>felt for the NEET meme
>got a job
>felt for the wagecuck meme
Life is a fucking scam unless you are born rich or somehow get rich while you can still enjoy it (no, frugalcucking for 50 years is not getting rich)
Felt for the NEET meme
I totally agree.
Conserve time and energy by killing yourself now then
>oh user! Just invest in your tax free cucking account by putting in 10% of your after tax minimum wages for the next 45 years while living like a hermit. When your 67 years old, you'll have a million dollars to retire on!
I want to punch people giving this type of advice.
Just make money yourself on the internet.
If you can't work out how to do that then wagecucking is for you.
Top kek
>He didn't dump his life savings into ETH
I feel sorry for you.
>somehow get rich while you can still enjoy it
trade memecoins
I've tried everything. I make 50-100 AT BEST from jewtube, CPM is BAD.
I would love to have an high CPM blog or ideally sell some shit but it's fucking impossible to get enough traffic to get people buying your shit. Everyone that makes a decent amount ($1000 monthly), when hard pressed, they pretty much admit it was a "right time right moment" thing. Spending money on normies shilling shit on Instagram makes me feel like an idiot, it's useless.
I have around 20k worth of BTC, which I keep expanding with few select trades. Got in on LTC because I saw it was undervalued as it was about to get segwit, then skyrocketed, now im holding for the moon.
Im speculating with POSW going higher.
In any case, I would need to make big ass bets and get lucky. Then again, there's higher odds at me getting rich by making the right trade on bitcoin than wagecucking (which is 0%)
Bottomline is, be born rich or get ready to take some massive risks and be lucky, otherwise kys or wagecope.
i too lel'd
i think the FIRE faggots are all idiots, have fun staring at your four walls so you can "retire early" with your minimum wage allowance
It's a fucking disgrace. Even high paying jobs require wagecucking for ages to make 1 million. And only high IQ autists or people with connections get high paying jobs.
Get rich on a crypto pump or bust.
> somehow get rich while you can still enjoy i
Millionaire Fastlane
Read it. Just ignore the self-fellating lamborghini bullshit
The funniest part is that a million dollars when we're 70 is going to be worth jack shit.
Literally the only way is to start a business or invest in crypto
>Bottomline is, be born rich or get ready to take some massive risks and be lucky, otherwise kys or wagecope.
Yepp. Just remember not to kys if you fail at first, take the L and learn from it
Also buy POSW
Thats why i am paying half my take home pay to learn investing. I will flail around and die broke or die rich but i will for sure die having tried
Investing is for maintaining wealth, not for generating it.
>Life is a fucking scam unless you are born rich or somehow get rich while you can still enjoy it (no, frugalcucking for 50 years is not getting rich)
>be poor highschooler
>no job experience
>Hopefully enrolling for masters in engineering
Only way is starting a company and doing so relatively young. Im just glad I realized this sooner, at least I have a shot at it. Im willing to fucking risk it all for it too.
Planning a business isnt easy though, are there any books covering this and execution? Somebody help me, please
seize the means of production user
Start a business, put everything into crypto, or pull a big heist.
Those are your options.
I know. Its completely doable too, if you know how to do it.
And theres lies the problem, how someone who has no prior business experience would be able to pull it off?
Should one study failed businesses first and figure out why they failed? That might be a good thing to start at.
>seize the means of production user
Enjoy seizing the means of your eventual demise. Capitalism in the truest sense or nothing.
This is why I bet my life on winning the lottery and am seeing more and more that I'm not alone in this sentiment.
Lost it at "cucking account" that's awesome
wp op
Agreed. 22 and worked like a fucking slave last year to only make a measly 50k i fucking hate boomers who paved the way for jews to cuck us
what's wrong with being your own boss?
Could this be the birth of an epic new meme?
>a measly 50k
I would have killed to make that much
Just put everything you own into crypto like a normal Veeky Forumsraeli OP
...and, how do you generate wealth?
so you want 2 become millionaire...........just.........wagecuck for 50 years.........or suck a million dicks
problem solve
live poor and live below your means, spend the remaining 40k on ETH and shitcoins until eventually one of them moons and you end up for 200k, rinse and repeat two more times then you'll be a multi millionaire and you can live off generous dividends for the rest of your life. It's so easy user
>not spending money on retarded shit every day is now "frugalcucking"
you work. Some sort of job, then you save, then you either speculate(crypto, stocks/etc, forex) which is high risk high reward, or you invest your savings for lower risk lower reward.
It's better than a casino, easier than a business. If you really want to get rich, you should probably be working hard no matter what you do, or so they say.
I think the truth is that most people just psychologically can't take it, they think that their lives will always be shit because they were shit before so they don't even want to take on the required risk or do the required work to even make it possible to obtain more wealth.
If you're not in the game, you can't win. Similarly, you can't lose. So make choices, smart choices, and collect money and take intelligent risks with it over time and maybe you'll end up on the winning side.
That's what I'm betting on. I figure that there's really no easier way to get ahead then high risk high reward investing from a stable base with savings.
You're not devaluing your standard of living if you do it properly and you're not going to increase your standard of living significantly either with straight savings. Unless you've decided to work for a living and want an easy retirement, which honestly I don't think anyone is going to have because the government doesn't like it when people actually save money.
To think some people make that in a month, week or even a day while you work for it a year.
Sucks man
23 at 60k. Seems decent until you realize you're trading your youth for a paycheck -- and you're stuck doing this until you have enough saved up to float comfortably.
It's probably the harshest reality check you can give to someone who only knew hs/university living previously. There's something so...infinite about the concept of working to prop yourself up, as in you might be full-time cucking for the rest of your life.
My one piece of advice is to not think about dismantling capitalism and wallowing in your own misery. Sure it's essentially a nicer version of slavery but you CAN actually get yourself out with hard work and luck. youll get there quicker being a frugal cuck and licking corporate boots
You'll never be rich without winning the crypto lottery.
actually, yes, thats exactly what it is you frugalcuck. Enjoy your $1 million at 55.
That's ok with me, I don't need to be rich. Id rather have time than money.
what time? you are a waggie