Guys can you critique me dropshipping site? I did what you guys told me to do. I'm targeting women 18-30 and it's mainly jewelry with astrological stuff. So like for a sapphire bracelet I say "Sapphire is meant to improve wisdom" or something like that. I displayed shipping times on the front page and tell them I'm going to donate profits to animal hospital for emotional appeal. (I will actually donate 5% of gross." I hope I made you proud Veeky Forums and want your suggestions.
nice link.
my bad
>Due to high number of orders please allow up to 60 days for delivery
Kek you gotta work on that
It's dropship from China it takes that long. If I don't put that people will ask for refunds. Please help
You cannot find a Chinese distributor with products in the states?
Everything on the website is from AliExpress
man I wanna do something like this. I work as PA one day a week for a hypnotherapist and she gets a whack number of clients that believe in all sorts of bullshit - and they spend fuck loads of money on all sorts of dumb shit like this. maybe consider targeting older women as well, like middle-aged housewives... they seem to be the biggest pool of people that walk through the door.
Alright so I should add more astrological voodoo stuff? Thanks, user.
lol have you even made a single sale
I just posted it today. Been working on it a few hours after work for a week. Critique please?
for one it looks like english isnt your first language
On the site or on here?
Part proceeds go to an animal shelter
Due to high number of orders please allow up to 60 days for delivery
Those are grammatically correct statements but I'll revise them for you
I'm not an expert on dropshipping, but I can critique the aesthetics of your website.
For some reason the words "be fatal" bothers me. I feel as if the font should be thicker, but that may just be me.
The layout seems simple/easy to maneuver around.
The "Due to high number of orders please allow up to 60 days for delivery," doesn't seem appropriate for the front page. I would expect to see that at checkout.
I thank you for the input and will make the changes!
Also, for some reason your website feels like a mixture between legitimate and something I'd expect from a scam.
Again, I am not sure how these things work, but I would probably never buy anything from your site. It feels as if it's missing something.
My personal suggestion would be for you to utilize the image with the seductive women, as a little slide that shows an image of kittens/puppies with the text "Part proceeds go to an animal shelter" or something similar.
-and you can make the slide scroll through images of the seductive women with the quote "be fatal," or you can insert some other image/text into the slide. To me that would make your website seem more legit.
That's a terrific idea, user. I'll be sure to send you a royalty cheque.
>maybe consider targeting older women as well, like middle-aged housewives...
Yeah that didn't sit right we me either, you need to be more specific
>Part proceeds go to an animal shelter
shouldn't that be "portion of"?
Also "an animal shelter" sounds so vague as to instantly make me think it's a scam or at least dishonesty
>For some reason the words "be fatal" bothers me. I feel as if the font should be thicker, but that may just be me.
I agree with this. I'd make the title bigger and more stylized, to give the impression that you're a legit and well established store. Just unconciously it'll give customers more confidence.
I don't like the inconsistency in the photos, your 'gothic choker' photo has a picture of the girl's face but the 'black stone necklace' crops to just the neck. With the gothic choker photo it's slightly confusing what you're selling.
And from a layout point of view that photo of the woman lying on her side should come BEHIND the main heading, I just have this vibe that if you have to scroll down to see what a website is "about" or the actual products you lose a lot of eyeballs. Ideally you should have the products visible in the top third of the frame.
consider Instagram marketing as well, I've been doing it and it's lead to a couple of leads. Post once a day, nice pics, lots of tags, and get a bot to like related hashtags on other profiles. Big social media followings help give legitimacy as well - check out products like SkinnyMe Tea or Frank Body. They sell purely through social media and both have made hundreds of thousands of dollars.
yeah and also add brief descriptions on the main page if you can. the whole "sapphires bring happiness" or whatever bullshit is your best selling point, push that stuff harder and bring it to the front page.
Thank you my fellow Veeky Forumsness men!
Ask yourself: "why would my target audience choose my store?"
Right now I would believe that there are far more convincing storefronts out there. Both in design and in the actual content. Low prices are a meme. Recognize what your customers actually want to pay.
Also, the 60 day shipping will scare away basically all your potential customers. With this kind of lead time you have to present it differently. There are potentially two ways, I figure:
1. Stock up. This will be potentially really, really bad, since you will bind up a lot money in shipping time and products. It will be super hard to do a decent prognosis, both in sales and trends. With this kind of deal you would atleast be able to offer decent shipping.
2. Go the exclusivity route. Scale down on the ammount of crap (you should do this anyway) you have in your store and focus on a few key items. Instead of excusing your customers for the 60 days of shipping, you could create a pre-order system. In this system you offer a fake kind of exclusivity, were you pretend to have unique products that's only available right now for a limited amount of time.
Also, take actual photos of your products. Even stupid fucking people recognize that this stuff comes directly from china without even buying it.