Are there any urban areas in the US where can I buy a 1 bedroom apartment for $250k or less? By urban I mean dense enough that I can do most things without needing a car.
Are there any urban areas in the US where can I buy a 1 bedroom apartment for $250k or less...
I doubt it.
250k isn't that much anymore.
You can buy a nice double wide trailer tho
As far as I can tell Miami and Atlanta might be your best bets, but that was a very quick surface level search so ymmv.
Forgot that one. Also Minneapolis.
What parts of Chicago should I be looking at? Not going to consider any predominantly non-white neighborhoods.
when you say "urban area" do you mean an area with a population of over 15,000 per sq mile, or more like 5000?
There are tons of "urban areas" but smack dab city center, is different than 1/2 an hour outside, which often cuts the prices in half.
Just any area that's walkable. I want to be able to literally step outside my building and have at least a coffee shop or bar within a few blocks of me, and have a number of restaurants, local shops, and a grocery store I can get to all by foot in a reasonable amount of time.
you can live in any metropolitan city in America without a car. literally millions of people do it.
Anywhere in Nevada or Arizona
But I know for a fact that $250k isn't enough to buy even a parking space in any city in the northeast US, so many cities aren't an option for my budget.
philly for sure. newly built 2bd apts going for ~325+ in the kesington area rn
This is incredibly do-able and for much cheaper then what you're projecting. Most posters here probably thought you meant being in a city like NYC.
I live in a condo near a huge plaza with a grocery store and a shopping centre here in Fort Lauderdale and I paid 175k.
It's also a 2 bdr/bath
Lexington, KY
Miami? Are you crazy?
Did a quick flashover on miami-dade county average property sale prices. It was at or around 250k. In the city proper it's probably much higher, but a one bedroom apartment would probably be lower. I'd have to do more than a cursory skim though.
Detroit. You can buy like the whole citt for that much.
Is Detroit really all-around terrible or are there nice areas where housing/apartments are cheap?
Bodymore Murdaland fo sho
You could definitely find a place in Philly or Baltimore for under 250k
Most cities in the USA are not super walkable.
I would say New York, Boston, San Francisco, and parts of San Mateo County, Downtown Seattle,
Usa is not a walkable country
Poor people are on the street, rich people use cars to drive through poor areas.
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