>The More You Know - You can buy a horse for 10k gold at any Stablemaster. Find one on your map (in a town) and there will be a tab at the top of their interface. - If you're looking for RP, the most famous place is Riften -- but player housing has diminished this.
>/tesog/ Guilds [PC NA] mail (not whisper) @Foskl for invite [PC EU] mail (not whisper) @Hatebr33d3r for invite [PS4 NA] message PSN: kibukj for invite [PS4 EU] message PSN: RumpRustler for invite [XB1 NA] message GT: Arick556x45 for invite Alternatively, write your @username, platform and location in the thread
>Which edition should I get? Gold if you don't plan to subscribe, Tamriel Unlimited if you're subbing right out of the gate. Subbing is totally optional, with its largest benefits being access to all DLC (but NOT "chapters," of which Morrowind is currently the only one), cash shop currency upon sub start/renewal, and the Craft Bag, which is shared between all your characters on a megaserver and holds all crafting materials, potentially freeing up a lot of space.
>Do I need Morrowind? If you REALLY wanna go to Vvardenfell, play a Warden, or engage in the new PvP mode (Battlegrounds -- not the same as WoW's), yes. But there's a TON to do without it.
>Which faction should I choose? Daggerfall Covenant: Most generic-fantasy faction. Humans and Orcs. Forests, haunted crags, and desert. Literally everyone who plays loves the leader. Aldmeri Dominion: Elves and cats. Forests, forests, grassland, and savannah. Leader just wants everyone to get along. Under her rule. Ebonheart Pact: Variety. Drunken vikings, Dark Elves, and lizards. Snow, volcanoes, and swampland. Leader has fuck all to do with most of the story. Probably too busy drinking.
>Sales and deals dlgamer.com/us/search?keywords=the elder scrolls online (official reseller) >====== There's been talk of stolen credit cards being used to buy keys, but a lot of people still get it through one of the following and have no problems: >====== g2a . com/?search=elder%20scrolls%20online >====== kinguin . net/catalogsearch/result/index/?q=elder+scrolls+online (consensus suggests this is the least trustworthy) >====== Of course there's always the main site and Steam. We do not suggest Steam, as it complicates installation (apparently people are having to download the game twice, and it's gigantic already) and, in theory, access, if the Steam servers go down. Maybe if their price is good enough.
>still can't pay once for a complete edition It's trash
Justin Richardson
wtf is this
Hudson Martinez
people fuckin'
Asher Harris
>the dog watching
Isaiah Carter
Carter Ortiz
>delusions they will win
Nathaniel Ward
Why is your character at the left of the screen? That's so cancerous At least in Skyrim when moving the cam around your static character you could have it end up at the center or the right, but in ESO it's ALWAYS on the left no matter what
Joseph Bailey
There's an option within the Camera menu for the screen's offset.
Jackson James
>That's so cancerous >At least in Skyrim when moving the cam around Try looking for a way to change it in the options before you start crying and whining, you retard
Matthew Baker
>t. brainlet
Brody Rivera
crown sale now bois
Logan Anderson
>Call someone else for racist supremacists with no understanding of the real world and sort-sighted with delusions of grandeur >Goes to war against the rest of Tamriel because she's against the very concept of a human sitting on the Imperial throne What did she mean by this?
Samuel Howard
>Playing an Elder Scrolls game in 3rd person No user You are the cancer
Jonathan Stewart
>Playing an MMO in 1st person are you dumb.
Aaron Evans
G-guys... why do i hear whispers when i kill something? Is it bound armor?
Kevin Moore
Is it? The prices look more expensive. I don't remember 750 crowns being more than £4.49
Nathaniel Richardson
oh wait i think its from a quest item
Brody Jenkins
you're insane
Thomas Mitchell
yeap its up, time to buy those jew crowns
Alexander Roberts
Question is, which crown pack should I buy? 21k crowns for $60... it would set me up for pretty much all foreseeable DLC...
EXCEPT they're gonna release Chapters that have to be paid for with cash, $40 a year...
Lucas Howard
Any chance they will bring back the elk? The only mount I would spend crowns on but I don't want to buy them now if I won't be buying anything soon.
Lincoln Morris
>veiled cucks are this headcanon'd
Camden Brooks
Been thinking about getting into this game, but parts of it give me mad anxiety. From what I understand any class can do anything and races matter. I wanna go in to have fun and do what I want but I don't wanna be useless and have people be mad I don't go hard
Daniel Wood
how Veeky Forums would it be to let off a nirn inferno heavy with molten arms and 5 queens elegance
Ryan Howard
Any class can technically do anyhting but race isn't really too important. However there are a lot of negative people that will be upset if you're not a Dragonknight/Warden tank or Templar/Warden healer or if you are a stamina race on a magicka spec but honestly don't let that get you down. Nightblade is my favorite class personally and though I haven't competed in any veteran trial content I know of personally many that have as all roles so really just find a good group of people to play with and ignore the whiny people.
Juan Murphy
>got two Hissmir recipes so far fuck it, bought four more so all my alts have the achievement. beats doing these shitty dailies every day. was already sick of it last year and regretted cashing out with only four characters complete.
Robert Jackson
Do areas matter at all? I think last time I played there was a boat that would take me to a couple different areas. Any order or naw
Bentley Nelson
Not really, everything is leveled now so you won't find any high level areas aside from craglorn which is half group content. You can do the quests in any order that you want really too so don't be afraid if you are in a far away zone. I recommend doing the starter island quests, then the guild and alliance quests with some main quest thrown in.
Angel Green
Did COA treasure chest user ever find that shield? Been in the same situation with my necklace farm, haven't found a single necklace of any kind from hundreds of chests.
Xavier Howard
>finished vICP for the 42nd time this month >still not a single jewelry piece or the divines belt i need
Aiden Torres
Key frags my man
Ian Brown
Guys, why do i suck so hard on my nightblade? I get kicked off every dungeon grp for low dmg.
I do more dmg on my templar, who is fucking healing in dungeons.
I dont know what im doing wrong.
Jaxon Moore
list your sets and rotation, user
Jason Harris
I'm in the same boat. using alcast's stamblade build. I also started a templar healer and finding it a lot of enjoyable.
Adam Butler
I got Hundings Set with some random weapons. I set up everything like in Alcasts guide. I have some problems with the rotation, but i cant believe thats really it. I run out of stamina quite fast tho...
Christopher Peterson
Aside from not having the BiS setup or a maelstrom bow I don't know how you can pull anything but over 20k which is more than enough for most content. Though that build is for trials anyway. Check out jeckls thread for a nice dungeon setup though.
Ian Anderson
>tfw just want 690 >tfw don't feel like grinding >tfw will be worthless in a couple months anyway when they raise the cap again Send help.
Joseph Morgan
>Sometimes buying from AH and getting the mail takes 2 seconds >Sometimes it takes 20 minutes
Juan Russell
change zones.
Nolan Price
At what point does cycling the dailies become pointless, I'm only missing 3 skin changer recipes, I have all the entertainer runeboxes, I have (I think) all the provisioning recipes, and like 9 lamps and 4 street lights, plus a giant glowing mushroom Is there anything I'm missing?
Benjamin Howard
>He don't do vet dungeons in 1st person Sounds like you've a bad case of being shit
Ryan Flores
>I run out of stamine quite fast tho take a screenshot of your character's stats, wanna check your max stam, stam regen, weapon damage etc if you can't just list it here and heavy attack more to regain stam
Charles Nelson
i used to run out of stam all the time too btw, now i'm almost always above 20k and rarely drop under that. also i'm using hundings and swamp raider on a stam dk you might wanna try some different food/drinks too, can't remember the name of my drink, but it gives me health, stam and stam regen
Jaxon Powell
>>raise the cap Daddy ZOS won't do this to us, will they?
Sebastian Gonzalez
I think they want to keep on raising the level cap, they hinted at raising the gear cap but people would probably flip too much shit.
Jayden Wood
cap is raised by 30 CP every DLC without fail.
equipment cap hasn't changed since.. wrothgar?
Caleb Campbell
so uh, completely new player here. bought 3k crowns from the sale, whats the best way to spend them?
Jordan Hernandez
mount speed, exp scrolls, dlc if you arent sub
Parker Howard
mount speed really for pvp i mean
Ian Hughes
Well 98% of the crown store is cosmetic, so unless you have any particular affinity to imperials or you want to betray your racial alliance, then it's up to aesthetics I would recommend maybe a mount and a couple of boxes or if you aren't subscribed to plus then grab one or 2 of the dlcs
Lincoln Collins
imperial race unlock.
>xp scrolls >mount speed why not tell them to buy bankspace and a werewolf bite as well
Christopher Sanchez
>impulsively buy a 21k crowns pack >realize there's nothing in the store i actually want >buy all dlcs and mount speed training >still have like 14k left welp
Joshua Wood
>imperial race unlock. literally zero reason to buy imperial
Leo Hall
you'll be a few thousand short for the coldharbor surreal estate.
at least you can still afford Observatory Prior
Easton King
every other worthwhile thing is included in eso+ or can't be bought for crowns, or are over 3k like the banker.
David Robinson
Oh, i'm fine with the level cap going up. I thought there was talk about raising the gear cap or something.
Colton White
Either the mobile banker or merchant. Everything else is shit. Probably the merchant.
Ryder Cooper
Save it for DLCs.
Get Guilds and Glory if you don't have that.
Sebastian Cooper
Don't waste crowns on mount speed. Or XP scrolls. Or any consumable crap. You can get that ingame.
Bentley Robinson
I can tell you not to buy anything you can get in-game, like mount speed, xp boosting items, bank space or a werewolf bite. Buy DLC or cosmetics. Stay away from crates.
Josiah Johnson
If you don't have Guilds and Glory (4 DLCs: Imperial City, Orsinium, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood), then it is without exaggeration the best thing you could get with crowns in ESO.
Xavier Hill
okay guys, help me decide, i currently have unlimited and morrowind and 4k crowns
Clockwork collector bundle 4k (mount, one dlc, scrolls, pet) Adept Starter Pack 1k Pledge of Mara (for me and friend) 1k Blood forged 1.2k Camel 1.8k other?
Robert Campbell
guilds and glory is more than 4k
Benjamin Sanchez
best healer
Ayden Gray
Of the things you listed just get only the Clockwork City non collector bundle (2k crowns instead of 4k)
Then don't spend any of your crowns you bought on the crown sale and save for guilds and glory, there is nothing else that is worth buying.
Hudson Scott
Don't but the collectors edition. Get Orsinium and Clockwork.
Ethan Murphy
>Buy DLC or cosmetics >budget: 3000¤ Tesselated Guar: 1300¤ Duchess Personality: 1000¤ Boob Window Dress of choice: 500-700¤ (Corseted Riding Outfit, Holiday in Balmora, Buoyant Gentility)
you're welcome
Brandon Mitchell
>buying mount speed from crown store Does anyone seriously do this?
Landon Clark
Ignore what I said, get guilds and glory as said
Seriously don't spend it on stupid stuff such as a camel.
Andrew Harris
I just did. It's my first character and I've been playing a lot every day. Bought four books, went from +17 to +57. The difference is pretty damn huge, and otherwise it would have taken me forty days to get it. By that point I would already be cp400+ and have like 90% of zones and quests done.
Jose Cooper
>By that point I would already be cp400+ and have like 90% of zones and quests done. >40 days Damn you said you play a lot but damn.
Julian Foster
What's your /played?
Jose Price
It's true you would be fast only when you've done a lot of content, but it's still just 40 days and you're fast enough for the ESO world as is, even more so because of the wayshrines everywhere. But enjoy your speed.
Jace Green
day 40 I was still exploring glenumbra on my first character, riding speed was an afterthought, and I played 2-4 hours every day
Robert Taylor
Ian Anderson
looking at you babe when are you going to push for emp so I can make an EP character?
Julian Wright
just checked 5 days 10 hours okay maybe this is a bit too much for a 17 days old character in my defense i had a week off work during this period
Dylan Harris
>Green pact Why are Bosmer retarded?
Jacob Gray
protein poisoning
John Kelly
Nig that's 130 hours in two weeks. That said did you by any chance skip any dialogues? I remember it taking way longer when I did the quests.
Nolan Phillips
When doing dungeons I screenshot pages of in-game books to read them later not to keep the group waiting since I'm a tank and I read quest text but don't wait for the voiced dialogue during dungeon quests but other that than, nah, I'm playing the game so much because I'm legitimately enjoying it, story and everything.
Elijah Butler
>When doing dungeons I screenshot pages of in-game books to read them later But...theres an ingame journal for everything youve read
Oliver Rivera
only once you've completed the mages guild questline. until then, lorebooks only.
there's an addon called Librarian that keeps track of all texts seen, but it hasn't been working for me since an update or two back.
Isaac Nelson
Has DLC by itself ever gone on sale, like would CWC ever go on sale?
Cameron Jackson
Whenever a new DLC comes out there's also new skill points because of skyshards and dungeon quests, right? Do they also add new abilities to spend skill points on, or will we eventually get to the point when you can have every single skill on a single character?
David Rivera
on anniversaries. Orsinium and IC were 750¤ recently on their respective dates.
David Foster
>Do they also add new abilities to spend skill points on Sometimes, but they're always non-combat skills.
Tyler James
Does the golden vendor ever sell dungeon sets like spell power cure and worm cult or just overland stuff?
Kevin Robinson
Orsinium whatever the fuck else you want
Jason Martin
They do sell dungeon sets and now with Clockwork City, they are starting to sell every dungeon/drop set. No SPC yet but will probably come out shortly.
Charles Smith
is orsinium super fun?
Adam Bennett
Better than Morrowind and Clockwork.
William Robinson
yes. probably the best story thus far
Also has the best endgame weapons locked behind it. If you plan on sticking with it the game it's probably better that you own it instead of being a sub prisoner
Julian Thomas
it was mostly completed when the game was still sub2play. the scope and pricing reflect that. people will cry about morrowind being a ripoff in comparison, but truth is orsinium was underpriced for what it was.
Ryder Lewis
okay sick I think ill grab that first
Angel Butler
What's a golden vendor?
Nathaniel Baker
You're better off getting crowns by subbing btw, you get access to all DLC and the crowns equal to the price of the sub.