Pic related, politics not so much. Seriously is there a method to milking the system. What am I missing because I see this so much. I work have my own biz trade stocks do what I can just to get by while others seem to have it all and do nothing.
Pic related, politics not so much. Seriously is there a method to milking the system...
Your significant other applies for SNAP, TANF, & SSDI (for some bullshit reason) and writes down on all the forms that she lives alone. But really you live with her and you both make money under the table.
Source: I know black people.
Former government worker here. Come tax time there is a good chance that these people will be going to jail unless they actually jump through more hoops than just this, our systems would flag this unless they knew how to avoid setting off red flags.
Ask Elon Musk
To this day I don't understand all the Republican whining about "welfare queens".
There is no "free money". There's a couple programs that release a few bucks, but that is it.
> Food stamps
It maxes out at like $300 a month and can only be spent on food
you pay into it. If you recieve it, you're getting your own money back
you have to prove that you're body is so fucked you can't work. Like being paralyzed. And if you try to fake them and get caught you go to jail
Could these programs be reduced a bit? Sure. But there is no "free" money.
If you wanna cut the tax bill the culprit is defense, and overinflated govt offices where Joe Fucktard is getting paid $60k a year to do nothing.
Just frustrating busting my ass non stop to try and get ahead while others do nothing but collect checks. My own work ethics make it hard to even consider trying to run a scam, and my luck is get in trouble. I just wonder how they do it.
"Welfare queens" is code for blacks.
I see white ppl do it also, just saying.
>It maxes out at like $300 a month and can only be spent on food
The heroin addicts buy expensive cuts of meat, sell them for 40% of the sticker price in bars, and then use the cash to pay for their next fix.
We should probably just legalize all drugs and give them cash but I digress.
On what basis would the system flag this?
Probably look to see if they file taxes and how they file for earned income. If earned income is zero, or significantly different than full time @ min wage, they might get flagged for an audit, but honestly this type of fraud is pretty small potatoes for the IRS; they typically don't have the resources to deal with this shit.
>Joe Fucktard getting paid $60k a year to do nothing
Yep if you've ever set foot in a government building you witness firsthand how insanely bloated the system is. There are tons of employees who quite literally do one or two tasks for the entire day
the state/county requires proof of income. If you show check stubs for a certain amount and then later show tax forms with no income that's going to be a problem. Also your employer reports your wages to the government, so the state and county can confirm how much you make in about 3 seconds.
But the fake employer does give the woman cheques. They can just pretend that the woman does social media marketing or whatever useless job that can't be verified. The woman receives payment from the fake employer, and then reports that income in her taxes.
then she has to pay taxes on that fake income, and so does her fake employer.
then there's the problem of the state auditing the child care provider.
welfare costs the state fucking nothing in comparison but its the only thing repubs bitch about
Also you're not buying a fucking caddy if you qualify for assistance programs.
My hard drive is getting full, better delete this 4kb notepad document to make room
I think tax cuts should come from areas that occupy most of the spending. We don't need to spend 500 billion dollars in defense. We can safely cut 1/3 of this, because the next country with the most expensive defense budget is only spending half of what we're doing. That's a little ridiculous if you ask me.
Instead we're going at the smallest parts of the spending and removing things like environmental regulations, Planned Parenthood , and other things that make up less than 1% of the budget are being removed, while this monster of portion is being left in and added. The budget is totally unsustainable like this.
We share data with various entities, including the IRS, when you sign up for certain benefits. IRS shares with state tax agencies back and forth (except for Nevada, but that's... yeah).
Now, granted, we are the government, so it's going to be a very long process. First we'll kick the claim that you have an income at minimum wage back to you asking for proof. You'll send a fictitious document. We'll accept it but share it with other agencies. When tax time comes around you'll probably trigger an audit. That's when your shit will start to unravel.
>defense spending
The military industrial complex is the life blood of tjis nation and keeps millions employed globally, we also earn much of what we spend back through selling weapons, equipment and contratcs to the rest of the world not to mention a lions share of consumer technological devices were pioneered through projects created for the defense industry.
Bet you didn't know that you low IQ bernouts
Defense spending gives us far more benefits than paying for more pink haired land whales to get liberal arts degrees
I don't care what % of the total it is, it's the principle that matters
>T H I S
reddit scum fuck off
It's actually worse, we spend about 6-7x as much as China (the next biggest military.) However, if you look at the budget what most people see is half federal government and half is social welfare. Most of the federal government budget goes to defense while most of the social welfare budget goes to social security. Most right wingers assume that social security falls in the "federal budget" part. These charts are propaganda, but don't forget that also
The people who actually get out and vote in the US work shitty full time jobs and they think this makes them "good, hardworking americans" and they'd much rather their tax money go to keeping America as strong as the next 4 countries than they would wanting the brown kid down the road to not starve; even if it only cost 1$ to feed the brown kid but cost 100$ to keep America the stronkest. Fuck their boi Trump *raised* the DoD budget by 50 billion dollars. Maybe that's part of the reason he said yesterday that, "the wall can wait."
>muh war brings profit
This argument is bullshit and has been refuted over and over. A long time ago the only time large projects were undertook was because of war or prestige. In the modern world almost everyone can read and write and there are intergovernmental agencies working around the clock on projects the would put the manhattan project to shame. Since the industrial and then the technological/computation revolutions the need for the military to innovate has shrunk and shrunk.
No one cares if we make back 1/5 of what we spend on the military in gun sales because most of the people buying the guns are the people we invade in a few years; or the people we bitch about "giving handouts to" aka NATO.
get gud faggot
I have never seen anyone on welfare living a lifestyle I'd want to live. Never.
Most republicans are big government welfare cucks in reality though
Military spending is massive but welfare is actually a huge chunk. Just because one is a waste doesn't mean the other isn't.
State level funding is usually what bloats systems.
>nig nog mom lives with her kids on section 8 housing assistance
>"bf" lives with them
>lie about living with someone
>literally continue to have kids to stay on the system
>medicaid - utilizing ED's as primary care visits despite the irrationality of doing this
>State law stating that as long as one is paying their heating bill in any amount, it cannot be shut off
>know of nig nogs who wracked up 10k+ over years and pay ~100 a month with state assistance
It's true too, Joe Fucktard is a drain, but these people drain as well. Federal programs are pretty sparse, but libcuck states take the cake in terms of low income benefits.
And I agree, repubs are welfare queens too.
>muh farm subsidies
>muh oil subsidies
Everyone's full of shit.
social security and medicare isn't welfare
Ok I said pic related not politics, but I literally saw a woman bigger than the on in the pic sitting in the handicap spot with a brand new cadi today before I started this thread. While she herself may not have truly been a "welfare queen I've met and seen plenty who are.
Reagan was the ultimate memer
Ya. Single moms have been scamming the system for DECADES. You tards are a waste of tax payer's money, it's not even funny.
Hey can i buy $100 of stamps off you?
Ya. $50 cash.
Here's my card and my pin.
Thanks. I'll have it back later today.
Sure there is. Its called owning a business, growing it to a monopoly position and being smart about taxes. Takes a bit of effort and a few tries, but its worth it.
Around here I see people living good of the system and owning a home with a nice ride. Here I am stuck in an apartment like a rent cuck, never had a ride that was less than 13 years old. It just confuses me as to how they do it.
> 20 year old gets prego
> has bf making $30 hour
> prego gets stamps, section 8, the whole 9 yards
> bf clams prego n' kid on income tax - instant 3k+ on refund
I'm forgetting how this isn't free money.
>It maxes out at like $300 a month and can only be spent on food
nope my sister is single and has 3 kids and gets 700 a month.
Your answer. There is an actual guide floating around reddit n' the chan about the actual steps, but that's the basics.
I believe you. That's why I'm asking, I've seen it enough to know these ppl have a system worked out, because just the basic gov assistance isn't much so I know they got more going on. I'm personally to prideful ( maybe foolishly ) to do this. I still believe I'll hit my goals and hard work will prevail. I just wanna know for knowledge same what their system is.
Well it's called living off your kid and people that do it are damn right garbage, but there is so many people doing it in today's day-in-age, it makes you wonder who's smart. I mean either you have a kid or get with a women who already has a kid and you're straight.
You can have her get FAFSA, WIC, SNAP, Section 8, and Medicade. She'll get $400 - $600 in food stamps, WIC will help with meals n' stuff for the kid, Section 8 will assist in housing, medicade for free health care, FAFSA for the $2k every 6 months for 2 years, and depending on the state and area, she'll get cash in hand ($200 - $350).
Monthly she'll be pulling in a little over $800 GUARANTEED. That's not including FAFSA, but $1.1k a month including FAFSA.
You would just work as usual. Depending on whether it's your kid or not, you'd either have to pay child support or she'll just be getting the child support from the real father, which is an additional $100 - $3000 a month (depending on area n' factors ofc).
At the end of the year during tax time you claim both her and the kid to get an additional $3k+ - as stated before.
We're not even including if the mother works under the table, which a lot do. They'll either go clean houses or watch kids. But I hope that gives you the knowledge you're looking for.
Oh and all of this is legal, just don't get married ofc.
Wew lad
>move into a shithole with a woman you don't love and wouldn't marry, get her to ask for food stamps and she'll be pulling in barely minimum wage MONTHLY
On what fucking planet is this a worthwhile investment?
>just don't get married ofc.
getting married has nothing to do with getting any of those benefits.
this is how we know you're 12 and on the wrong board.