like at this point they'd be able to entirely plan out the numbers beforehand, and after the sale period closes they have full control over which numbers have been bought or not. after that one fortune cookie company somehow got the powerball numbers right multiple times there was an article saying they were "changing the way numbers are chosen". If it was random, how could you change it? I call shens.
This is definitely bait.
No one on Veeky Forums has this poor an understanding of statistics.
How do you read this?
I don't know what all these letters mean.
How would you double it? Not a lotteryfag, but interested in anything that'll double my moneys.
Thats fucking ridiculous, Powerball has the worst odds of all winning the Jackpot. I did get 5 tickets just because it would be best to win that and the second prize in California is up to $600k, but bought $20 Super Lotto and Fantasy 5 because far less worse odds of winning the top prize.
H = hit
S = stay
Dh = double down
P = split
do you know how to play blackjack lol
By Buying Bit Bean
The quadruple B advantage
I've had one day trade make $2400 within a few minutes. It's all about following the market and having the info.
Lottery isn't degenerate so as you are only contributing a small amount of money in the hopes of winning, as not playing at all means you have no chance of winning.
Even when you play, you may as well have no chance of winning.
If your EV is negative you shouldn't play the lottery. Rarely, large jackpots will create a positive EV.
In his link they have the odds of winning 5 dollars as 1 in 20.
Its honestly smarter to just bet on 22 black.
By going outside you have a chance of being stuck by lightning.
Your chances are actually better than wining the lottery.
I ended up buying 8 powerball tickets in total ($16) and won $4 back. Also $13 SuperLotto and $4 Fantasy 5, and got nothing. I'm also opening up to people more about my gambling addiction, but there is still no way out. Eventual suicide is preferable to full time slavery, no matter what job or how much money.
Statistically, you shouldn't win. You shouldn't have been born. The human race shouldn't exist. However, it still happens. Probability is not reality, and strange unnatural events happen with high frequency.
You're literally trying to justify one stupid act over another stupid act. We know that lottery pays out a large amount to a very few, and that casinos pay out a large amount to many on a consistent basis, but if neither of them are you then you're fucked.
As someone who has had my share of bad luck I'm not arguing that you should ever play the lottery, but thinking entirely in terms of what's probable is just ignoring the consistent inconsistency of reality.
all these triggered noballers
Below average IQ. No college education. Work a trade job. Don't own property. Shitbox car. Has no friends.
>if this thread is still alive ill update yall on what happens tomorrow at the drawing
No need. You'll lose. Just like 99.999% of people who play
i gonna be honest here mate, as a £5mil net worth individual, you are retarded
noballer pls go
Good goy