PlayStation Vita General 3152 - Two out of Three Edition

I prefer F2 because no touchscreen. Otherwise it's more about the songs you like.

>happy girl
Meh, guess it'll do

and Atlus USA at least translates all of their own games (Coven when reee), and generally picks more interesting titles

and even when NISA does physicals Vita versions lack the bonuses PS4 has like DRV3 and YS8.

I like most song

but i love Luka

f2nd, mainly because i really dislike touchscreen

>flash sale
>not one vita game


>Vita section
>Is barren

T-thanks Sony

Feels bad man

NIS as a whole is probably broke again from too many unpopular game releases. Didn't they nearly go under just before Disgaea 5 got released?