Fighting Games General /fgg/
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wish i was lili
what are some places where I can get fighting game news that aren't SRK, EH, Kotaku etc... or places like this thread or /r/kappa where I have to wade through a bunch of shit to get maybe one decent piece of information?
right now i kinda just hope there's something retweeted whenever i check twitter
wish i was asuka
Why did Sakura really take that arcade job?
Reminder that in the two biggest grand finals of the year, Punk lost to Tokido from winner's side and Mena RD beat Tokido from loser's side.
wish i was ash bros...
So apparently Hiro broke the style sheets? Everything looks white and shit.
play cats!
Compensated dating started paying less after she graduated.
>tfw probably never having kids
>tfw niece likes some video games
>tfw want to show her fighting games and see if she ends up liking them
Is this a bad idea
What if she ends up liking them, plays them exclusively but gets early hypertension from salt
That would be mean
(Yes I posted it again)
that's it, you're at the source and everything else is recycled.
She gets to play Pump It Up Prime 2 after-hours for free.
reminder is that dragonball is racist and contains explicit racism towards chinese and black people and if you buy DBFZ you're automatically a racist
say no to racism, fgg
he added some new ads that fuck up the site intentionally if you block them.
try ublock origin atm. noscript is making the site a chore
There's much better examples you could have used.
I'm a racist and you just made a sale
mike ross isnt gonna play dbfz because of this
some of you dusty niggas are always like 4 days behind. how do you do it
show others the things you love user
Take that back. Sakura is not a whore, you slanderous liar.
>Black skin and pink lips
>No exaggerated features
so racist
how do we feel about team battle mode?
I just get my news from here. If there's a place for news that's up-to-date and uncluttered I'm not aware of it.
Im a pedo bros.
Why hasn't Cammy won Capcom Cup yet?
We know broski.
teach her how to play fighting games and not be a salty baby about it by telling her that everything dumb has a counter.
Is that what all that amgload shit in noscript is? Damn
Also you can just re-enable the stylesheet manually and it all works again.
just realized it was eu hours. time for bed to avoid race-bait posting and intense capcom fellatio
brick no!!
Best way to do that is to know all the counters and if she thinks something is cheap/unbeatable, ask her to pick that character, show her how to do the thing, and then counter it.
Everyone needs to learn to lose gracefully.
just update your ublock retard. the devs browse Veeky Forums and fixed it literally hours after it was a thing.
fucking LOL
Kazunoko choked to Liquid|SuicideDu
/fgg/ and VesperArcade's youtube if I miss a few days on /fgg/, to catch up. That's it.
I wish I could hold May down and have my way with her.
Fear not, the American version fixed the insensitive racism of the Japanese. Why do you think our based tolerant bro HBR (that calls people faggots if they make him angry) prefers the dub?
What are your thoughts on Marie Rose from the Dead or Alive franchise?
Then jump off a cliff.
Skullgirls is a bad ga-
I taught my 5 year old cousin how to play Under Night in Birth Exe Late [st]. You'll be fine, kiddo. If video games are enough to mess you up that badly, you were probably going to get messed up easily in life to begin with.
>If that's racist then so is Hamilton and the black adaptation of Annie. Stop talking shit.
>B-but n-no that's n-not racist because I s-subconsciously see black p-people as inferior so they're a-allowed to do it.
>Give me a break.
You are completely wrong though. That's not even how it works.
Post racism
Furries always vote their games super high just because it appeals to their fetish.
>bluewashing a black character
Im not that important.
Only one on the roster who could be deemed attractive.
But then I cant play fighting games.
Euros are so shit in FG's in general.
Latam's are better at them in general the Euros.
We do not need another Toffee.
>That's not even how it works
That's because you're a intersectionalist piece of shit and are divisive by nature. Nothing you can say will be news to me because I'm very familiar with your baby brained doctrine. People like you actively make friendships with other races worse through your misguided empathy and everyone would be a lot happier if you were to just be quiet.
she's too hard at the highest level, no mixups, no huge damage no 3bar Vtrigger that steals rounds, has to take risks all the time
This is what happens when you have aspergers and don't get put in sports.
Ken is literally white supremacist garbage.
>more successful than his full blooded Japanese rival
>has loving white wife and mostly white child
>can go toe to toe with his Japanese rival that does nothing but train all day just because he is 1/4th caucasian and dyed his hair blonde
umm excuse me, do not sexualize the May!
Brick, this is a callout.
The steam christmas sale is supposedly starting today. If and when Fantasy Strike goes on sale I'm buying it and taking you down. Whether I do this by 13-0ing you or by exposing you as a dodger of the highest degree, you will as of me installing the game no longer be the best Fantasy Strike player on fgg.
Is Necalii racist?
This is what happens when you live in Canada. With her parenting, she would have been messed up regardless.
>what is a mulignana
is that yipes?
so, this is your brain on Jive..huh..
This /pol/ shit is boring, please stop.
Canada doesn't believe in aspergers or sports.
what's the coolest special move ever
Iv been sexualizing May since I first saw her when I was 11 its way too late to stop now.
Damn, I want to shove my peepee in her little vagina if you know what I mean.
It's a bit different when you're 40 and gay.
it's ok since you're probably just a 2D autist
Your own logic was that it's racist to take another culture's character/story and change it to be someone of your own race instead of whoever it was originally. Annie was originally a white character. If it's racist to take another race/culture's character and change it to be your own race/culture, then by your own logic how is it not racist to take Annie and make her a black girl instead?
I mean, my answer would be that it's not insulting to adapt another culture's stories at all; it just shows you see something of value in them; but your logic for this doesn't make any sense.
Play fantasy strike
Somersault Justice
He can't be racist since he's black
are you guys excited about the return of rising thunder?
Any variety of a God Press.
Are you a may main
Because Hamilton and Anne everyone knows what the original is ya baby.
Just like how the Afrikaans remake of Brokeback Mountain everyone knows it's based off an American film.
i'll be playing fantasy strike thanks
i cant even imagine how dbfz locals are going to be
even though everyone likes the mvc games, the marvel side always looks gay and we pretend its cool
dbfz appeal is going to be through the fucking roof
johnny no!!
don't try to blackwash a mexican character you racist piece of shit
What a weak argument. You really are a brainlet.
I WAS but I dont play goobers anymore.
This one time, I was walking in the street and this white guy was yelling at two Mexicans, requesting their green cards and how Trump was going to deport them for being illegals.
I confronted the man and told him to stop bullying others. The two Mexican gentlemen decided to walk away while the bully and I waited for cops to show up.
When the fine men and women of law enforcement arrived, I told them the story of the bully harassing strangers on the street. They listened very intently, putting their breakfast on hold while I passionately recreated the scene for them.
After I was finished, they asked where the two Mexicans were. I wasn't the one being harassed, so without the people feeling victimized, there was nothing they could do, and drove off.
So I ask, where are the victims??
Can I get a quick rundown on what May smells like?
>Nobody in Japan knew what Journey to the West was at the time of DB's publication
Euro shitposting with a guest appearance by Neet Americans!
Why do Capcucks continue to play racist games?
Well yeah, look at what happened to Nuckledu. How many times has he almost committed suicide?
>putting their breakfast on hold
this is a good bit and makes me enjoy this pasta
Salty ocean air
I'm not the Sun Wukong guy from the last thread.
salty water obviously
Why did you stop?
I thought people unironically liked Marvel designs, which is why I found their hatred of over designed anime characters weird.
my favorite characters from different games
vsav: bulleta
mvc2: sonson, sakura, bulleta
soul calibur: talim, pyrrha
guilty gear: may
sf: sakura
tell me about me
Waiting for the dodge
gay furry
You love the taste of penis.
obvious homosexual
tight wet asian pussy