League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!

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xth for my wife Syndra


>Load into game
>Enemy lulu is named Riot Peaches
>"Oh haha you work for riot?"
>"That's cool."

>Hard target him with Fear Beyond Death every single fight

Raise them up on chains

Let's play a game. Post the last or current song you listened and let others guess who's your main

lets not

let's not, i used to be a punk and my musical tastes still repulse people

>Always ban vayne
>ADC hovers her
>Don't ban her becasue they'll probably run it down mid
>Vayne hard carries
>Next game adc hovers vayne
>Tells me to go leona
>Vayne just feeds and we lose
>Decide to not ban Vayne again
>Enemy takes her

God damn it I hate that champ so fucking much.

>Either doing well, or outright stomping my lane as Urgot
>Doesn't matter because my bot lane doesn't exist, but their ADC alone is 10/2/1

I want off this ride

That's ok, I literally just won a game because of my 1000000IQ shroom placements.
Hup. Two. Three. Four.

>You wouldn't understand me I'm intelligent, nihilistic and have a wicked sense of humor

I love Riven! My CUTE and PERFECT wife!

How many Games does it take to reach diamond from gold?

This is where you use your superior game knowledge and mechanics to disrupt the enemy team and buy time to catch up. Call it carrying

>Saying gg after a complete one sided stomp

Yeah shut the fuck up

mew mew

i am not nihilistic though i am an optimistic agnostic and i don't care of music at all nowadays listening it mostly when i am drunk. i love poetry though

gg easy

>Die once or twice as support
>Placing wards like I'm supposed to be
>Somehow two levels behind the enemy support

This always fucking happens, how do I not get behind in levels?

Ezpz lemon squez

be a slut for assists

Don't die once or twice.

took me 2 months of playing every day

>Wukong creeping back into the meta
Yeah I sure love dealing with le invisible monkey man of free damage and armor shred. Fucking obnoxious.

How about I just die 10 times then say "bad game" and report anyone who says anything to me adn get them a 25 game chat restriction

>disrupt the enemy team and buy time to catch up

I tried, captain, but I can literally say "they will send 3", and when it happens, the 4 other people on my team will stare at a mid tower
with 125 health for the next minute. I have to RESPAWN, and take it myself.

I had to get an easy win by playing Zyra support to calm myself down. Top lane sucks, but I feel a strange need to get better at it, and continue the pain.

thank you for replying to my rant. this shit, isn't unique to me, i know. it just feels bad, dude

Build runaans and clear waves

Try standing in xp range when minions die

What's that plateau user?

Rengar revert oh my

Your winrate? Idk if I should invest so much time


I never really figured out the secret of diamond
then work stuff happened and I decayed
the meta now sucks so im not sure how much ill invest into climbing this season

>Jump on someone from brush and press q
He still seems to be working as intended

>Varus Flashes into Jhin/Karma/Aurelion and deletes them all in literal seconds
>Hit Tab
>Full AP

What the fuck.


>champion who fits their theme the best

>champion who fits their theme the worst
Dr. Mundo



Oh mýyyyy

Around 2 months of grinding just to realize that I'm still a bad player at low diamond. Ugh I think I'll pass.

this is a competitive game with millions of players

no idea why you thought reaching top 1% would be quick

What's the most valid reason why someone is feeding aside from "The enemy is countering me" and "Their jungler is trying to set up a home in my lane" reason if you count that as understandable?

>try new champion in normal
>enemy are playing their mains
>everyone on team is testing champions
>won't ff despite getting stomped
>play a new game
>play my main role
>teammate troll picks or testing new champion
>everyone on enemy team is playing their main champ

what is this bullshit?

I didn't think that, but I don't know if it's worth. Investing so many hours in a skill with no pay off.

a classical case of

Vi and Caitlyn are the best couple and purest lovers!!!!!!!

What are the most DISGUSTING level 1 cheese champs?

girl love isn't pure

>Rengar is about to go back to buying IE and triple crit-ing my shit out of stealth




>Varus and Lucian are now the bottom two ADC's

I can see the light. This darkness is over. We'll over take Jhin next.

I'm not one to lewdpost but looking at Caitlyn's choker I can't help but wonder how tight she keeps it...
Shut up!

>no penises
>not pure
Fuck off faggot

lucian was bottom for a while

Girl love is the only pure love

penises are pure!

They'll buff him for his legendary redeemed Lucian skin where he faces off against a new legendary thresh skin and frees senna's soul

only when it's in girl vaginas

Why shut up?
Nothing pure more than vi and cait's relationship
They love each other for what they are

no, it's forbidden love

As friends

it would feel awkward to play thresh with such a redeemed lucian

i mean he encroaches at your lantern

are you sure?


Nah, they're yucky. Cute, uncut dicks are pure.

I guess they'll have to kill off thresh maybe some other CertainT champions to make the event work. SAD :(

>as friends
They are lovers

>Be mage
>Low health so throwing spells in the back
>Blitz hooks ulting Illaoi right onto you

cute, uncut dicks have to give up their purity to girl vaginas
it is their destiny

friends who fist each other

i.e. with benefits

You don't have to put your dick in a roastie, you can just touch dicks with other cute boys.

>switch from sorcery aery to spellbook ivern

ah so this is the power of cheese

You guys are too obsessed with a non canon non implicit or explicit relationship between two characters where one doesn't even acknowledge the other, even in her legendary skin

tfw sexually dominating the ranked ladder

no protobelt?

There's nothing wrong with appreciating two girls who love each other

now that is the opposite of pure, impure in fact
nope not having it

>Buy mejais
Oh me, oh my

>playing some normals becasue i want to meme
>notice mid laner is D5 0lp with Plat 5 MMR
>mid starts talking shit
>"that's awful big talking coming from a d5 0lp with plat 5 mmr"
>doesn't say shit the rest of the game

we can only pity them!

Touching dicks is pure, especially if you're touching dicks with a cute girl.

that elise game?
Yeah it was my last item, game was ending so i upgraded it to try and snowball at the end.
bad game :X


>zero jungle pressure the entire laning phase
>zero, ZERO towers taken at 20 minutes
>can't even win teamfights
>"we can comeback"

I understand this mindset in a ranked game but if its normals, why do you give so much of a fuck about an epic big comeback. Just go to the next one. Jesus fucking Christ.

I swear whenever it's europeean and austroloid hours the threads get really gay but I don't get a lot of time to post throughout the day so this is what I get.

Otherwise I think Caitlyn could do with her headshot stacks decreasing by levels such as at 9 needing 5 and 13 needing 4. However riot chooses to balance the applied effect to towers is up to them

this thread is much more tame than it was like 5-6 hours back

>Recently unlock Teemo
>Discover I enjoy playing Teemo
>tfw I won't be able to bring that up anymore without facing endless persecution
Time to stand still for two seconds and... go away...

don't do that! that's gay af
only use your penis on cute girls

I give up. I can't play ADC. I can't play this role. I can't.

It's not the meta. It's not Lethality niggers fucking me. It's not double TP bot at 10 minutes. It's the Supports. It's the braindead, smelly, disease-ridden Supports. Every game is a fucking slot machine. Is your Support decent? Is your Support gonna int 8 times then AFK? YOU NEVER KNOW! I used to main Top, so I'm used to taking personal responsibility for my mistakes. But lord Jesus Christ if you have a braindead Support (which is likely) you just lose. No there isn't a way to play around it, no there isn't a weird trick to play around a shit Support, you're just done.

I've played League for five years. FIVE FUCKING YEARS and I have NEVER gotten angry at this game till I started playing ADC. My last game I almost told my Support to kill himself when I realized what a monster I had become. Immediately after played a game of Top, everything was easy, everything was fine. And even better, you CANNOT critique them. Every something as simple as "hey Azir can you ward a bit" will have the entire team go anti-bully-ranger on you and you'll get 9x'd for daring to say anything negative about a Support picker.

I have no idea how ADC mains deal with this shit. Supports are subhuman cancerous chimpanzees who need to be buried alive in their own disease-ridden shit.

Pic related, it was me for a glorious 30 minutes of shitting down a Jax's throat as based Tree man.

>game is 4v5 (we have the 4)
>person dc'd right after 8 minutes
>enemy has fed kat/vayne
>all towers pushed up to inhib
>team refuses to surrender becasue "we can still win"

So you're telling me this guy is going to reconnect somehow get caught up in farm and we're gonna make a big le epik lcs comeback

post old league of legends related pics

>adc mains

l o l

i can't play adc too
i don't mind to play somebody's bitch but when somebody is playing mine i feel awkward and want to swap places

Did you make sure to ping them back off the first tower? You gotta do that or they'll take it and buy a forbidden idol while you're still scrapping together money in a pushed lane for a zeal

>he gets it

That gets me every time.

>Listening to pings
Lmao next you'll suggest I tell them not to build ROA.



>uncut dicks are pure
Would you buy a diamond from a jewelry store if it were uncut?


spellbook is so good on Utility champs.

looks like someones never met a support with lane presence