Old: No waifus edition
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Old: No waifus edition
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1st for exterminating waifu fags
I love my cute and perfect wife, Riven!
Female champion posting is off limits?
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
wish I was Rakan bros...
>send one harmless lewd message to the enemy team
>jungler spends the rest of the game making me his pet and letting me know in chat
I was just trying to distract them sorry team!
>tfw no fertile sun goddess karma gf
I honestly have no idea why people ban ornn
the niggas that play him are SO BAD that his winrate is only 48%
>all splash arts look good
>all skins look mediocre
I think I just don't like her model.
>enemy faggot opts for free elo and picks teemo
>I have to either dodge and essentially get banned for the crime of picking a fighter or automatically lose
when are they going to fix this ffs
Titanic Hydra rush* feels a little better than Triforce.
>ywn watch her submit completely to her master Tryndamere while you nearly burst with desire to be the one touching her instead
fuck is tiamat?
Sub 80-IQ ranged bab detected
>people still trying to crack it
It's not the build my naive friend... But the heart...
Im trying to get better at top desu, no clue what tiamat is
also I thought actual damage items were a big NO on poppy?
post youre favorite lulu!
what did you play prior and for how long?
Ashe is pure.
Shut the fuck up if you don't know what every item in the game is.
as pure as you can be after taking big barbarian cock sure
xth for my wife Syndra
Why was it even deleted
*shows up out of nowhere in ur lane and kills u*
7 will decide my main
Yeah. A pure slut
>trying to crack it
I already know bruiser Poppy is the best build.
i dont have it saved, but the one that the sejuani drawanon drew where sej is stepping on lulu
Master Yi
fiddle, season 6 was almost 2 years ago, you dont kill shit m8
Nice power fantasy, stupid stick
he's not even playing poppy jungle though
because i and a few others Report post -> Rule violation -> I'm not a robot -> Submit every single thread, and increasingly they are getting deleted, as they should be.
please help
>Ahri takes life through memories
>Evelynn flays her victims
>Zyra does who knows what
Reminder that we STILL don't have an actual succubus champion.
Avatarfagging is against the rules friend :^)
Ahriposters are for rough breeding
*flies from the other side of the map in seconds and kills u*
if you die to yasuo, you got outplayed
it means he had to calculate (and execute) the fight exactly to his specifications, taking into account your cooldowns and his, the position of both junglers, the creep waves and the general "feel" of the lane (an ability that has to be honed through years, maybe decades of what you call merely "gaming").
Indeed, to be defeated by yasuo is to realise that you have found your better, both as a player and as a man. Your mettle failed you, but the yasuo player is solid steel -hard, cold, reliable- and as he secures first blood and you anxiously await the surrender vote, his mind is still operating at full capacity preparing strategies for a near infinite number of possibilities.
I'll be taking my LP now, make sure you do your bans correctly next time.
>Ahri takes life through memories
i'm pretty sure she uses her vagoo to drains all of your essence out through your ponos to leave you a deflated corpsebag.
Why dont you already play the most broken Champion ever?
corsair quinn is the best skin in the game
Zyra is the plant in a dead mage's body. Zyrafags are all in to necrophilia just like Ireliafags
>if you die to Yasuo, you got outplayed
Are you trying to say that anything they do outside of feeding is intentional?
because im straight
Oh, look at all the attention I'm getting!
*presses R*
Playing female champs is gay
Keep fighting the good fight friend! And make sure to let us know how much you hate waifuposters too.
Ah, I see :^)
*ur E pops my banshee's and u instantly get feared, with zhonya's ready if u qss the fear*
i'm sure u'll fare okay against my entire team with your ult and qss down though right?
*tumbles into your skillshot and condems you to saftey*
that is generally how video games work yes
i... will? 3 seconds to submit rule violation reports on each and every one of your posts is hardly a burden for those of us who do it.
quinn doesnt give a damn about spells shields because of her ult
she can just ult mid air and pop it then e you
or pop the shield then blind so you cant target her while she kills your ass
*murders your carry in fountain*
*runs at you with the speed of light, flashes and throws a burning 4 meter tall bear in your face*
The wiki and bot games exist for a reason motherfucker
Do your homework
I wish i was shyvana
*pops your spellshield with ult and then 1shot outplays u*
*presses E*
So much for:
>I didn't mean to steal that kill
>Can't carry my b5 team
I guess he didn't carry intentionally.
zhonya's though, friend.
you're acting like quinn isn't middle of the pack at best when it comes to being a threat to fiddlesticks - same goes for any marksman, all of whom have to bite a 1300g bullet to have a prayer of a chance of doing anything in any teamfight ever. hell, i fear malphite more, at least good ones can actually flash-ult to interrupt my ult if my banshee's is down.
I want Shyvana to be my personal child bearing dragon slut.
>misread this as "suit" instead of "slut" because i'm tired
>envisioned you constructing something like a fursuit out of shyvana's skin after you flay her alive
>got confused about how child-bearing plays into this unless you're a girl(female)
>gave up and finally reread your post
does that mean husbandos are still allowed
The enemy team was intentionally better.
sucks to be you buddy
zhonyas what lmao
you are forced to use zhonyas while she just walks away
youre also implying a champion like quinn will try to fight you with your team nearby which is just plain retarded
she will ward your jungle with green smite plus zombie ward and catch you ulting every time because of her w
notin personnel ked
he did it
Are they all Yasuo players too?
i forgot he exists
new to the game, saved up for renekton and evelyn. I know evelyn is a jungler, but is renekton a tank? Also, i keep hearing that renekton is pretty bad, so do I just save for someone better?
kind of clever using a strawman argument when talking about a strawman champion. sorry friend, you're acting like i haven't run into a few dozen quinn one-tricks in diamond. i'm not dumb enough to run around solo farming my jungle in vision. and who the fuck jungles quinn anyway? she doesn't get fed enough to matter if she jungles.
Teemo is actually broken? I thought he was but nobody would listen. I first picked him and went AP in a game where nobody else wanted to go AD and killed it despite everyone saying they had "counter picked" me with Singed.
renekton is not bad. he also doesn't build full tank. he usually builds items with attack damage and health.
What is she thinking about?
breeding with voidlings
>x years into the past
>no draft mode
>forced to top
>need some easy champion to play
>pick voli every time
>still have vietnam flashbacks
I will never forget.
>tfw trolling the lol forums
and youre the one that started the strawman
i was just trying to imitate your meme post for fun
i would be fine being any league girl honestly
Kled, my cantankerous husband!
He's so cute and I want to smooch him and his butt!
Why doesnt a bigger and a higher Quality of this image exists?
I tried, but it looks shit
ok, so focus on attack then. well back to the bots for me
Renekton is still playable. Go Electrocute.
>ban jhin
>enemy adc shits the bed
Never gets old
Your parents may be more interested in that than random people on a forum for chinese cartoons.
Picked up LoL again this week and am low gold now. I've got a few questions though.
Which champions should I usually ban?
I'm playing jungle (mostly j4, xin and if teamcomp allows it kha), should I pick up more junglers and is jungle a good role to climb and have impact in the game?
Occasionally I play mid (Annie), what are other easy to learn mages that are actually good?
Should I focus on winning lanes to make them even stronger or losing lanes?