/dfg/ - Dwarf Fortress General

Megaproject edition

Previous thread
PLEASE NOTE: Dwarf Fortress has just received an update. If you play the newest version (44.XX), be prepared for plentiful bugs and crashes. Do not complain about your bugs and crashes here, report them here: bay12games.com/dwarves/mantisbt

>Download the basic game here. Current version is Dwarf Fortress 0.44.XX.

>Official forums:

>Find a bug? Don't tell us! Tell Toady! Complaining in the thread will accomplish nothing.

>Have a question? Check the wiki first:

>Fireden archived threads:
boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/Dwarf Fortress/

>Dwarf Therapist:

>DFHack (Alpha for 44.02, expect bugs):

>Legends Viewer:

>Starter Pack (Out of date):

>More DF stuff:

>Dwarf Fortress General IRC chat:
(to connect yourself: webchat.freenode.net #dwarffortress)

>A bunch of guides to various parts of fort-based living:

>Video tutorials:
youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD1A3FE72C0DCAC66 (Dated, but good)

>Text tutorials:

>This pasta:

Strike the earth!

Other urls found in this thread:


>I've fixed a few crash bugs, stopped the main overpopulation-by-visitors issues, and a few smaller issues. There are a few more issues I want to look at before I put the next version up (display cancellation spam, issues with cancelled raids, etc.), and I'll continue working from there.


the display bug is pretty annoying, so I'd rather have him fix that first. then there's the identify yourself spam.

I really don't understand how you can play this game, but after playing a while I get attacked by kobold thiefs and a dwarf got injured but no one is going to rescue him, I do have free beds and I assigned everyone on "recovering wounded" but no one goes out of their way to save him.

Am I supposed to remove every other job everytime someone is incapacitated? This is just bad game design there's no need for the UI to be this bad, why can't I select individual dwarves and give them a priority? or at the very least adjust job priorities with dwarf therapist just like you can in an apparently inferior game called Rimworld

recovering wounded is a very low-priority job by nature. in my fortress, when a dwarf gets wounded there's a large number of idle dwarves ready to get him immediately. it might help to set a hospital zone, but your craftsdwarves won't ignore their duties and job orders to get some random guy. you have to designate a few guys that aren't continuously occupied for tasks like these.

Just designate a hospital zone, they're not going to carry a wounded dwarf to any random bed.
>that whole second paragraph
Shitposting is not okay.

I'd rather he fix the adv mode identity issues first before releasing anything - especially the "identify yourself" spam by creatures that shouldn't be able to talk, and npcs being unable to tell apart sides in a conflict.

Why do some of the random animals running around the cavern sometimes commit suicide by climbing up and falling down walls?

They're tired of their lives.

his. infiltrating sites was supposed to be one of the highlights of this release, yet this spam ruins it entirely

>Be me
>Playing Gobbo Adventurer
>Kinda roleplaying as a barbarian-esque opportunist adventurer, just rolling around looting and causing trouble for the most part
>on the trip between a hamlet and a fortress I have to stop in a dark pit
>I go down a little bit into the dark pit out of a mixture of boredom and curiosity, there are no guards and tons of civilian goblins everywhere
>Decide that I might as well chop up some Gobbos because I have nothing else to do
>Stop chopping off limbs and shit
>Body parts start sailing across the entrance of the tunnel
>All the sudden, a "Little Old Lady" comes out of nowhere (I guess she was taken by snatchers as a kid?)
>evades all of my strikes, is literally dancing around my poor little adventurer
>starts pummeling him over and over
>bruises almost everybody part on his body and breaks his shoulder
>Finally land a strike, cut her lower left arm off
>Granny retreats further into the tunnels
>Start chasing after her, both of us are stumbling around further into the tunnels trailing blood everywhere as we go
>Finally catch up to her
>she gets a few more hits in on me, I cut her lower left leg off at the knee
>she finally tumbles down, and I hack away at her until I finally kill the old bitch
>continuously hack at her into all her limbs sail around the tunnel, it's a gorey mess of blood and guts
>stumble my way out of the tunnel and move on to the fortress a changed goblin

It was inevitable.

Boo fucking hoo faggot

When did you take the maxed out elevation variance + no erosion pill?

>no erosion
Is that even playable? From my understanding, it's erosion that places ramps over natural slopes.

the mountain beach in-game. the wall is 30+ z-levels high.

there are ramps alright. the main difference is that the mountains tend to become large, flat plateaus (like mesas) instead of tiny peaks. the ascent to the mountains gets a bit more dramatic, but for the rest of the landscape, it hardly matters. higher elevation variance makes the slopes more concentrated, though.

this map I made should illustrate the difference between different erosion settings pretty well.

>Go into a Labyrinth
>Minotaur corners me
>Completely mangles and smashes my left arm, the bone is torn apart and it's severed
>Sticks it's left horn into my right eye and then deforms my face, most of the skin and hair on my head is torn off so my face is like a fleshy skull, right eye is gone
>Before he can finish me off companions severe an artery in his leg and knock him down
>They beat him up a bit, I get up and chop his head off
>after the fight, collect all my belongings and try to reequip my steel shield but then realize my left arm is a mangled mess of flesh and exposed bone
>Somehow I'm still alive and not bleeding out

Should I retire or is this salvagable?

try resting or travelling first. if you have lasting injuries after that, you might want to consider retiring or kysing.

just become a were beast


How do I mod my game to look like this?

move to finland

adv worldgen sure gives you some nice looking worlds sometimes

they do, they carry wounded dwarves to available beds if you don't have a hospital zone.

Never noticed that behaviour. In my experience, injured dwarves always lay where they fell until I designate a hospital zone.

Nice world, you tit.

Is legends viewer working with 44.02?


Day 1 my nigga

Not very original, but I would love to make this.

>built a 3x3 staircase
How's your megaproject going, /dfg/?

A 3x3 staircase is a megaproject?

well, building one might sort of count as long as its tall

>trying to actually build an aesthetically pleasing library and tavern
>going poorly
i'll wrestle this shit into submission someday

spiral, with hole through middle or dumb solid block?

I rested and traveled to a nearby hamlet and there doesn't seem to be any longstanding mortal wounds. So now I just have a brutally deformed, one eyed one armed adventurer.

It's kinda funny to walk up to people and brag like, "Yeah, you know that asshole minotaur? I just kicked his ass!" when I look like that

Is adamantine a good material for spears? How many trained soldiers do I need before breaching and eventually settling HFS?

>How many trained soldiers do I need before breaching
a minimum of zero
>and eventually settling HFS
a garillion legendaries in adamantine

>caravan from the mountainhomes arrive
>start moving goods to trade depot
>caravan arrives at depot
>immediately leave again
>outpost liaison still discusses the current situation
>idlers drop to zero
>my dwarves begin hauling stuff from what is essentially the edge or just one step outside the edge of the map
>it's all of the caravan's goods
Literally what just happened, never had this happen before.

Pic related, this was in my building materials.

Is it possible to continue generating more history after playing for a bit? Like retire the fortress and then generate another 100-200 years of history. I want to start a new fort, but if I do I'll only get immigrants from this current fort, since we're basically the only 200 dwarfs in the world.

I would really like more mouse support for DF.

Drawing walls and floors with the mouse instead of UHKM.

Some user explored that a couple months ago. 200 years is going to take ages, but pic related is the best we currently got.

The construction menu was designed for the 2D version, and it shows. Still, wall designation is the sort of labor that cleanses the soul.

>spend all day making map on the left in perfect worlds
>get the vomit on the right when I go to start my game

So how do I force an update world?

Looks like you went full retard with the good/evil square count, and didn't adjust the temperature properly. You should disable the north pole if you didn't already.
The comparison is a bit unfair too, since left pic was taken with a different color scheme.

well, the map to the left is not actually generated. the tiles you see there are just visual representations showing the rough combination of factors like elevation, drainage, temperature etc. they give you an idea of what biomes you'll get, but it doesn't contain nearly as much information as the generated world.

I never know how to start off a fort on a completely flat surface, instead I just sit there and stare at my screen and wonder how the fuck I should dig.

Kill me.

Just try starting a new fort or adventurer, the calendar screen will appear. From that point on, refer to the pic from instructions. You're obviously going to need DFhack, and the appropriate script if it isn't included by default.

Just dig a hole, this isn't hard. Flat embarks are super comfy once you get them rolling.

I usually do something like pic related. I usually let my militia train at the bottom. later on I usuallt build additional defensive (and cosmetic) superstructures around it.

Is generating a world with hidden history and then exploring it in adventure mode any fun? Can legends viewer properly deal with hidden history?

Holy shit. Turns out the Goblin civilization of my world has been holding a yearly festival every single year for 125 years. The occasion being celebrated was remembering the killing of a dwarf king.

last time I used legends viewer, it would glitch out when you didn't have legends+ extracted with dfhack, I strongly doubt they'd like hidden history.

of course, if you're the kind of person to see the appeal in playing with hidden history, then you should also see the appeal in taking notes with pen and paper. that's what I do, and it improves the experience a lot.

I didn't touch the default good/evil square counts and I hand placed all the temperature. The biome tab in perfect worlds is just misleading I guess. I didn't think there would be so much damn tundra.

My solution to this:
>Build a channel/down stairs somewhere and build your fort like you normally would
>cut down a shit ton of trees (or just use stone if you don't have any trees)
>build a large building around said channel/downstairs over time
>turn the large building into a comfy tavern/dining room with a kitchen and rooms
>Optional: Build a moat around said tavern/dining room
>Optional: Because the tavern is the entrance to your fortress, you could make the entrance to the tavern a retractable draw bridge and abuse the current visitors bug. Just open up the draw bridge and let your 50+ visitors fight besiegers for you.

Moats are shit because dwarves love to jump down nearby holes when in combat. Every time there was a siege, my fucking moat would have a higher bodycount than the goblins.

If it's not "resolved" by Toady himself, then it's only "resolved" in the sense that one of the admins/mods declared it a duplicate or something, not actually fixed

I see. Thanks for the reply.

It's been awhile since I've been in these threads, but when I was last here, there happened to be a tournament in place. The semi-finals just concluded and the grand finals were to be he-man vs herne or something like that, who was wearing an adamantine cape that everybody was complaining about. What was the outcome of their fight?

There was no final fight. All the memes about tourney user dying made him actually die irl. According to some, it was for the best.

Sources say it was inevitable.

What a shame. I suppose their fated conflict is just one more event lost in the vast mythos of /dfg/.

What worldgen options must I fiddle with in order to vastly increase the rate at which I encounter megabeasts in fortress mode?


pretty simple, just increase the maximum number of megabeasts in advanced worldgen options

But what options are those?

take a second and look for it, its literally just called "maximum megabeasts" dumbass


this is rude general

Just had a fort die before it could get going due to a werebeast infection running rampart.
It infected someone and then they turned infecting most of my Dorfs and causing my Diplomat to go home angry.

It's Goblin Christmas.

Did you abandon it or did it actually die?

I abandoned it desu.
I gave autolabor a go and my bridges never got built in time.
So I'm going to just use Dwarf Therapist next time.

Why didn't you just play out a werebeast fort? That'd be fun.

Good read user.
Events like this are why I love adventure mode.

Is Bright the first film to truly show the evils of elves

>spiral, with hole through middle
I want to do something like this but with a diameter of 40.
Waiting for dfhack and game updates before I get real fortress going

So like, an open pit rock quarry?

Needs adv rep fix.


Identify yourself!

my name is loli wetholes, servant of akhuzu, god of lust, greetings!

I had something more like this in mind.

What made goblins so prone to overwhelming people in worldgen?


Immortal like the elves but also use actual metal weapons and armor instead of shitty wood.


Why in the hell did he make them immortal? Goblins breed like fucking nothing and then overwhelm everything in the world, except the fort you are playing as. I've seen people playing take the goblin population from 10k down to 300. It's kind of stupid.

I recommend limiting the goblin population to 1 civ per world in a Small or Smaller world, and maybe 3/5 in a medium world, and no more than 8/10 in a large one. It tends to make things more balanced.




what went wrong and how do i fix it?

It looks a lazy noob configured your keybinds.


Not using it.

I just made goblins mortal and require food and drink. Seemed to sort the problem out. Though now elves typically are overly dominant.

Are you playing on a mac? The list of recent bugfixes for the next version mentioned something about the mac version not having keybinds for new features assigned. Whatever the problem is, you can probably fix it by just assigning keybinds.