Seriously? What's so appealing about the Nazis?
Is it aesthetic? Is it muh white race"?
Seriously? What's so appealing about the Nazis?
Is it aesthetic? Is it muh white race"?
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Fuck banks get living space
their tolerance
Edgy-looking cool uniforms.
That's it. If it wasn't for it, no one would jerk off their dicks to it.
>Edgy-looking cool uniforms.
Didn't they copied that from Italians though?
They were literally gangsters. They had cool uniforms, german sounds cool, they were really cut-throat and executed random people, had a bunch of weird beliefs and mythical, pseudo-science retardation.
it's just a dumb edgelords wet dream. that's all.
Is Hugo Boss still stylish?
The only good thing about ww2 Germany is that awesome grey overcoat + stahlhelm East front uniform. Otherwise, their 'aesthetics' are laughable, and their views on art atrocious. SS uniforms are shit.
So edge?
No. Those particular uniforms were designed for the troops taking over French and British colonies from North Africa. For some mysterious reason they were very cheap after WWI and the party bought them (With the help of donations by Ford) and sold (seriously) to people entering the party.
Weren't day really unpractical in actual battles? I heard German soldiers had to steal uniforms from soviets in Stalingrad
They were a bunch of underdogs and losers who rose up and plunged the world into flames. That's pretty poetic.
They were good uniforms, just in the wrong season.
They thought that they'd conquer Russia quickly, and for that reason, never packed winter clothing.
Geobeels should have wrote lyrics for linkin park
I was talking about Uniform in the OP. I don't think they were ever used in battle.
Their (apparent?) revolt against the establishment of both capitalism/democracy and socialism.
Fancy uniforms and aesthetics.
Impressive crowd rallies. Like a big rock concert but with less sweat, alcohol and "degeneracy".
A strong, militaristic state/system that wouldn't bend over for modern groups demanding "respect" and "tolerance", etc. From islamists to sexual minorities.The Soviets are appealing in the same way, like that story about the Lebanese hostage crisis. I've heard many variants and don't know which is most accurate, but the essence is that a bunch of western and soviet diplomats are taken hostage by terrorists. While the western powers try playing nice, the Soviets decapitate/castrate some relative of the hostage taker's leaders and deliver the body parts. Soviet hostages are quickly released, while western hostages are kept for months. The historical accuracy isn't important here, but it's the "no bullshit" idea of totalitarian regimes.
Just watch some Leni Riefenstahl movies and perhaps the Swedish classic "Emil i Lönneberga", add a dash of nordic occultism and there you go. 88
Nowadays, it's mostly aesthetics, and a little ideology. Back then it was herd mentality.
There's a small group of people in the world who view the Nazis as being more "pure" than other ideological groups. They see conflict and aggressiveness as something inherent to all life and something constant in order to live day by day, and see the Nazis' public display of their severe, militant behavior and respect to war heroes and soldier formations as art as something spiritually cleaner, while all other ideological groups also rely on the same war-like tactics, but parade on as if they are morally superior and holier. Despite the Nazis being obviously very egotistical, these people actually see them as being less egotistical than other groups, who are liars and manipulators in their eyes.
I agree with them to an extent, but I think you need to have opposites. You can't have all of just the pride and strength of the eagle. You need also the cunning and ability to hide in the grass when it suits you like the snake. So I support Nazi-like ideology, but also its counter-ideologies.
Also this there's a good deal of people who just want to exploit an ideology and military power in order to be bullies.
Fractional reserve banking, compound interest, foreign powers controlling domestic interests, deconstruction of identity, supplantation of identity with a fake one, emasculation, feminism, rampant sexual degeneracy, loss of connection with history and family, disunity, etc etc.
what a question, user.
i mean you have a strong fuhrer who has absolute power and instead of using this power to drain money out of people, he uses this power to get the very best for his fellow germans. he is literally jesus when you like big strong governments, because he wanted to implement a volksgemeinschaft for all citizens. plus very cool uniforms, mass events where everyone worked like a machine and so on...
I wonder.
>fractional reserve banking
>compound interest
wew lad
go take econ 101
Germans was to autistic to blame themselves for their loss in war against entire world so they was supporting anyone who would scapegoat anyone else.
This. The jewish propaganda has worked so well that many people today somehow can't even conceptualize wanting to be strong or successful.
>Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.
>Words like “self-confidence,” “self-reliance,” “initiative,” “enterprise,” “optimism,” etc., play little role in the liberal and leftist vocabulary. The leftist is anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist. He wants society to solve everyone’s problems for them, satisfy everyone’s needs for them, take care of them. He is not the sort of person who has an inner sense of confidence in his ability to solve his own problems and satisfy his own needs. The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser.
>The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser.
Congratulations, you have no credibility and any argument you make would be disregarded because you lump a whole group of people like an autist that comprehend individuality.
Congratulations, you're autistic. See:
>We emphasize that the foregoing does not pretend to be an accurate description of everyone who might be considered a leftist. It is only a rough indication of a general tendency of leftism.
he has a lot in common with autistic rightists in the 21st century so they revere him
>people today somehow can't even conceptualize wanting to be strong or successful.
Is that why people still follow Nazism? A movement that was neither strong nor successful?
The fascism itself was both strong and successful. Hitler deciding not to listen to his generals and trying to invade Russia and fighting a war on two fronts doesn't invalidate all the stuff that did work.
>fascism itself was both strong and successful
Italy was a joke to everyone but Ethiopia
> leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition
What? Marxism is literally based on dialectics i.e. that reality itself is based on conflict. The only real difference is that for leftists conflist is not individual but the struggle of a groups of people against each other. There is no point of being best in a so called competition when informed minority can steal all of your archievements because you lost in class war.
it's all those Nazi girls that need raping when they lose
just ask the Russians
close to a million they say
ayy lmao
>but leftists are blablabla
you're mixing up your propaganda m8, fascists are collectivist
There's a difference between national socialism and socialism.
>everyone BUT Ethiopia
Yes. Socialism can be individualist or collectivist. National-Socialism can only be collectivist. Of course there are other differences too.
>muh private property
Hitler didn't socialize private property, he socialized people.
>Impressive crowd rallies. Like a big rock concert but with less sweat, alcohol and "degeneracy".
If you're disregarding that...
...the rallies was only impressive for someone who hadn't been on a rock concert in the late 1900s and onwards.
...the whores had to work over time.
...the toilets looked like shit afterwards.
...alcohol was the drug of choice for the nazis. Beer Hall Putsch, anyone?
Disregarding that, you're totally right.
>muh nazi family
Ok, here's Germany after WW1:
A lot of men are simply gone. The most obvious reason is that they are killed, but also those disabled or generally broken.
That means that there's not enough men to use their small patriarchial powers to resist the All Father Hitler who blared his plattitudes via radio into every home.
If anything, Nazi Germany was a feminized country.
>muh strenk
Such as the 6 separate nazi nuclear programmes? Such as the jillion versions of erry vehicle imaginable? Such as the 1-year limit on weapon programmes (re: nuclear programmes) so the developer had to change names in order to hide their disobedience for the #1 spider expert ever: Faildolf Failter.
>The leftist is anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist. He wants society to solve everyone’s problems for them, satisfy everyone’s needs for them, take care of them. He is not the sort of person who has an inner sense of confidence in his ability to solve his own problems and satisfy his own need
Looks like there are plenty of leftists on picture you replied to.
A strong desire for your average Veeky Forums poster to be a contrarian to the normies and choose a side that lost as well as demonized by a lot of media forms. Don't get me wrong they were a fascinating political party but some people are very obsessive over them it's kinda funny.
I'm a really liberal person and I have a sort of ironic softspot for Nazi romanticism. It's the aesthetics, both in symbols/uniforms/architecture and in the supposed Aryan archetype plus it has a nostalgic appeal for me since I used to believe certain parts of this bullshit when I was a happy a teenager with little to no worries in life. Many, many young males that later grow up to be intelligent, succesful adults go through an alt-right state.
>and plunged the world into flames. That's pretty poetic.
Yeah, it's poetic if you're absolutely fucking insane.
Why did he had to lose?
Also, I heard reddit will try and colonize this place.
Watch out Veeky Forums
Because propaganda made them the literal super villains. No other group, no other ideology was so deeply villified while also aknowledging their abilities. To ask why people find them fascinating is to ask why people have a thing for villains in comics or TV show or even the devil if you want.
It's the curiosity of evil, the inner struggle of "good vs. evil" personified. And since many deeply human things are seen bad (greed, hate, lust etc.), theyre still part of us and liking personified evil is like putting the pressure of onself. You can't do evil shit, but it's kinda satisfying to watch others do it. As long as good prevails of course. Because "evil" is fun but only as long as, in the end, it all goes back to normal.
it is really a good perspective on why he got so many votes. thanks user
Autism combined with edgelord syndrome
>...the toilets looked like shit afterwards.
>implying they had toilets prepared for the Nuremberg Rallies.
Your answer is in just how vile and evil the Jews are.
A herd of Elliot Rodgers?
>Supplantation of identity with a fake one
You just described national socialism. "Syncretizing" nationalism with bizzarre pagan rituals, aesthetic worship, Autism, and Christianity does not result in a real identity.
>this whole spiel targets a meaningless strawman without any empirical evidence (supplating it with what we feel to be true), but that's okay because we're aware of this.
This seems identifiable desu, I think it's the Same reason non religious Muslim that go brought up in Europe join Isis.
There is no question but that Hitler belongs in the category of the truly mystic medicine man. As somebody commented about him at the last Nürnberg party congress, since the time of Mohammed nothing like it has been seen in this world.
His body does not suggest strength. The outstanding characteristic of his physiognomy is its dreamy look. I was especially struck by that when I saw pictures taken of him in the Czechoslovakian crisis; there was in his eyes the look of a seer.
This markedly mystic characteristic of Hitler’s is what makes him do things which seem to us illogical, inexplicable, and unreasonable. …
So you see, Hitler is a medicine man, a spiritual vessel, a demi-deity or, even better, a myth.
~Carl Jung; During an interview with H. R. Knickerbocker, first published in Hearst’s International Cosmopolitan (January 1939), in which Jung was asked to diagnose Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Joseph Stalin
Appeals to logic if evolution is true then evolution on Humans is also true and it's ones ambition to protect his children and his nation from corruption with your "people" being an extension of your nation. Lies about Hitler being looked at eg: Hitler wanted to kill all non Germans is false
Most men want to feel like men, be tough, be proud have children be in control of their lives. And in his society that's exactly want the Nazis wanted. Key word being most men, of course there's inventors and scientists who could care less but their a minority.
Say what you what but there's plenty of evidence of Jews doing absolute terrible things along with being huge participants of the 1919 upspring of the Bavarian socialist republic of which 9/10 commanders were Jewish. Not even gonna mention Modern Jews that's worth another whole thread
Now modern love for Nazis comes from many different things refugees with the birth rates of rabbits displacing locals with the birth rates that don't even replace themselves. And the inability for these people to assimilate let alone all the crime and rapes. Is a Somalian with "German culture" German or is he a Somalian with "German culture"?
Mainstream media telling men they can't be men they have to be house husbands,emotional and "weak"
Retard policies of the left Swedish local councils bringing in Feminist snow plowing meanings foot paths and bike paths get plowed before roads do and kindergartens and other places were women mainly work are plowed before places men work more. Refugee polices which if implemented on any other ethnic group would be considered genocide, I'm sure China colonizing Tibet with Chinese won't destroy Tibetan way of life and their culture
People figuring out the flaws of Democracy and it's liability to be corrupted/controlled or heavily influenced by those in the Media. Money/Media and Politics isn't just a myth we know it happens regularly
the cool uniforms and symbols and in general theatrical nature plus their status as pure evil appeals directly to edgy teenage faggots
>their views on art atrocious
Opposed to great modern art, right?
>white race
When/where did the idea of a "white race" come into being? The Nazis talked about the Germanic people, in Britain it was "be glad you were born an Englishman", and so on. I always assumed this was an Americanisation, where country of origin became irrelevant over successive generations and skin colour was the only signifier of race. But I could be wrong.
>What's so appealing about the Nazis?
Well nazis have mainly been associated with germans in world war 2. So people from countries that were allied with germany during world war 2 have a more positive attitude at nazis because they have been their "friends"
Also i guess many people don't like people that have a different culture, religion or skin color and the thought of having a political system that supports the major native countrymen makes it more attractive
They believed in a standard. A world wide standard. Franco was trying to unite all iberian america countries under a standard, hitler tried to unite all germanics under a standard, and Benito, well, took to promote it in the vatican. So we are still running nazi aged crap in acadamia without suspecting.
But he is right, he just forgot Nazis are the same.
Anyone who adheres to these shitty authoritarian and collectivist ideologies is a loser, be it left or right wing.
>Inb4 cry babies come and pretend it's a lie and that muh gommunism/nahzeesm is good and for stronk independent adults
Feed me (you)'s, you cuckadoodledoos.
>SOCIALISM can be individualístic
Do you even know the definition of socialism?
You're correct.
Nice gif.
Nazism as a sociotechnological phenomena
I just wanted oppais why do you do this to me
why do people care about "muh traditional values" on a website like fucking Veeky Forums
>implying nationality is a more accurate signifier of race than skin color
Having skulls on your uniforms like a comic book villain is fucking rad.
1) Aesthetics
2) Military might
3) Last big western ideological underdog more or less
4) Current migrant crisis in Europe
5) It's edgy
6) Being a sad, lonely individual who finally finds some sense of belonging and purpose in places like /pol/ and related movements
Those are some reasons
Similar reasons can be listed for people who got a boner for the Soviets
Also where is the source on that quote in your image?
Source for this too?
Fuck off. SS combat uniforms are nice.
Sauce is Senran Kagura if you're truly curious.
>Weren't day really unpractical in actual battles? I heard German soldiers had to steal uniforms from soviets in Stalingrad
No. That's nonsense.
Their uniforms were pretty practical for what they were intended for.
The only things they stole from the Russians were boots and SMGs, since their own were not well suited for the Russian winter. Russian boots were felt-lined and rubber soled, while German boots weren't and had metal hobnails that would transmit cold from the ground into the boot
Contrarianism of losers and literally nothing else, at least for overwhelming majority.
It's part silent revolt part deluded belief they would be leaders in such society.
>"user, why do you hate sociology ?"
>Quoting Kaczynski out of context to make a point about the jews
>arabs are white because their skin is white
Don't open the image, it's that dumb meme joke again.