>Business and finance
>Literally /shitcoin general/
Fuck coins and fuck this board, enjoy your pyramid schemes while they last retards
>Business and finance
>Literally /shitcoin general/
Fuck coins and fuck this board, enjoy your pyramid schemes while they last retards
Remember the last time a nocoiner was right?
Oh wait
Shitcoins like POSW and Bitbean are bound to fail.
You need to do research and invest in ACTUAL blockchain projects.
Waves, Stratis, Ethereum Classic, a few upcoming ICOs are all worth investing in.
Never trust a crypto with "coin" in the name besides Bitcoin.
>ethereum classic
Stay poor.
>POSW is a scam with no fundamental value
This board was LITERALLY created as a cryptocurrency containment board.
It's retarded that 99% of the stock market discussion takes place in the RHG threads. At some point it would probably make sense to spin up a new board to contain the crypto threads, it's insufferable.
Which ICOs do you recommend and why? You have my attention, do tell...
I wonder why crypto suddenly started dominating the board this past month or so.
We used to have a balance of crypto, shitposting, and traditional business/finance, but lately it seems like every thread is
>What is the next PIVX/POSW/BITB?
>Why aren't you risking federal prison for 70k/year?
>How much is too much to pay for a prostitute?
>How do I get rich tomorrow without doing any research or learning any skills?
Currently have over 70 threads auto-filtered based on cryptocurrencies. Would be more if some posters put titles on their threads. It's a fucking hodge-podge.
You'll see a couple anons asking how to invest, where to look and the entire thread will be spammed about shitcoins.
t. too stupid to understand cryptocurrency
>t. confirming my bias
my IRA may be stolen by the government but your bullshit will be made outright illegal.
>if it's the government stealing it, it's okay
Definition of a cuck
>things I don't understand should be made illegal
Soccer mom-tier
but i think its time for cryptocurrency to have its own /coin/ board.
just as /b/ was originally used as containment from ponyposting on /co/, until /b/ became nothing but ponies. Veeky Forums is becoming nothing but shitcoin.
but seeing as how japmoot has no money to run this site, i see Veeky Forums closing before /coin/ is made.
amen to that, coin should get its own board and biz should be about doing actual biz
Japmoot makes tons of money selling our information to advertisers.
He is known in Japan as a con artist who pretends his sites are broke so users will but shit from him.
>muh crypto
>Oh but I made 1 milj from crypto
I said rich
moving the goalposts to suit your definition of rich is not helping your argument.but i do agree that using crypto alone is not good. Put that million in a vanguard fund and then you will be on the path to being wealthy
do you know what a pyramid sceme is you cum-guzzling faggot? try explaining it. anyways just because you lost money to Jose who knows cryptos better than you doesn't mean its a large scheme to outjew. no its a small scheme to get schmucks like you to "buy the dip"
That's because asking how to invest is a stupid question. You put your money into an exchange of some kind. Then you click a button to buy. Then you click a button to sell.
Nobody really knows anything beyond this. It's all speculation. Having a whole thread dedicated to retards who refuse to take action isn't worth it.