Nobody ever talks about them. let's talk bums.
Don't know shit about this but seems Interesting, monitoring this thread
I played dirty kid life for about a year. got to see homelessness and all kinds of other stuff up-close and personal through 46 states.
I mostly hitchhiked, played guitar for money in big cities and flew a sign when on interstates. lived on a hippie bus for a while, we stopped at truck stops and asked truckers for diesel and got around that way. it was aight. I made between $2-3k in under a week spanging in yuma AZ, made about $1k in GR during an art fair, around $1k in central park NYC, around $1-2k at the delaware welcome center over three days playing guitar out front, money isn't bad if you're young. newark NJ -> philly is the worst part of america for this lifestyle imo, cops are mean and shitty, groups of 10-15 black kids openly discussing the prospects of robbing me with me, someone tried to rob me with a knife in philly.
asheville was chill, the county is obscenely friendly to homeless people so it's full of them, a lot of them are young.
there were four distinctions between the homeless I saw that was consistent at least among rainbow kids:
dirty kids: young hitchhikers that don't stay in one spot
homebums/crusties: usually older people that hobo in one spot
trainhoppers: just as it sounds, people that get around by train. there's an interesting subculture there, they carry around a manual called "crewchange" or something that has info on all of the stations
punk: derogatory, refers to a young poser who dresses and acts homeless in the street but sleeps in mommy's bed at night
some other random words I picked up:
spanging: asking for spare change
bliss: clean dishes
yard bull: trainyard security
road dog: traveling partner
babylon tickets: money
shit tickets: toilet paper/tissues
random funny story: this 30-40 year old white dude on the bus got handed a hundred dollar bill by a black dude on an offramp near compton holding a cardboard sign reading "can't a nigga get spun?"
> be me, working part time job shuttling mentally handicapped people around Fresno
> be parked out in the van off of Tulare while some members of the group are finishing up work
> see hobo sleeping in his blankets under abandoned store awning
> hobo gets up, walks to sidewalk
> drops trou
> squats, releases the biggest deuce to ever be dropped by Man
> pulls up pants, slips back into blankets, goes right back to sleep
> turd just sits there steaming in the morning sun
Fuck hobos. They are a cancer and should be excised.
sounds pretty based to me
Pretty neat got any cool stories
Also how the fuck do you carry around $2k in spare change even if its 50/50 btwn bills
for one thing it's not that hard to have a wad of cash on you when you have a 30-40lb pack, for another I blew through all of that in a week, dude. when I had money I slept in motels, drank beer smoked cigs partied with other hobo kids, when I didn't I slept under bridges and in tents deep in the woods. with the couple thou I made in yuma I bought half a pound of weed in southern california and blew the rest on motel rooms and beer and shit. judge me all you want idga flying f, only spend maybe around $5 a day on food, at times where I couldn't make $5 a day I would get peanut butter and bread and live off of that for a while.
cool stories, uh, most of my favorites were about people I met. lots of culture shock, having been born and raised in washington state I hadn't seen a lot of racism or true religion in my life. gained a sorrowful and deep respect for niggers in the south after being treated like shit by whites and helped out by blacks throughout. thought it was disgusting in a place like charlotte where white businessmen ignore me as I play guitar in the street then a fucking black chick pushing a shopping cart drops a dollar in my case, sm d h. Holland, MI was pretty crazy, everyone there is fucking dutch as hell and I have never seen such a higher concentration of christian belief, it's almost like cult shit it's so strong there. made an elderly couple cry when they asked if I believed in god and I said "no", I felt fucking awful. poor old dudes wife was almost bawling. kindof hard for me to summarize meeting literally four digits of people.
might've found a body in virginia. smelled like rotting underneath an overpass with some hobo underneath blankets and shit. I'm pretty sure the guy was dead from the smell, it wasn't typical hobostank, but I wasn't going to poke a hobo with a stick under any circumstance.
traveling with chicks is a meme. they're needy, lazy, whiny, and spontaneously have children. avoid them.
>babylon tickets
is it in reference to something or just pure slang?
They ruin literally everything they touch and are cancerous parasites on society. The tard-herding job was just part time. My full time job is as a Paramedic. Hobos are fucking leeches. If I could, I would herd them into gas chambers and turn the valves personally with a fucking smile.
I make their lives absolutely miserable whenever I can. I just fucking hate them.
Its a term coined by rastas or trustafarians "babylon" basically just means civilization as you know it and it's derogatory. You can find it's origins in Jamaican patois and Rastafarianism but i'm almost sure that particular phrase was coines by dirty white hippie kids trying to be rasta.
Ex dirty kid here, i was the kind that didnt have any money to start with. Spent 4 years on the road from 16-20. I never made out as well as guitar bro but i got around
civilization in general is referred to as "babylon" by some hippies, as in an analogy for the tower of babylon blabla building up towards something that will inevitably collapse that huts the people blablabla it's hippie stuff. basically rainbow folks hate money because it's what modern society is based around.
they actually have some really good points. some of the happiest I've ever been is my time at rainbow gatherings, where people just chill, idle away their days in nature, everyone's hanging out and doing drugs and having sex and stuff, treating each other like family, for weeks at a time. they're trying to embrace a lifestyle that's more "natural" for humans, emulating tribalism and animistic hunter/gatherer tendencies. it's good fun, and I prefer that lifestyle to a wageslave lifestyle. I think it's something people can benefit from understanding, where it is a common view that the way society works today is the way it "ought" to work, or is the "best" way society can work, etc. etc. people thinking objectively about subjective things.
the only reason I plug into society is because I have ambitions above working a career or wage job my entire life, if I didn't want to be rich I'd probably still be a dirty kid.
>They ruin literally everything they touch and are cancerous parasites on society.
t. society
Fuck hippies. You all are a bunch of mark ass bitches that stick to their safe spaces and rely on the kindness of others to get by. Bunch of soft faggots who claim to have traveled the country but wouldn't last a day getting down with the locals on the real streets just outside your hippie part of town that accepts you.
The reason i hate you guys so much isn't for that reason. It's more because you choose the streets and squandered real opportunity that was given to you. I was always jealous
Yeah, fuck you too. My job is serving that society. Hobos try to use me as a combination first aid stand, taxi and mobile drug dispensary. They cost the system and immense amount of money every year and contribute literally nothing to anything but their own vices. I take pride in the fact that I have never once given narcotics, a blanket or even a pillow to a hobo. I get them to the ER alive. That's it.
I serve people, not leeches. I have risked my life for people. I've worked four days without sleep for people. I've held people's hands as they died because there was nothing else I could do for them. I love people.
Hobos are not people.
If this country ever went full-on fascist, I would be the first fucker in line to run hobos down and burn them alive
I'll give you that some people choose that life.
However please understand it's a transitional phase for some and others have no choice.
Get fucked. Hobos are a cancer.
I've been a dirty piece of shit somewhat by choice but there are people out there who are half braindead and have no family who can't do any better.
If you're advocating eugenics or something okay i guess.
Working with the public sure does turn you sour fast huh
Fast? Took about twenty years.
Fuck you, fuck hobos and fuck anybody who advocates for them. You are enabling a parasite class. Just fucking die.
U give a break down on why these people are hobos/ homeless is there a difference?
For instance are they addicted, mental illness, or just straight up poor.
I hate homeless people as much as anyone i know. I just know from experience 90% of them had a choice at one point or still do.
I thought being a paramedic you might have a shred of empathy for people who were dealt an unplayable hand but it's not my job to convince you.
This is coming from someone who regularly shouts abuse at homeless people and the kind of person that throws change out into moving traffic when asked for it. So it's just appalling that you're so hateful.
>rely on the kindness of others to get by.
get rekt
I wouldn't describe myself as a hippie, since I wagekek and pay bills and live in an apartment and shit, but I don't hate people for getting by e z that's just silly.
>hippie part of town
no such fucking thing anywhere. where I traveled I was on the streets and the onramps/offramps, just like everyone else that hitchhikes.
haha get rekt you salty motherfucker.
I wasn't part on the discussion, but I agree on the importance of Work and Society. Still, you don't HAVE to give hobos anything if you don't want to, and if you do your best to insult them and make their lives harder, then you probably have to realise how ridiculous and overly-angry you look. I assume the source of your frustration may reside somewhere else or you maybe just have a meaningless need to spread hate(much like the narrarator from Notes from Underground). It's not like they're stealing money from your taxes.
It'd be incredible if ALL the hobos around you are arrogant pieces of shit(cause I know some are).
So you didn't actually see the country, just the highways? Ya'll are dumb. I work for myself now and pay rent and bills just like anyone else. I always hated that sect of homelessness you described. No balls or anything of worth to be found at an entire rainbow gathering. And if there were it woud be im A-camp, faggots
1994434 not intended
The only unplayable hand is death. With everything else there are options.
Hobos are hobos because that lifestyle affords them the opportunity to live without responsibility. They can hang around the park and panhandle in front of businesses and get wasted as fuck whenever they want and never have to work or pay their own way. They are the lowest form of bipedal life. They're not playing a fucked up hand. They're playing exactly the way they want to and they're forcing us to subsidize that shit.
It's easy to be empathetic to people you don't personally have to deal with. It's different when you have to go out there and get manipulated by those fucking subhumans.
I mean, you can skew it however you want if you're envious of someone who's been through 48 states, met over a thousand people and had a good time. idc what kindof salty-ass argument you want to cook up, I saw all kinds of shit as far as cities and natural forests go, met all kinds of different people from all over, and had a great time.
>No balls or anything of worth to be found at an entire rainbow gathering
holy shit idk anywhere else I've seen as many fistfights haha you know nothing.
Did you not read my previous posts. I was homeless for 4 years i know exactly what you're talking about.
However there are a minority of homeless people who are mentally retarded or have a severe mental illness (the real kind) and society refuses to treat them.
You wouldn't know that unless you have actually lived on the streets or done some in depth field research. Like i said 90% of them are seeking sympathy and handouts and playing a con to get free shit. There are those that are not however
>cool stories, uh, most of my favorites were about people I met. lots of culture shock, having been born and raised in washington state I hadn't seen a lot of racism or true religion in my life. gained a sorrowful and deep respect for niggers in the south after being treated like shit by whites and helped out by blacks throughout. thought it was disgusting in a place like charlotte where white businessmen ignore me as I play guitar in the street then a fucking black chick pushing a shopping cart drops a dollar in my case, sm d h. Holland, MI was pretty crazy, everyone there is fucking dutch as hell and I have never seen such a higher concentration of christian belief, it's almost like cult shit it's so strong there. made an elderly couple cry when they asked if I believed in god and I said "no", I felt fucking awful. poor old dudes wife was almost bawling. kindof hard for me to summarize meeting literally four digits of people.
can you tell me more about the culture shock?
this sounds genuinely interesting.
That's pretty telling you saw more action in a rainbow gathering than any of the streets you've been on.
What kind of bullshit lsd tinted goggles you must see the world through. I've seen murders motherfucker, seen shots, been shot at and worse. You may have seen 48 states but you didnt actually see many you were just a tourist. A low class shitty begginf tourist at that. I'm glad you had a good time.
Try playing your faggy guitar in the tenderloin in sf, or oakland, or on crenschaw in la, anywhere in chitown or detroit. Tru your faggy hippie shit in any bustling ghetto anywhere in any real city and see what happens.
mainly just going from the PNW, where strangers are kind to strangers, to a place like NJ where strangers avoid eye contact/are rude when interacting, things like that. people in the PNW are generally secular, and then I went to places that had close to 100% christian populations, and anyone who wasn't was probably christian-centered agnostic. going from somewhere where I was raised colorblind and then seeing real racism in the south. I'd also never seen anything like a rainbow gathering before, and that's something I'd recommend anybody to check out at least once, it's something different.
something else that surprised me is how generally okay, kind and neutral people tend to be. everyone responds to me like "isn't what you did dangerous?" and "I couldn't climb into strangers cars" and stuff like that, but honestly 99%< of everyone I met was either nice or didn't want trouble or was neutral. people have a very negative, pessimistic exaggerated view of how dangerous other people are.
>I've seen murders motherfucker, seen shots, been shot at and worse.
I'm not retarded enough to end up in situations like this personally.
>Try playing your faggy guitar in the tenderloin in sf, or oakland, or on crenschaw in la, anywhere in chitown or detroit. Tru your faggy hippie shit in any bustling ghetto anywhere in any real city and see what happens.
why would I do that? I'm not an idiot. weird suggestions.
you see, you're basically telling me to learn not to burn myself by sticking my hand on a hot frying pan. I try to learn about shitty things with a more indirect approach, personally.
What if another hateful person such as yourself, slightly more desperate however, attacks you. This person, despising you for just being the person in front of them, robs you for everything you have on you at the time, rapes you, and leaves you in your underwear in the middle of nowhere.
How would you feel if someone treated you the way you treat homeless if they came across you on the side of the road?
>Fuck hippies. You all are a bunch of mark ass bitches that stick to their safe spaces and rely on the kindness of others to get by.
Just going to say, not all hippies are parasites.
Hell, there are some hippie communes from back in the day still going on. They survived because they have rules. One rule being you must work.
>tfw I'm named after my grandfather's hobo friend
You're one of the most bitter, nastiest people I've ever seen on the internet. Holy shit, I really want to know what your life is actually like
seem like a bunch of lifestyle-ist fucks making the pie smaller for hopeless schizophrenics who wander the streets
every dollar a panhandling fuck who is "just trying to find himself, man" gets is one dollar less for the guy who thinks he's the king of Sweden eating out of a trash can
how do you survive when homeless?
I'm pretty sheltered, but I've thought about wandering for a bit, I always worry about the dangers of hitchhiking though
>that kid's name
Handouts and odd jobs like recycling cans or raking lawns.
Really, any kind of cash under the table job that requires no long term commitments.
If you live life like that by choice you are not a bum you retard.
Holy fuck, kill yourself.
>comparing yourself with someone who cannot afford to house and feed themselves due to their own destructive nature
Fucking hippie scum.
I mean what do they do to yo though? THey aren't on wellfare and live only off of dumpsters/ things people no longer want. They add nothing but take nothing unless someone voluntarily gives it. I'd say they were less parasitic than your average trailer trash/ single mom living off welfare.
Chill bro, you're not even an ER doctor. It's not like your job is so hard. Calm your tits. Why do most people who become EMT for a career think they are hot shit with the toughest jobs in the world?