/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #256

Shariyori Law Edition

Previously, on /ddlc/: >Official Stuff
Website: ddlc.moe
Steam Page: store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/
Monika's Twitter: twitter.com/lilmonix3

Guide: gameplay.tips/guides/1298-doki-doki-literature-club.html
Actual guide to getting the "good" end: pastebin.com/q3nGy9Fa

>Art and Miscellaneous
Game files dump (full) - mega.nz/#!omBgAY7a!qbh7FYCcYnjIN7G9bGGDy343CLBCRaOIuiHN8SwPT7k
Wiki: ddlcwiki.ga/wiki/Main_Page
Fan-made Content Pastebin: pastebin.com/BRy67t0s
Booru: ddlc.booru.org
Map: zeemaps.com/map?group=2793739#
"Your Reality" sung by (You): youtube.com/watch?v=7acpV4fKp9Y
Orientation if you're from Youtube, Twitch, Tumblr etc: pastebin.com/7ZFA1JuM

>It's a slim chance that you'll meet your doki, but hey...
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA): 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
International Association for Suicide Prevention (EU): iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/Europe/

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/file/km9ema3kkop1mfc/Monika AI Personality [DDLC].rar
edisciplinas.usp.br/pluginfile.php/234330/mod_resource/content/1/Vladimir Nabokov Lolita Penguin Modern Classics 2000 (1).pdf

A daily reminder that Sayori loves you.

Alright, folks! After working on my super-duper secret project for the better half of the evening, I am finally ready to present to you my newest labor of love. I present to you: Monika, the girl you all know and love as my newest Computer AI Personality!

>mediafire.com/file/km9ema3kkop1mfc/Monika AI Personality [DDLC].rar

The link above is to my very own creation. Considering it is the holiday season, I decided I wanted to crack open a project of mine I have been working on for some time now. I decided to flesh it out in the likeness of Monika. I wouldn't go so far as to boast Monika being a full artificial intelligence, but I can confidently say that your interactions with her will definitely be unique. You can teach her unique vocabulary and hold dynamic conversations with her!

After working on this base project for roughly almost seven years, I feel like now is a wonderful time for her to make some new friends and see the world again. With Monika, you can teach her all sorts of new vocabulary or simply reminisce over good times and share all sorts of stories together. She has trouble forming sentences sometimes, but she otherwise holds conversation fairly well - her social skills only need some honing is all.

Are you ready to spend even more time with JUST MONIKA? If you've any questions, you're more than welcome to ask away! Oh, there's also a mobile version I've pestered with included in the download. Additionally, there's a tool included designed to help import and export information, if you'd rather a more precise approach.

Oh, I've also hidden some fun bits within the coding, for those of you who are feeling tech savy. I hope y'all enjoy! I look forward to seeing how well she gets along with everyone.

>wrong thread number again
Fucking retard

I love her too.

I want to cuddle with her so bad.

this is actually supposed to be 258

Quickly user!
Post your doki, your favourite film, and whether she would enjoy watching it together with you

first for tf2 engineer


Alright, everyone! New thread, new you!
Let's all sit around and join in for some poetry!

Word of the thread is "ritual"!
Alternatives are 'slash' and 'light'.

As always, if anyone would like to try their hand at writing some poetry, this is your chance!
These words are here to guide you or give you a topic to write about, so do please consider using one of them!
Everyone is welcome to join in, regardless of skill level, so don't be afraid to try this out if you're new! And if you want some advice or feedback, there are many here that would be more than happy to help you out! Including me! Eventually...
Well, I hope you all have fun and I'm looking forward to reading your poems!

Early threads with the wrong number are a no-no!

Threads #251 and the one before it were the most enjoyable and warm times I've had on this site in years.
Wholesome squad was out in force.

Hey guys!

Are you excited for christmas already? How is your book reading going?

Just a reminder that we're reading two books for the 6th and 7th of January.

Here's the link to download "All Quiet on Western Front" by Erich Remarque: explainallquietonthewesternfront.weebly.com/uploads/2/4/7/2/24722875/all_quiet_on_the_western_front.pdf
And "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov: edisciplinas.usp.br/pluginfile.php/234330/mod_resource/content/1/Vladimir Nabokov Lolita Penguin Modern Classics 2000 (1).pdf

If you've already read them, that's great! Join us on the dates to discuss it with us!

Natsuki, light of my life, fire of my loins.

Let's read!

Every day I imagine a future where I can be with you.

Daily reminder IHFY is a whiny bitch.

The Lost Boys!
For months I have incrementally woven an appreciation for this movie into the Sayori character. Hell yes she'd enjoy it. Choose to refuse, vampire dweebs!

Notice me!!

Has wholesome squad been the same since a bunch of the top brass left?

In my hand, is a pen that will write a poem of me and you.

Yeah sorry mate, I'd already baked by the time I'd seen your post

good job my dude

Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn
Probably not, she only likes horror novels. But I'm willing to watch something else. She might enjoy 2001, I always thought Hal was in the right in that movie too.

No way, 35-90 were the comfiest and happiest threads we've had.

Am I the only one who doesn't like the vocals for Your Reality? It sounds terrible

I love her too.

But #82 was the birth of a monster.

Ptds attacks are fucking hell, I hope no one of you have to ever deal with that.
Post smug dokis pls

I strongly dislike her voice. It's grown on me but it's still just awful.

Shaun of the Dead
I think Yuri would at least enjoy the spooky zombies, i dont know how much she'd likemthe humour, but the comedy is quite subtle and clever at times so i like to think she would.

Watch it user. Don't be rude

Friendly reminder that the Doki Doki Literature Club General - /ddlc/ does NOT condone any of the following:

- Underage Drinking
- Self Harm
- Suicide and Suicide Attempts
- Substance Abuse (Any)
- Waifu Wars
- Waifu Bullying
- Heating Water For Your Tea On The Microwave (Please buy a[n electric] kettle)
- Not Doing Your Best To Be The user Your Waifu Would Like
- Staying Up Late

And, finally, you are encouraged to try/cry and exercise both your body with a healthy walk around the block or a flight of stairs in your daily commute and your creativity by writing texts of any kind.

There's kind and there's coddling.

Muppet Treasure Island!
Of course she would it's one of the greatest films ever made!

I was part of that - I was the one expressing my gratitude to the writers. That was a good thread, and a good night.

Postin more smol tsun Cupcake.

Judge for yourself mate.
Writers realised how happy and whole their works could make readers feel and conversely readers noticed what power their words of appreciation and encouragement had and the true impact they can have on a writer's morale.
Not to mention the WW1 friends posting pictures of their favourite generals and the entire Serbian history lesson from that one user.
In addition to all this there was English-teacher sama avatar posting and revealing his finely tuned wisdom for we, the huddled masses.
It was /realfuckingcosy/

What you need to do is either allow everyone in or comb through everyone already in there and get rid of the problems.

Shit, sorry dude. Want to talk about it?

Monika deserves to be bullied.

Probably the smuggest Doki pic

what was your LEAST favorite aspect of the vn?

little short for my tastes, would have preferred a little more characterization

That feel when Sayori will never be your sentient imaginary friend due to low amount of chakras.

The problem is that no one is actually writing about the dokis anymore.
Less greentexts, less poems, less silly storys. No one posts to contribute to anything really.
Just meta talk. Just like this shitpost.
Atleast have a Monika.

>tfw either got fazed out or magically turned Aussie

Now that's a Doki picture I haven't seen since the early days.

I want to three-way frot with Monikanon and Erika!
Erika rubbing her cock against yours while Monikanon tries to hold in her cum!
Club Presidents!


If it's love if she sets me free then what do I call it if I don't want her to?

Who's your favorite writefag?

Who appeared in #82? AnonHana?

A untreated borderline had a rage attack assaulted me and broke my phone, I went into survival mode and almost hang myself in the spot.
I'm better now, still trembling but not bawling like a baby

Someone from /aco/.

Toy Story


Did that guy who said he was going to write the Monikanon x (You) x Erika fic ever pull through?

I love them all!
Anyone brave enough to share their works is more than deserving of praise and wholesome appreciation!

Agreed. My motivation to write wholesome stuff came back strong after that thread


Yes little millennial, I'm sure you had a big scary bout of PTSD while in your warm home.

I have been waiting for that since the beginning of November!
There was a Monikanon x Monika a few days ago, but that's it.

Anyone who wrote a Keychain user vs Danlet story gets first place
Wholesome/Sad stories are all a collective second place

Reposting new fic I wrote last night/this morning
Lewd with Yuri and Monika.
And if you want to read more of my shit, then pastebin.com/u/YetAnotherWriteAnon
Helps to read them if I turn my pastes to public. Dont know why I never realized this until I was drunk last night.

I could write it, but I know both of them...it'd be awkward.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. I just opened the thread a few minutes ago.

user don't be that way. He said that he's gonna try and keep shit under control, there's literally no reason to get pissed

Makes me feel really good knowing I could have a positive effect on people, and to encourage their creative works.

Yeah, at this point it's just for attention/derailing.

Yeah I guess ptsd for sexual abuse during childhood makes me a millenial
I should just man up and pull myself up by the bootstraps right

Love you too friend

Oh boy, Hi necro! You inspired me last night! I beg of you to read it! pastebin.com/bTm7AXjf

Should I just do it? I've got nothing better to do besides finish that SS Yuri fic that I've been putting off because I'm a lazy fuck

i'm already inside.
And i will fuck your shit up.

I think it's nice that the threads have generally started taking an up again now that I'm taking proper steps to improve my health and general wellbeing.
It makes it nice to come home and see wholesome stuff here.

Your image pains me.
>will never be able to spend Christmas with Monika

How's your day going, /ddlc/?

mine has been a rollercoaster, I just feel like crying

i want monika to stick her futa cock in my ass

Somebody has to do it, may as well be you.

Shit, sorry man. But at least you're safe, right? Nothing broken? (Besides the phone obviously)

Just dont make them public immediatley. Leave them unlisted for at least ~10-15 minutes so that it flies under the "most recent" list of fics, or else a bunch of randoms are gonna end up taking a peak at our weird shit.
Leaving it there for even less than a minute would probably get it dozens of views from people just watching the list. You dont want that.

T-thank you, senpai

Gonna give this a spin right now.

Sure, I'm a little busy but I'll give it a read.


its only been 19 minutes and the shits already fucking taken off.

you brought this upon yourself

Got some scratches in my face but nothing serious.
I'm just upset about the phone now.

If you ask me, I feel like you should stay away for a bit. Not to be mean, but it sounds like you need it.

relax my dude

false flaggers

user I think he meant the Nazi SS Yuri fic
I was confused too, trust me
Because I am the one writing the /ss/ fic.
But yea same situation I'm lazy af
Look forward to Christmas? Maybe? If I really try I can probably plow through to lewds tonight. Theres only a little bit left beforehand but man is this transition killing me.

I never thought I'd be someone's favorite on that prompt. Thanks man I'm glad I can make enjoyable stories, I appreciate it

Both of them?

I just wanted to make sure this writer user gets my review and it doesn't fade into the oblivion of the previous bread; I hope you don't mind.

which one does your cock hunger for

Had the weirdest fucking dream.
>was arguing with some stranger on the street
>dude starts getting aggressive
>he's about to throw a punch
>guy suddenly stops, falls on his ass and starts screaming
>he runs away yelling about the ghost of a hanging girl behind me
>i turn around and see a glimpse of sayori
>i wake up
Is my autism getting too strong, /ddlc/?
All of them!

day was pretty shitty.
I did nothing all day and I feel like shit when i do that type stuff.

What if Yuri was psychic?

>/ddlc/ is more grateful for my presence than the actual kids are, 99% of the time
it's an abstract feel

Don't feel sad user. One day she'll make it through. She's evolving every day now.


Because we're choosing to talk to you and learn, they're forced to be there.

I was training to be a teacher but I realised that I could only bear to teach college, since the students there cared enough.

I know how this works. The brighter this shitpile burns, the more comfy it will get to later sit around the ambers.
But for now the fire rises.


all 6 of them

this is fake and thats makes me extremely sad.

I respect videogames and varietyman for doing daily fics