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I want to make Ophelia with Lissa and Rhajat with Tharja!

hey look it's my wife and some slut in a bikini

Those are my wives!

Banner when?

Fjorm, Lyn and FE Switch's lord are the next smash reps

Post arena/TT bonus armors

My wife

>and Rhajat with Tharja!
But that's wrong.

>got a defense earlier today

Hand over the fucking content and no one will get hurt.


>tfw cucked me twice
At least one was +atk

big tits

Did anyone else find this ridiculously easy? Not even bragging or anything, I was just surprised

I'm gonna eat that mutton!

Settle down.

Fuck off, there's no such thing as FEH Content.

Im big boy!
Daddy said i was big boy!

Winter Lissa and Robin never ever.

Or what, bitch?

What refinement should I put on the Winter Chrom if I want to keep the big bag of dildos on him?

He is +atk -def. Should I go with Def to make up for the bane?

No, user, you were the only one who had an easy time with it, everyone else still hasn't beaten it.

This was by far the easiest Infernal, it's almost sad.



Can i order some new content?

>Did anyone else find this ridiculously easy?
>Not full flier emblem
It is

Are you using Fjorm/blessings in your arena team ? Do you think this feature will be important in the future ?

>tfw arena only shows the last 10 defences

I'll use it if they add a legendary hero I care about

Let me get uhhh
[B]oneless content wit a
2 liter coke

>strength 0
how does she walk

This is why re-runs are trash "content"
>old as fuck weak units vs new power-creeped stuff
No shit.

Despite spending about 200 f2p orbs on the Hinoka and Nowi banners, I still don't have Hone Fliers. Ninners is just a placeholder

>tfw want to help relieve some of the deadness of Heroes and this place but I can’t host Hunger Games here can I?

Goddamn, those BIG FAT COW UDDERS are asking to be slapped.

>ywn be double teamed by these two and cum all over both of their faces simultaneously

I hate this feature with a burning passion because my core is 3 older well merged units of each color + bonus, there’s no room for Fjorm or any other legendary shitters once they’re not bonuses.

Not sure if I like him enough to invest in him. I have DC fodder, but I was saving that for a favorite.

i don't use blessings even though i have 4 of them because the only units that need sp want atk/def from the blessing more than spd and all the units that want speed are at max sp
also i run fliers and fjorm isn't a bonus unit anymore so i haven't been using her

>hunger games
>thinking that b tier trash would save anything
unironically kill yourself faggot.

>The Virgin Ike needs to rest Ragnell on his shoulder for support
>The Chad Roy wields Durandal with one hand

So is it basically guaranteed that the legendary banner will be announced on monday? They said end of december, not beginning of january

Post inventories

Leave Ayra to me, friends! She'll be no match for my Slaying Edge and Threaten Speed!

She looks so beautiful when she gets upset.

we'll probably get it next friday or on christmas or we won't get it for another month

Genny is my granny

>Slaying Edge
You're too late, kiddo...

The fact that you have more orbs than me makes me pretty sad

>did anyone else find this ridiculously easy

Pimple nose will never return, right?

>tfw want to setup a mixed team that makes use of the Tactic C slot skills
>Locked to 5* units

Skill shop for the 1 year anniversary? Throw that in along with a total revamp of the 3-4* units and a 1-2* poverty gacha.

Post good fire emblem art


Pixiv got pretty kino after tge influx of american artists


not till after they've drawn lewyn

Whats your list look like sort by obtained, who has survived? I started right before they stopped giving away the free F.Corrin, but She was slain for Hone Atk.

just got done spending 80,000 feathers on stupid stuff because I was bored with no content

There is literally nothing wrong with the bottom left one. It's no more badly designed than a chess board is. It serves its purpose fine. A truly bad map is one where the design gets in the way of enjoyment, like the trapped in the walls map in Heroes.

The top left is also fine, it's lorewise some sort of impenetrable fortress and it serves that function by being difficult to get units into the areas with archers and cantors. Neither one is worse than most maps in Fates Birthright.

Every time I see this bitch's special I get upset.
Pray that I never summon her.
She will the quickest 5 star unit I ever fodder off.

I like this new canon design of hers

Prepare your womb for Odin and Hayato!

Which 5 star gets the Carrot Axe

I made my first roll before I even knew what I was doing


>0 Light's Blessings

>Lucina will always be stuck as a bootleg Marth because Smash almost never revamps characters

Please respond.

forgot pic

How can anyone hate this scene?

>slaying edge
>2 cooldown special
user you're doing it wrong

>tfw 6 orbs
I'm 100% sure B!Ike will be in the legendary banner and I really need Steady Breath to finish Fae, I spent like 80k feathers on her, counting on some surprise orbs

I finally rolled what I think is a good Nowi. +spd -hp. how do I build her? I figure that -hp is made up when I refine her weapon.

>abs with big tits

From day one. The true survivors are Camilla, Clarine, and Felicia since they started below 5*.

This better be the most inspirational new years ever because idk how they dropped the ball so bad. All they needed to do was give a free Christmas unit (eg the Christmas Alfonse/Sharena they mentioned in the paralogue), 2 new chapters, a vg and a new tt reward and people would have been perfectly fine.

Cherche would look the cutest with it


>characters you were saving for but had to use orbs for the TT bonus

i'd be happier if they just deleted that game mode
arena assault along with it

>Not removing the weapons from your defense team after getting a win
Only brainlets need more than 1 defense

who would win, Reinhardt Blanco or FGO (forma de *laughs*)?

At least this is helping people realize the lack of content this game has. Hopefully they'll start adding new gamemodes that can't be cleared in 10 minutes tops.

>Navarre with the same build has 2 less attack and less bulk in everything but HP
>4 merges would add HP and fix the attack but his defenses would still be trash

I guess that's why they call it a "budget" option.



This is how I do my Nowi.

Give it to Ike.

Arena assault isn't bad imo, the problem is everyone only builds the same thing.

>The only semi-substantial new content we're getting is the Raven-Lucius BHB
>on the fucking 30th

w h y


Do you have some memes to share user ? I thought insta Regnal Astra was a good idea for my defense team

If Arena Assault had a way to limit the number of times certain heroes appeared then the mode would be perfect.
I'm so sick of seeing Reinhardt and Lyn.

Please say we will get something for Christmas

Yeah but unless people give feedback and stick to not spending money they won't have motivation to do better.

It's pretty neat.

Upgrade some seals why dontcha

I miss using Taco.
Camilla, Lissa, Royboy, and Seliph have been around for a long time, too.

we will get something for Christmas

despite your anger over the fact that people like lucina even after a different character took the lightning mantle for a few months, TT rewards are obviously more substantial than BHB rewards

Can someone give me an Oboro and Azura on Warriors gameplay link?

We won't.

that infernal map is definitely not super easy for everyone, it's obviously not a challenge if you have a ton of highly specialised units to choose from.
don't think im going to beat this one, the fucking ninjas and the dragon fuck me up so bad.