Jill (((Stein)))

Do any historical instances exist of influential Jews contesting the outcome of a goyim-majority nation's election because the results don't square up with (((their))) agenda?

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Burn the witch

Wrong board nigger

Holy shit /pol/fags aren't even trying to be subtle


Post shitpost questions, get shitpost answers

>Lowest quality board

>non thread

Ask this question on /pol/ then

>le shitpost post
EDIT: Downvots, really?

>No one here is learned enough in history to answer the question.

Every economically and socially elite group at some point has tried to undermine democracy. DA JOOS xDDD have probably done it as some point. Happy?

>Every economically and socially elite group at some point has tried to undermine democracy.

So the Germans were right?

Right about what?

Jews undermining their nation?

>thinly veiled /pol/ thread
>expecting serious response

There's no evidence of that.

Donald Trump is more of a Jew than Jill Stein.


So what nations did the Jews undermine?

All I can say with absolute certainty is Palestine

wtf I hate Jews now.

Contesting elections is common.

>Imperium Romanum
most likely:
>All their Arab neighbors





Probably Libya

kek, nice satan trips
mind if I save that image though? its epic

>when you will you stupid goyim stop whining about jews and start sucking the milk out of my large jewish cow tits?

how does Veeky Forums respond?

Om nom