Can someone please explain to me (or give a good link to inform myself) about the phenomenon in this image...

Can someone please explain to me (or give a good link to inform myself) about the phenomenon in this image? I would like to find out more about how and why this is, but I don't know where to start gathering information. Thanks in advance! Also: Discuss!

World War 2 happened. Manufacturing around the world was crippled, leaving a lot of countries dependent on the United States to build things for them. There was a massive demand for goods, which meant businesses had to put effort into hiring and retaining employees, or else they'd lose money. As a result, there was tons of jobs that would expect nothing except a high school diploma and would pay enough to buy a house, a car and raise children.

But the world was rebuilt, and nowadays those jobs are:
1. Located in China, and given to poor farmers who will work for 10 cents an hour
2. Located in India, and given to people who can paid next to nothing
3. Given to illegal immigrants who will work for scrap, and can be disposed of in an instant if they ever get sick or injured
4. Done by machines
5. Done by unpaid interns, who, if they ever ask about getting paid, will be shown the stack of 1000+ applications sitting on their manager's desk

The American Middle class was a freak anomaly that won't happen again unless there's another massive or war, or a new invention on par with the internet. In the mean time the world will slowly return to its natural state: a tiny minority of people will own everything, and everyone else will be a poor slave who's only allowed to exist as long as their masters can extract wealth from them.

Thank you, buddy!

god damn this is pretty eye-opening
did not expect on Veeky Forums

I will explain. The image is bullshit and millenials need to stop complaining.

I am 21, married, and own a beautiful condo with my wife on a single income, my income. We will be having children hopefully next year.

I'm nothing special and I'm white if that makes a difference. My parents were also nothing special. My father grew up pretty poor but now makes about 200k a year after 25 years of working for a big software company and my mother is a housewife with middle class parents.

>didn't expect the redpill on Veeky Forums

Also no debt or anything like that because working a part time job in college more than covers that.
And I went from a run-down public high school in the middle of nowhere to an ivy league university. So pretty much just study harder, work harder, etc.

>implying a good 60% of "redpills" aren't angry virgins projecting

>work for scrap
How the fuck is earning $200-250 a day, 6 days a week in roofing here in TX "scrap"? I've talked to contractors, sub contractors and illegals themselves and that's how much they earn.

I don't work near construction anymore but that's what they're paid.

It happens because education is more available now so you have to do a 4 year degree to qualify for an internship in a company where the babyboomer CEO left school before graduating. Supply and demand.

Look at real wages and wage stagnation. Effective wages have not grown very well as productivity has risen. Wage workers simply do more work for less pay now than in the past.

> child support
> alimony

Politicians no longer cater to the family model, but the individual model.

For someone who has married at such a young age in 2017 - get off your rock.

Unfortunately everything he told you is just symptoms, not the cause.
Boring economics is where the answer lies.First learn where,how and WHAT money is then you'll be better informed than most.
Read Eustace Mullins' book "The Creature From Jekyll Island" that should get you started.

>pimping a book by a Holocaust denier
>that should get you started

This. It also coincides with an influx of female workers.

Real wages have stagnated since the late 1970s, which, not coincidentally, is about the time that 1) automation and outsourcing began to impact the employment market, and 2) women entering the workforce became more commonplace/acceptable.

So, you now have 3 factors working against wage inflation, where before you were working against none (as employers were growing pre-1970, they needed people to meet increasing demand; in the 1970s/80s, employers began to approach increasing scale by alternately increasing labor force, automating simple/repetitive tasks, or outsourcing labor).

Quite frankly, labor is more plentiful and less valuable than ever, and a lot of it comes down to globalization and the women's rights/diversity movements.

>or a new invention on par with the internet.
You mean bitcoin, which you can buy now before it goes 100k in 2030 retiring you for life?

The causes were the following:

1) Baby boomers had cheap labor from blacks and other minorities. They could shit on them, cut them out, and sit at a desk doing nothing, and making a lot. Those days are over

2) Now that the playing field is level there is increased competiton from minorities and foreigners

3) The boomers outsourced all the labor to 3rd world countries. Great for people in management and service, terrible for anyone who works with their hands or anyone at the bottom of the food chain

4) Wall st and the finance companies security backed everything. Homes, stocks, investments, student loans. Great for anyone who has money wanting to earn passively every year, horrible for anyone starting out.

The boomers had the world on a silver platter, got so greedy that fucked the bottom out of everything. Now they want the current generation to earn everything back and fix everything, so they can prop their feet up at the country club.

>The Creature from Jekyll Island
>huh XD Fed is bad XD suppresses interest XD fuck usury tho

It's a text by an anti-semite meant to justify going after bankers perceived as Jewish. I'm always amused to see it brought up because it tells you everything you need to know about the person introducing it.

Get your degree, study hard, get the internship, get the job. What's the problem?

If you can get a 4.0+ in high school and study hard for a top SAT score, you can easily get into a top college. Maybe not Ivy league, but went Ivy and I'm white so people saying race is the issue aren't getting it either. You major in STEM, even just math like I did, and get a near 4.0 (I only got 3.1 so I didn't even do great but my friends with 4.0s went to even higher paying jobs as quant traders, etc.) and you'll get a good job. If you just follow that, not even worrying about all the volunteering and other things you need for college or interests or background skills or whatever for jobs, it's really not difficult to get an upper-middle class job. Better than OPs top picture at least.

Never forget goyim

They also stayed at one job for more than a year

> Stable job, family, home and loving wife all before you hit 30.


> Travel the world supported by your algo-shitcoin trading activities and eventually die alone in your 1039 floor condo at 237 years old during a virtual reality orgy on numerous psychotropic drugs that haven't been invented yet.

I'll take the second one.


>yfw shitcoins make you rich enough to escape the great purge of 2051 when killbots eliminate the unemployed masses that robots replace

>Travel the world supported by your algo-shitcoin trading activities and eventually die alone in your 1039 floor condo at 237 years old during a virtual reality orgy on numerous psychotropic drugs that haven't been invented yet.
This is pretty much how I imagine what the average 4channer thinks their future will be like.

Globalism and automation is making wagecucking less and less rewarding.

Just start a business.



have fun being cucked, divorced, and paying alimony while she squirts on tyrone.

Kikes jewed the boomers into selling out the future, then squandering it on stupid shit.