"Most aesthetic PC tank" edition
Previous Thread: >gay ERP circlejerks who sometimes play tanks
EU: NOPAN - eu.wargaming.net
NA: NEET - na.wargaming.net
PS4: BLAPS - console.worldoftanks.com
Blitz: BENIS
>tankfus and their assets
"Most aesthetic PC tank" edition
Previous Thread: >gay ERP circlejerks who sometimes play tanks
EU: NOPAN - eu.wargaming.net
NA: NEET - na.wargaming.net
PS4: BLAPS - console.worldoftanks.com
Blitz: BENIS
>tankfus and their assets
Other urls found in this thread:
Post Christmas Garage
Reminder that benchmarks should be run at the lowest setting.
Fast threads are fast
>on old laptop at parents for christmas
>also apparently you only get ONE (1) special christmas camo application
Now I gotta wait for the new tier 10 soviet super heavy to use it. It looks so good on my new IS-6 though
excuse me, DELET this right now
>still no ST-2
fuck off with your fake fucking backwards heavies and give us a tank that someone wrote a real letter about.
Your daily PSA if you don't play only tier 10 you are not playing the game how it was intended.
>two 175 pen guns at t9
>the game how it was intended.
The game was intended to be played by huge whales. They don't care what tier you do that at
>projecting his cuck fantasies onto best girl
sasuga, shitposter
Don't make me post the other one.
Join NEET today
Daily reminder that the VK100P is an overpowered piece of shit and you are a massive faggot if you didn't have the Maus unlocked before the VK released and/or played even one battle in it.
t. green
join NOPAN!
>hurr let's put a tier 10 at tier 8
Fuck off Serb.
stop projecting your cuck fantasies.
you mean the new tier 8 premium Maus?
>make a new account for a fresh start
>have fun till t7, then the grind and anxiety kicks in
Mauerbrecher's god worse armour than vk 100.01 P because ))))))
>not possessing reading comprehension skills
>new ways to earn bonds, including a new Ranked Battles season
Naturally, they'll be too late to get the "reward" tank.
>yuropoors waking up
>thread devolving into waifufagging and cuckposting
really gets the noggin joggin
>Part 3 shows his wife left unsatisfied and blk chicks husband getting involved in story
I'm gonna be so pissed if they ruin this comic series and cuck him. It's fucking godtier white man topping raceplay.
Is clutch breaking useless on BatChat TierX Arty?
>yuropoors waking up
It's 9:30 PM in central yurop you mutt.
It still has 270mm on the upper hull when angled only slightly. it has a weak machine gun port but then its turret can actually be angled to be unpenetrable because it doesn't have those weak angled cheeks the 10001P has
get me them poorfag memes
>play t34
>do 1.1k dmg and 6 kills
>not ace
>play t34
>do 1.1k dmg
he probably means the t5 medium. With the 57mm that's like an okay game, not worthy of ace tanker.
I've had 2.5k damage games in my chink t-34. The thing's a DPM monster.
>6 kills in 4 shots
is of balans
>It's a BC 155 58 rides your tier 8 ass episode
did I miss the equipment sale again
Nope they didn't do one for Christmas
> implying arty doesn't go use good players first
I have a 1090T
>tfw got some variety 12-pack beer and almost completely wasted already after only 5 beers because the alcohol content ranges from 4.5% to 8%.
also the Persona 3,4, and 5 are killer for playing for playing tanks
soundtrack is the missing the word there. Also the alcohol of these beers goes to 8.3% goddamn
Norin pls
>M4 Sherman with 105 reload: 8.36 seconds
>M4A1 Ravioli reload: 12.28 seconds
what's with the christmas boxes this time around?
I think I spent like 40 eurobox on them last christmas but didnt get the korea patton
balans comrade )))
Read the newsletter in your email.
polish tonks when?
my what
but all that's there is bills and penis enlargers
post a pic pls. I don't have the newsletter
There are three codes in there for WoT WoWs and WoWP
I got 3 days of premium and other stuff
What's your favorite meme tank Veeky Forums?
>a short breech low velocity howitzer with a shorter shell
>a huge breech in a turret with a longer shell
So it makes sense
best tech tree premiums for making money?
I'm looking at the fv4202, m4a1 rev, lowe, and the wz 120 ft
the fv4202 and wz make the most according to vbaddict
Does the regular tank discount stack with the winter atmosphere discount?
>tfw you test yourself on encore and score a 200 while using low quality
M4A3E2 with old matchmaking
Nowadays I play only Caernarvon or T29 for fun
Teach me your ways senpai. I just got the archer because I feel going through the Achilles will be a better idea than going through the Firefly, but I'm real awkward with it.
>attack siegfried line 3 time in a row
such diversity in the map pool
How are you able to run your browser
I would rather take Siegried Line over Icebound and Scorpion Pass every day.
Step 1. Have a decent crew
Step 2. Kemp bush
Also the tank goes faster in reverse.
my phone
Vb bases that mostly on gold shot per game
As long as you aren't a shitter who needs gold to pen the e100's ass
They should add reward tanks to the tech tree as normal vehicles and just give the actual reward tanks custom models and leave them as "premium" vehicles.
so that would make the lowe one of the best just based off of the fact that since 90% of the tanks you're going to be shooting at are tier 10, you can pen them more reliably and thus acquire that extra xp and credits for penning tanks higher tier than you
is there a chat channel at all?
>Hellcat with stock turret and M1A2 reload: 2.97
>Type 64 reload: 3.16
>buy 11 boxes for 20bux
>get 19 days of prem and 4000gold
is that a good deal or did i get jewed
>no t8
jewed obv
about $20 worth of gold right there, so you got 19 days for free, goy
Nope you did pretty good m8 now buy another 200$ worth
>O-Ho 15cm
>16.30 base reload
>Type 5 15cm
>19.18 base reload
Is there a final date to recruit festive girl crews by before WG removes them?
sometime in march I think
saving them for polish tonks then
230 is shit
440 is the new standard @ t8
FV4202 fanbois on suicidewatch
*snipes your cupola from 440m away*
nothing personnel...walletwarrior
what's the difference between soviet/traditional/chink decorations
What nations they buff when you collect enough off them and the camo you get for completing the collection.
What does your wot setup look like?
>also the Persona 3,4, and 5 are killer for playing for playing tanks
good taste. I prefer the GuP ost myself
fuck you serb I bought another 11 and didnt get shit
>using the 15cm on type 4/5
absolutely disgusting
>not using the 15cm HE lolcannon on the type 4/5
It was a couple weeks ago it was 30% off in the tech tree
>30% off in the tech tree
>no polish tech tree yet