Other urls found in this thread:
You better watch out
You better not post
You better not spam
I'm telling you why
TKOPAjr is coming to town
He's making a list
And checking it twice
He's gonna find out who's spamming gooks all night
TKOPAjr is coming to town
He see's you when you're posting
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been good or bad
So don't post gooks for goodness sake!
kys nigger
i wish i was in the idf so i could shoot palestinian kids in the eyes and knees and shit that shit would be epic
not epic at all
you're getting a lump of coal retard
internet defense force?
hell yes
it would be like sandy hook
nothing but no scope headshots
i thought it was a hoax
I love you guys! reminder to play dota
look who decided to show his smelly toon face
woke up after 3hours of sleep
what the FRICK >_
but theres so many arcade/custommap options
tfw you eat raw red onions in the morning and you go face the day being smelly
in sc2
I am just a smelly dotard :3
sc2? the superior game
come play some dotes, feel better
i think i downloaded the beta a long time ago and never opened it
I get you are probably new, but around here I am the ONLY one that toon posts. Put it quite sweetly, there is not enough room for the both of us, so I suggest that you go back where you came from. I do NOT share and this is my home, do you understand?
did you atleast go pro yet?
ive been toonposting on and off for a few years now
reminder that hands down is a lifestyle