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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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Name my team
That's my wife.
No long-haired roasties are allowed in this thread unless they are flat
Now that seasonals are getting a BST boost, will her next alt still have 35/35 or be upgraded to 36/36?
Who will be a good Mother for Robin?
At least this person on my friendlist is happy about the Navarre rerun.
No I didn't get to post mine yet.
When will Hana get into Warriors
Does /fgoalter/ have as many cross-posting redditors as /feg/ does?
though really Robin tipped the scales as usual and berkut tanked the manakete, which was the annoying part
why does fgo keep coming here?
what's a good b skill for minerva? she's fast enough to not need a breaker, maybe vantage?
that seliph is lit
Def or res?
Inf only on infernal done
>wake up sick at 6AM to cough green shit out of my lungs
>decide to check FEH on my phone while I'm waiting for sleep to come again
>Navarre rerun
>clear infernal first try and fall back to sleep
Content when?
Why is Beruka fucking a ninja turtle?
>Serra will never get an alt and will always just be another one of the fifteen billion shit staffers clogging up the colorless pools
Feels pretty fucking terrible, bros.
I'm the user that asked if I should +10 my Lissa or give her all healer skills while ignoring every answer anons gave me.
One told me to +10 her before giving her every skill to make her more useful. The Lissa that's 5* atm is my very first Lissa with +hp -res and I would only ever lose her to merge into a Lissa with +spd -atk. Thereby the perfect IVs might change and I'll probably regret premerging them. I could just +9 her and see if I ever get the perfect IV later. If the first reply also tells me to +9 her I'll just do it.
What the hell brothers they are chuckling at our expense once more.
Good shit
So what makes sleepy man snore? I know dancers and horses, but what else?
He pretty dank
Playing FEH.
The only reason I go to these post ghb threads keep it up legion bro.
Armors and fliers.
To be a man you must have honor, honor and a team of only infants.
>le colorless hell XD just like Sagemaster said inhis latest video XDD
there are more swords alone than Staves, Daggers ans Bows combined. The real hell is red hell.
If you're getting ward support go res.
>overwatch christmas is good content
Nothing had been added. Nothing of overwatch content is quality. It takes them a few months for 1 ne map to be added and a hero takes even longer. There are 0 good maps, no good gamemodes and the event gamemodes are a complete joke. Whoever put overwatch in it really needs to rethink his life decisions
Lol I got her off a 5 orb YOLO summon.
should have been navarre
tis the season to rerun content
Felicia is the cutest! She gives my life meaning! Every day spent with her is a blessing! I`ll always be there for her and she`ll always be there for me! She is my soulmate! I could never want anything more! I love Felicia!
Wait till tomorrow bros, I'm sure IS will reward us for our patience!
>even a shitty Evolve game mode
>and Mei's snowball thing
>are better than what we got
Bros....... wtf......
+atk -hp i believe, gj. I just get spooked by Katarinas on seasonal banners.
Also a small reminder- tomorrow/in 2 days we get reseted 'daily' maps so woohoo more orbs.
>tfw game has content
sure feels good to not play feh anymore
It's not. Both are a huge fuck you to the community. reruns are too but not such a huge one. Thereby we got 4 new armor units with way too high stats and powercrepped skills. Overwatch has nothing
The difference is that the 3-4* reds have better SI than colourless outside of Klein. Hinata/Palla/Henry/ATiki/Roy all have good SI compared to shitters on colourless like almost every healer/dagger. The only outright bad 3-4 reds for SI I can think of off the top of my head are Seliph and Raigh.
She's +atk -res. I'm not sure if those IV's are good for this unit, but they're decent I'd say.
It's +atk -res
Smell the tiki!
Brash desperation with fury as her A, it's hilarious.
For non-memes though vantage sounds good.
Imagine sex with Serika
That said, I need a bunch more wryses so my healers can have heavenly light and live to serve
Fuck off numale.
Breed Tiki!
>tfw it was the first time I was around for Navarre GHB
Finally got that Pokedex entry, at least.
Why even bother making a post if all you're going to say is "OW has nothing" which is obviously false
Imagine sex with Alm
Is that good?
Yeah but then you end up drowning in Azamas and Saizos along the way.
>bowbreaker/gaurd bow from setsuna
>glacies/iceberg from felicia/niles
>ignis from leon
>hone speed from matthew
>darting blow/reciprocal aid from rebecca for budget builds
It's not all bad
He'd casually fuck you into a fine paste and crack a knock-knock joke
too cute, memory circuits overloaded
> Drawn with a dick for a nose
> Isn't helped at all by the Killing > Slaying upgrade
>Every Red Sword released after him is better than him
>Has the easiest Infernal
Good old Haar denying them (You)'s.
Even reds released before him were better.
At least he’ll get to be in Fire Emblem Warriors
How much money have you spent overall on this dying game bros? $250 here
She won't survive much magic either way so you might as well make her more of a wall.
0 dollars and 0 cents.
way back i spend around 30 € on brave frontier. first and only time i spend money on a mobile game
>spending money on gacha
But you may only imagine, since he belongs to Celica
>spend $60 on WE banner
>Ogma'd and Roy'd
I hate this fucking banner, I just wanted a skankja.
Spent my entire last paycheck on it. So nothing.
He deserves it for being the root of the worst designed class in Fire Emblem.
Just woke up. Flier emblem from last BHB worked just fine.
Also Alfonse/Navarre quests are a joke with tanky A.Tiki in the team
I want to see the video user
About 300 Euros over time, I think. But like half of that was gift cards I got. I felt real bad about it for a while, but I'm over it.
Someone never felt the joy of attacking 5 times for 0.5x damage.
+9 her.
lol just use cherche
> Not doing Infernal with Infantry only and no dancer
>it's another "ATiki solos the map" episode
>doing Infernal
Why the fuck is his Infernal so easy?
I made the mistake of throwing Tiki at it and she solo'd the fucking thing. Now I have no content again.
They should have used Cherche for warriors then she could support with Minerva over how she named her dragon after her and with Celica about how in her dimension Valentia is called Valm.
I did it with Bride Cordelia and 3 dancers since I really didn't feel like thinking
Tiki FTW
>infantry only
The mental capacity of Cherchefags.
Hey /feg/gots.
What if you stopped being a bad player and fight me without
>firesweep weapons
>distant counter units with high def
>units with reposition
>units with galeforce
>quickened pulse
Come back when you can fight me like a real man.
Cherche lives one and half thousand years after Celica dies numnuts.
It was piss easy from the get go. They'd have to redesign the GHB for it to not be
> Move tanky DC unit with QR in Ninja's range and mop up the rest
>Looks like a girl
Done, I used Aiku to solo the right side of the map and had diedere kill the manakete
does infantry in this case mean no fliers/cav so actual foot units or no armor/mage on foot either?
My mistake was assuming Navarre could do exactly what Alfonse did.
They could have maybe just added a mage or two instead of just a manakete so that casual DC baiting would be a bit more risky. It feels like A.Tiki is becoming the new Hector.