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Give me setting changes for increased quality
>14 players online
why not a 2 min max video talking about what the server has to offer, the features and differences?
>talking about what the server has to offer
more quests than the average private server
lots of jews
that's it
>everyone against 5m daxe (the actual price) doesnt have a daxe, doesnt have 5m in bank, doesnt know daxe is actually 15% faster, and cant even kill dags
relly maeks u think
Calm down, just because a 2-4m price point for a d axe makes sense doesn't mean it will become a reality. Everyone knows v scape pricing is determined by autistic reee-ing, not logic or basic economics principles. The jewish d axe cartel is safe for the time being.
for real though /v/scape doesn't really have an economy. just look at flax, what's the price check on flax after kingdom management? nobody fucking knows because not enough people regularly buy flax to find out what the lower limit is on what people are willing to sell their now-inflated stacks of flax for. it takes months for prices of even the most commonly traded items to settle at a comfortable price and even that is usually just due to some communal agreement than any economic pressure
literally 200 ea
how does 2-4m make sense its an essential item lmao
Things like flax and pess used to be a steady 200-300, every year or so they go up because some autismo or group of autismos gets sick of waiting or competing for x mat so they end up buying it for crazy amounts, recent example (the past 365 days), Raltz and Rofl and a few others (followers of the trend) started buying pess and dstones for way above the set community price of ~400 ea and ~200k ea, resulting in a permanent increase. People buy and sell X item at the new +100 price regularly now despite Rolf and Raltz not buying these items anymore. Vscape's economy is singlehandedly controlled by the top payer and then months after the impression is left. This problem could also be because of inflation of gp, which is another likely culprit. Another reason, even if gp had a set amount, is that there is nothing to dump gp into. Con is pretty minimal, 36m for 99. However not everyone is interested in 99 con and most people who can get 99 con think 36m is nothing (because it isn't haha)
tldr uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh there's nothing to spend gp on
lmao do smith, crafting, and pray nigga
skywak cute
>how does 2-4m make sense its an essential item lmao
D boots, whips and most barrows are sitting around 1-2m and all can be considered essential. Why? Because there are currently a lot more people farming those items than newfriends buying them. Now we're starting to see the same conditions popping up around dag kings, with a relatively high number of people farming them without the customer base for dag drops growing. Also, considering pess has replaced oaks as the dominant newfriend money maker for the last couple months, I'd imagine a d axe really doesn't appear that crucial to newfriends right now.
This guy had some good points questioning how essential it is too.
this is unironically a good idea
adding some of the info on the wiki FAQ and server differences pages to the tutorial would probably improve the newfag flow since people don't READ
i've done all 3 actually :^)
literally noone except bingus and co and cojiro farm dags also is retarded lmao
its 15% increase off the bat, not 5
and in the 90s a reg trip is around 5 mins with daxe, while with rune it's nearly 6 minutes, meaning if you chop the 47k magics needed for everything, you save approx 28 hours
>literally noone except bingus and co and cojiro farm dags
Then why the fuck are half a dozen people trying to sell d axes and other dag drops right now? They may be the only people farming regularly, but plenty of people make the occasional trip.
>what is selling daxe after finishing wc
You should probably remove the custom inventory picture, so newfriends don't think that it's like that for everyone
>being poor enough to sell your axe after finishing wc
people do this?
thanks, i forget i have it on most times actually
give me a list of things vscape has to offer and i'll work on it
nice save
Animosity post
This is actually pretty spot on. Oldfags with more gp than sense will pay outrageously expensive prices for a mat, and then no one wants to sell it for lower even after that oldfag isn't buying anymore.
Convince me to play this dead game.
server dead?
reminder that if you are behind any of the above posts you are fucking POOR
Do you guys find it offensive that the "oldfags" are always called "oldfags" and never "oldfriends"? Why do "newfags" get called "newfriends"? Is it so that they don't get offended and scurry off instantly? Are they considered the life-blood of the server, therefore our friends?
no, sorry
I forgive you
>another thread died in spite of daxe autism
hey you're not me
bada bing bada bump
buying green boater
Friendly reminder daxe doesn't even effect the speed of cutting logs below yew. It's useless over rune for oak logs.
We have to pretend to like them so they can farm mats for us.
gz you're in the big boy club now
i want to drop out of school
bump desu
school is for fags anyways, do it
Now you know why you should cater your business to boomers.
agility cleared
The walk of shame
>not dropping the book and getting placeholders
this is a hdgevin post
Do you get to Mage Bank very often? Oh, what am I saying? Of course you don't.
Do your fucking daily cardio. Wildy course doesnt count.
Three down.
who's that
Wow why even have a thread, and people thought it was bad a year ago...
post your animal companions that watch you endlessly grind (or distract you from the grind)
please and thank
not this day
someone post obvious bate about established prices again, that usually creates the illusion of an active thread for a couple hours
got my welfare xp. see you guys next week. I'm going back to half asses, tabbed out mining
I am over 1800 total level and haven't done Tears of Guthix yet. I manually train RC
I take RC breaks when I don't feel like mining.
Search function in banks when
dstones (&dstones jewellery)
key loops
zimzam p3 & p4
zamorak blessed chaps, coif and vambs
dragon bones
flax for bowstings (so free crafting xp for u)
join 'oven dodger' cc, because i have pvt @red@off
>please download my RAT!
oldfags is a term of endearment whereas newfriends is a term used for mocking
only problem is that newfags think that its used to mock so they use it that way, which kinda ruins it for erryone else
is it worth it to obtain 32 quest points so you can finally wear the rune chestplate ?
why do you have private off if you want to sell something? I'm not going to leave my beloved cc to join your shit cc to trade
bump fgts
A sampling of the collection, legit found these fuckers under my jet wash 4 months ago. Gonna trade for death runes when they’re fully grown.
Fuck, no idea why it rotated all of a sudden wew
mine pess
I'm lonely
I want to kill myself
i hate my life and i want to die
>9 players online