Why is it wrong to believe in racial inequality?
Why is it wrong to believe in racial inequality?
This is one of the most hilarious responses I've ever seen, holy shit. It doesn't interact with the claim of the (admittedly, insufferable) comic in any meaningful way, deliberately misunderstands and misrepresents the issue and, last but most certainly not least, throws out of the window every notion of history, methodology and argumentative logic saying after Plutarch.
Good job, infographic maker, you gave me a smile.
Please explain, I don't see why it's wrong to compare russian serfs to black slaves.
Not a triggered /pol/ack, just really stupid.
>omg I'm shaking now I literally can't even
Ok, I'll bite. Because modern scientific conjecture, based on volumes of research (quora.com
TL:DR. Science doesn't support it.
This guy gets it
I liked the pol version more.
race clusters with haploshits 99%
there are all kinds of medical tests that are race specific
race is real and race is useful
because serfdom went through several changes in russian history, and the infograph doesn't take into account modernization programs undertaken by various russian rulers to make russia more modernized, which resulted in the formation of a russian middle class by the time the first world war broke out. Also serfdom wasn't as absolute as slavery in terms of dehumanizing treatment of it's underclassmen.
No one's denying ethnic traits based on regions (well, I'm not anyway), but we're talking about racial superiority, the science doesn't support.
Because all the humans are uniform from the neck up. Believe it goy or his secular state religion will get you fired.
I'm not qualified to comment on how serfdom and slavery differ (other may ne, and I hope they chip in to explain on a more pragmatica bassi OP'S picture's errors) but the writer, in his attempt of to justify racial inequality, refers to a situation where, unlike American slavery, race isn't a factor; he claims that, since Russia had both serfdom and a rich cultural history, white people are superiore - implying, somehow, that this much flaunted "culture" is a product of the serfs instead of the ruling classes (as it was), which were, I might add, as Russian as the serfs themselves. Race isn't a factor here.
The final line though is even more idiotic, as it implies that the descendents of Russian serfs were, after the end of serfdom, left on their own and managed to prosper and create great science, art and literature just because of their essentially white nature - ignoring the organized educational, industrial etc. efforts of the USSR, drawing an undue parallel between it and the American situation, again ignoring the pecualirities and processes in act in both countries.
He's trying to conjure a world in which races exist and develop on their own, without interacting with history, geography, politics and casuality. He's worst kind of Platonist (if ever there's a good one) and should be stoned with the complete works of the school of the Annales.
Cry more untermensch.
The environment and culture shapes a person far more than genetics ever will. Being born with a certain skin tone doesn't magically make you superior.
>Being born with a certain skin tone doesn't magically make you superior.
Fuck off, I'm 100% pure aryan nordic so that makes ME and people who like ME special
Okay if that helps you sleep at night
>Why is it wrong to believe in racial inequality?
It would be fair to think in terms of genetic inequality. But then you have to look at populations, race doesn't make sense at all.
There is also genetic diversity between individuals. So even looking at a population level isn't perfect. But thinking in artificial racial terms is just plain stupid.
The brain must also be understood as an organ that can develop within a lifetime. Epigenetics must be taken into consideration and so forth.
Also if we think of terms of genetic inequality, we cannot simply conclude that their are superior genes.
Because you have to think in term of fitness landscapes, not to mention individuals do not matter that much for the human species but groups do.
A group with different kind of genetic humans would outperform those with less genetic diversity. Though sure kinship plays a role in ingroup vs outgroup stuff.
But niggers in Africa are actually dumber than american niggers.Muh slavery is bullshit
This doesn't say that much.
It doesn't take into consideration the environment.
You would need to look if blacks in wealthy neighbourhoods outperform those in poor neighbourhoods and whites in poor neighbourhoods those blacks in wealthy neighboorhoods.
>Being born with a certain skin tone doesn't magically make you superior.
I wonder what crackers and their high rates of melanoma have to say about that.
>le niggers xD
>A group with different kind of genetic humans would outperform those with less genetic diversity. Though sure kinship plays a role in ingroup vs outgroup stuff.
Genetic diversity is a meme.Mulattos are ugly and dumb as fuck.The only benefit of genetic diversity is for the survival of a population during an epidemic or some other sorts of plagues.
>implying barge pullers on the volga was painted by actual barge pullers on the volga
is this a joke?
That chart shows that whites consistently outperform blacks in all comparable income brackets. While environment does play a role in it (wealthy blacks barely beat out whites in verbal and are just below the poorest whites in math), its clear that there are more factors involved than simply environment and culture.
Good argument Lebron
>Mulattos are ugly and dumb as fuck.
Idiot, genetically diverse populations do not have to be a mix.
>The only benefit of genetic diversity is for the survival of a population during an epidemic or some other sorts of plagues.
No there are many more, but yes more so during changing environments than stable ones.
Then I was to quick to judge.
>do not have to be a mix.
...between genetically distinct humans.
And what I forgot to say that compatible genes are important. Now don't think stupid that genetically distinct humans always have non-compatible genes because that can happen with genetically similar individuals as well.
So it's showing that there is a historical, as well as ongoing patter, of institutional problems that have taken, and will take, time to rectify? Good to know.
Once again, people in this thread are actually raising legitimate questions, such as where intelligence resides. Something can be replicated without scientific proof. Where does the unintelligence in blacks reside that is not based in self reliant-claims?
>Minnesota Twin Study
Not this again.
>race is a concept rather than a fact.
Just like gravity.
Only 5% of nigger babies can pass the mirror test.There are crows smarter than some African niggers
ITT niggers are stupid because they're poor and violent.
IRL niggers are poor and violent because they're stupid.
Why haven't mods deleted this thread yet? This isn't the pseudo-science board.
Already addressed the point I think you're making here , but if we're greentexting.
>Density of mass is directly related to perception of biological difference.
Cool contradiction. Refute the central point. Prove that race isn't a concept. Use evidence.
>If I don't agree with it it's pseudo science
Russians became leader of science, culture, and philosophy because the revolution brought the poor peasants a chance of education.
It's History & Humanities. How much more pseudo-science can you get?
>Place that has access to consistently better nutrition has higher IQs than places with worse nutrition.
hol' up
>Making a well-reasoned argument that consider's context in this thread.
Screw you buddy.
So you agree that there are differences between the races deeper than socio-economic ones?
This is... unfortunately true. This board isn't any better than /pol/ by definition
>Russians became leader of science, culture, and philosophy
Russia was "better" at culture and philosophy before the revolution. Just look at how many famous writers and intellectuals they had before 1917 and how many they produced after.
As far as science is concerned, didn't they pretty much stole their basis (especially for rocket science) from the germans they conquered? Not that americans can't be accused of doing the same after ww2
consider the following.
Africans in sub saharan africa have been living in disenfranchised conditions that have denied them access to quality education and adequate nutrition since the beginning of the division of africa and the establishment of provisional colonial governments. The post colonial era wasn't a landmark of stability for them either with most countries having unstable governments and insurrections.
Given these factors, it makes sense that africans would have lower capacities to solve IQ tests than their african american counter parts that grew up in a far more stable environment and weren't largely denied access to nutrition.
what is this dumbassery?
Von Braun's presence doesn't account for everything that NASA has ever done, just like the presence of german scientists in the Soviet onion doesn't take credit from russian scientists.
>russian scientists
Ukrainian scientists*
t. Holomodor expert.
'sup, Holomodor expert.
>Russian scientists
Truly, the greatest intellectuals.
Also, the soviets invested a lot of resources in science. Saying russia became a leader in science after the 20th century because of communism and "giving the poor a chance of education" is like saying France became a leader in science during medieval times because of feudalism, as they abolished slavery and gave the poor a chance of being serfs.
>greatest intellectuals
how do you measure intellectualism?
>how do you measure intellectualism?
I have no clue, doc
>Truly, the greatest intellectuals.
But like I've shown, American blacks still perform worse than their white counterparts even when they're both raised in the same conditions. Africa is something else entirely and that makes it difficult to compare to other regions of the world.
>empty quoting
Reminder that the maker of the "explanation" will, in the same breath, call Slavs subhuman
Race realism is wrong because we live in multiracial societies and we have to deal with it giving it any kind of official credence would just lead to needless destructive racially inspired chimpouts and even more antagonism based on race.
Reminder that the maker of this "explanation" will, in the same breath, claim Jews are subhuman
>/pol/ had some black guy make literal racist fascists sympathise with the black man's plight
>Veeky Forums has commies sperging out about what's pseudo-science and why this shouldn't even be discussed
Why is this the better board again? Fuck this place, I'm going back to /int/. It's a better place for discussing humanities than this shithole.
tl;dr: to get ahead blacks should overthrow their oppressors and install communist government
it worked for the Russian serfs
>Why is it wrong to believe in racial inequality?
It isn't unless you have a pathetic system of morality.
It's not
simply epic.
Inspirational role models play a tertiary role at best in the upliftment of a community. Access to the ABCs of basic social life are far more important.
Because thats called being based. The media cant stand based niggas
believe whatever you want to believe but don't be surprised or upset if other people call you out on it
it isn't
it's more science than """man made climate change"""
>As far as science is concerned, didn't they pretty much stole their basis (especially for rocket science) from the germans they conquered?
Spank yourself for this stupidity.
>no one will deny Russia's immense contributions
except this guy
Science can't find the gene that determined your pigment level? That's fucking stupid.
Correct Stephan, it is not an argument.
It is a friendly advice, what should one do after spreading disinformation.
that requires communism should blacks go full commie to raise IQ?
much better version, blacks should've copied the jews (this isn't sarcasm, they really should).
Who are you quoting?
>that requires communism
Serfdom was abolished in 1861.
the OP's pic
but they only started succeeding AFTER the revolution
>it's disinformation
>because my brainwash says so
>he doesn't know what > means
the natural identification of plebbits and tumblrites, you might aswell wear armbands
>because my brainwash says so
Yes, Stephan. Everyone with a bit of education in science is brainwashed.
They both got abolished but one kept their oppressors in power and stayed a minority while the other slaughtered them wholesale and completely took over the country.
perhaps the pic is telling blacks something
Just like slavery was also only sucessfuly abolished in the US after they went through their communist revolution, right? Obviously, only comunism could have possible ended serdom in Russia, as it did in every other place in europe. Obviously
>environment and culture shapes a person far more than genetics ever will
you realize your body is, as all living bodies are, literally held together by genes right?
I'm pretty sure his name is Stefan, not "Stephan". Meme ancap man doesn't go by Steve
then how come afroamericans aren't even close to being equal with euroamericans
checkmate, decadent leftists
You're using that pic too much, in too many threads. Starting to look like avatarfagging, ladm80
Do you lack reading comprehension?
Do you? If you're the one who said , then you're implying lower class russians achieved higher equality only because of communism. That it was REQUIRED. That is a very historically loaded implication