Your opinion about Churchill ? He seems pretty based to me
Your opinion about Churchill ? He seems pretty based to me
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Kind of a scumbag but he kept Britain in the war and shat all over Hitler's dreams so he's pretty okay in my book.
Haughty, patrician, and commonly duplicitous in his dogged struggle for power and glory.
An okay politician, great parliamentarian, and strong mind with flashes of mercurial brilliance. But, in most respects, the inferior of Pitt, Gladstone, and even Disraeli.
Responsible for the biggest fuck up in ww1 called Galipoli, Britain lost the Empire after ww2... Somehow based
can you imagine being so disliked that you win ww2 and don't get elected afterwards?
As a Brit it's kind of annoying how everyone seems to think of him as THE GREATEST PRIME MINISTER OF ALL TIME!!!
He was just what we needed in WW2, his "never surrender" speech was great and I honestly think that weaker men would have flopped in his position.
That being said, he was absolutely dreadful when it came to military operations. He was responsible for the failed Gallipoli campaign in WW1 and then in WW2 he would basically be drunk while coming up with a bunch of shit ideas, it was then up to his generals to make sense of his ramblings and make something work.
For every 50 ideas he had, only 1 or 2 of them were actually feasible.
I do think it's funny how he was a functioning alcoholic though, apparently he got a prescription for alcohol when visiting America during prohibition.
Damn, I didn't know he was such a qtie when young. Bf material, desu.
>worthless Lord of the Admiralty, responsible for massive blunders in WW1
>lost Asia immediately to Japanese
>pardoned and covered up traitors in WW2 who sold secrets to the Japanese
>cucked at Yalta while the real empires carved up the world
>got booted out immediately after the war, kept trying to get back into power and clinging to it so fucking desperately once he got it back that the fucking reigning monarch had to take him aside to make him finally fuck off
>defended the Empire against the godless darkies in Sudan and other places
>had great ideas like commando raiding and spy networks in WW2
>brought nation together in the face of annihilation
>wasn't actually a complete drunk like people claim
>kept the fucking Arabs down (until Eden fucked it all up)
He was the prime minister that the UK needed
But he was a huge prick that no one liked.
How else could one win a world war and still lose the next election?
this pretty much
he was not that good but he was exactly what Britain needed in WW2
still an okay guy in my book.
He was elected afterwards though. Just not immediately.
Pretty cool guy I guess, Sort of what a history fan would be like if they were LARPing in a simulation of the past.
We vote for parties not for people.
Scum. He fucked up Galipoli and refused to surrender to the Germans. The UK SHOULD have lost WW2, it's a travesty that we "won". What did we win? Fuck all. Lost our money, lost the empire, lost our honour (we became America's bitches). We were never the same after WW2 and its for the worst. The Germans had more respect for us than the Americans or French.
His ancestor, John Churchill was BASED though.
>Fuck all. Lost our money, lost the empire, lost our honour (we became America's bitches).
It would be 10 times worse if you got conquered by Germans. Is that what you want? Even more humiliation?
Germans saw the English as fellow Germanics.
Not that guy, but if you think Hitler had anything but admiration for the Brits then you need to read more. He repeatedly sought for peace with the UK, and wanted their empire to remain strong, possibly even reinforced with German troops.
The UK's contributions to the war were give away a bunch of nations to Hitler's with their retarded appeasement strategy, then get immeditaly BTFO once shit hits the fan and having to rely on the frogs to cover your sorry asses while you pick your shit and run, then pain said event as some heroic feat.
His mom was a slag.
>It's Britain's job to police the continent
He never made a single good decision in his entire tenure as PM.
Not fucking one. UK would have been better off siding with Germany and defeating Communism.
>Not fucking one. UK would have been better off siding with Germany and defeating Communism.
You've meant bowing to Germany and being defeated by Communism? How's that better than siding with US and actually defeating communism?
More meme than man. It's hard to contend with such flattering portrays he's received over the years.
Britain in the axis would've led to a soviet defeat
the brits are no longer sending supplies and neither are the americans, as the US navy can't reach the ports under a british and japanese blockade
lack of lend lease plus relentless british bombing campaigns would've led to total russian collapse.
I got get why people still obsess over him so many years after the fact. His only accomplishment was not giving into the Nazis but everything else he did was pure shit. He is the most over-rated figure in history in my opinion. People just lov him because of his retarded "wit."
"Sir you suck at your job"
"yeah well you're a syphillitic whore! lel."
"Wow he is so great and smart."
Is he to blame for disaster that was Gallipoli Campaign?