Old League was better edition
OT - eyosongive.us
League of Legends - /lolg/
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xth for my wife Syndra
I miss pre-rework Xerath, malz, katarina, sion, yi and my ryze.
xth for my new hasubando, Rakan.
Post em, gents
old sion was such trash
What is Sonas cupsize?
>Take inhib
>teammates refuses to back off and prepare for nashor, take other objectives
>all they want is to fight, even tho everyone is low
>enemy respawns, kill half of the team even tho im desperately pinged for back
>enemy nashoring\comebacking
EVERY FUCKIGN TIME, why people so stupid?
What junglers are good in S2+ elo? I tried Evelynn, but it seems like she loses all her power at the end of mid game, and i can't really do shit.
Xin, Jarvan, Khazix, Yi
At least an L cup, probably around a M
Is there a sexier faction?
That a pretty lengthy way of saying we overextend.
xth for irrumatio
>get an adc that actually deserves their rank
>but a feeding non-warding support, negative kda(somehow) jungler and 12 death anivia
guess im still in the naughty queue
I can literally feel that one of the other decent players was meant to be on my team but im being punished
>get excited for URF
>it's shitty Random URF
>it's shitty random urf with forced winter skins
>never again will you be allowed to play whatever you want in URF it's now a scam to push skins
Caitlyn and Vi are the best couple and lovers!!!!!!!
>kayn is gay
>varus himself (not the faggot body) is not
>kayn is gay
source or just headcanon?
More like projections.
It's headcanon that was jokingly confirmed by DanielZCuck after Kayn's release. Then another Rioter said it was just him messing around and not true.
A dev said he got a crush on zed the one who created kayn
>Jokingly confirmed
I hate ZCuck even more now. Too afraid to actually make him a gay but haha jokingly he totally could be gay we're all tokenly inclusive haha
>headcannon bullshit
aww lmao
Velvet champion when?
90% of the autistic faggots that post in these threads would be better off in gas chambers
Yourself included?
Too pretty and shows too much skin.
I want to BE Sona!
And do what user?
How do I get myself a big titty gf?
Is there some kind of big titty bait I can buy?
hnnnnnnnngHH DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
who drew this?
I thought it was oopartz but it's not on his pixiv
How do you even practice a champ if you play blind there's always some fag who will lock on your lane first, if you play ranked you get flamed to he'll and lose all your elo and if you play draft you have enough wait like twenty minutes for a match
Float I guess, play some music. What do you want me to do?
Anyone else looking forward to Swain's massive nose? How big is it gonna be?
Not firm enough
take some tips from this user
what server do you play on that has 20 minute queues for draft? I wait 3 mins at most regardless of role
is ashe viable?
All champions are viable
Yeah she's ok
Nunu isnt
At tournaments.
>"All champions are via-"
>tfw your god tier macro skills win a game where your team is 15 kills behind
You have to get pregnant to be milked though
The new soul sucking vampire will be her and rip souls out instead of old fashioned neck bites.
Not him, but if you need to get pregnant I can help you out with that
>nerf the fuck out of her
>release a champion that is a hard counter to her (ornn)
Was Riot justified in diagnosing me as as this much of an edgelord?
most played: Kindred, Taliyah, Camille, Lux
Why you make me post it?
if you're a premade diamond+
dont pick that trash and gimp your team
Is riot testing me? Do they want me to get banned?
What's headcanon in that image?
thoughts on katarina?
That's a very generous offer user. I'm sure we'll get some milk in no time!
Elise is just some basic bitch, lower member of their cult. Same shit as Vladmir. Swain and LB will never discuss their orders with them.
>Shen support
You should be
I see nothing wrong other than you being toxic and negative.
I'm sending a ticket right away. May even write a latter to Marc.
pls vote
Only to Annie.
>Swain and LeBlanc will never discuss their stuff with the man who's lived to see the entire Noxian history and personally controlled some of it
If anything Vladimir and LeBlanc will never discuss their shit with Swain seeing as he's not even a member anymore.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Lost Games Real Hahahahahaha Nigga Just Dodge It Like Nigga Just Dont Play
FACT: Lulu has the CUTEST FEET!
Eat shit, faggot.
>report someone for cheating when they pick heimerdinger
>they dont get banned
uhhh, what?
Blakc roes sknn whn
wtf is that
why is leblanc a dude
who else cancer of winning here?
For my contributions, can I have some of the milk?
From the tap?
>unironically proud of bull-of-animation-cancelling-abuse
Who the fuck care if he's gay? Are you trying to self-insert so damn hard that you want him to have the same sexual preferences as you do?
You're delusional in this is the case.
Big tiddies are supposed to be soft.
Caitlyn and Vi are the perfect couple
>the perfect anything
kek, vladmir is some homo prince lowly pawn, vladcunt
Which League champ flips your lewd switch into overdrive?
>Tfw 90% of closest female friends have small boobs.
>Can never have the chance to see them flip out
>please dodge
i think the most important thing to understand about league is that mos tpeople playing it don't even understand it. they think if they have high creep/ kd they are winning the game. Most people dont even look at the minimap, observe pings, ward, or group. then you suggest they do those things and you get reported.
you literally have to be prepared to do everything yourself and understand you can't save every game.
t. a support, but i honestly think this applies to every role.
what can you expect from a game that doesn't shove what to do down everyone's throats, an age of skyrim hud users and quest markers having to think/plan for themselves? god forbid.
Janna mains
>Who cares about people making claims without substantiating them?
hello brainlet!
I suppose you will need to refuel during the marathon mating press sessions
Would you be a dear and give us the source kind sir.
Defend this.
>protip: you can't
>jungle poppy
Cute support mains!
ignore shen support is god. but useless with rando adcs, which are generally braindead.
I'm not even gonna try to.
>deletes Bard
>deletes Lee Sin
>deletes Jayce
>deletes Tahm Kench
>deletes Janna
>deletes Vladimir
>deletes Kog'Maw
>deletes Ezreal
>removes True Damage
>removes Lifesteal
I fixed League of legends, guys! :D