Male beauty > all beauty edition
Male beauty > all beauty edition
I need real ranked to be back. Need my fix.
fuck vladfag btw, and all -fags
I wanna cuddle Jinx and be her love slave and do anything to make her happy
xth for my wife Syndra
I've been starting to see the appeal of feet lately.
How should I off myself?
are people playing ranked now because my normals suck
I'd like to see a legendary skin for Darius where he dies instead of his wife.
Same for Senna and Lucian.
We wouldn't have to have the whole "gender switching" freak out and it would be pretty cool.
They'd have to be ultimate or at the very least legendary though...
post mains
I want to make Jinx a Mommy!
found this old screenshot on my old laptop ;3
>tfw no qt petite gf to punch me in the face and then force herself on me
>His wife
He left her pregnant and a single mom he's a wifeless deadbeat dad who can't even ensure the survival of his offspring
Somebody already did.
How will Darius get a skin if he dies
All good posts
Cutest monsters, cutest lovers!
xth for gay posting and sisterfuckers everywhere
Sona "11 inch hog" Buvelle strikes again
name one (1) appealing thing about feet just to be sure
Then make her darius and give him a skin idk we need cooler champs from the lore and less literal faggots.
>old graves
I didn't ask for these feels succ shander.
Would you let Karma watch your kids? [spoier]Also I need some help finding source google ain't helping[/spoiler]
>Having the dick
Jungle is the thinking man's role.
I say you doing peace signs with the FBI
Might've tried that in the future before so don't lie
All dead dogs go to heaven cuz dumb bitches let them in
They're just racist and they want to fuck
This is where I don't come in, this is where I have been maybe
Have a sad cum baby
literally in the op
Ctrl + S newboi
Futa Sona on Jinx... I prefer her with Cait or Ahri, but this could work
>Sona futa smashing jinx in anger leading to offspring
I can get behind this
what do you think is in that cup...
what the fuck going on here?
J-just gimme old Graves back. P-please Riot, PLEASE!
to bad people
Yes I am the lowest form of humanity.
Futa senses tingling!!!
>Our Vayne is really fed
>Jungler and Top make it their life's goal to get caught as much as possible and feed kill
>Top doesn't build a single tank item so he gets deleted in an instant
I've come to believe that some people legitimately hate winning and do everything in their power to not do so.
That's a cute SG Jinx, this will make a fine addition to my BREEDing folder
>tfw getting your nipples sucked is one of the best feels
I don't know why it feels so good, I don't even have boobs, I'm a boy.
>kalista is either busted like right now or completely shit
Nice balance rito gomes
>old lw
Give him a kogmaw
I never played him as adc, and probably never will. But his top and jungle are either useless or complete cancer. Whoever did his rework fucked up everything and pulled an Azie/Kalista
What do you want me to bring you?
>queue ranked
>feed as hard as I can but make it low key
>claim that "I'm just having a bad game" or "it's preseason" when someone flames
>turn everyone against them
>report them after the game
>4 feed back reports so far
I love Lissandra!
Ask me anything!
A life worth living
JinxFuta with a small cock.
Hi Santa, I'd like a pretty, kind girlfriend who will give me warm hugs and tell me that everything's going to be alright
>queue fill
>it puts me in jungle
Why yes there is and it shouldn't be difficult to find somewhere in the r34 sites
Like I said its eggnog (seed) to relax (impregnate) her nerves (womb)
A 2x4
How can you love her, she looks like shit.
i always thought ahri was biting them on that pic
>a girl on each nip
Can we have a new thread?
Any tips to fill Kayn's passive faster? Aery doesn't help with it right?
My success with Kayn feels luck based. Either I just walk into some early kills or I dont. Vanilla Kayn ganks almost never yield anything unless my laners just happen to set them up for me. I feel like I suck dick at this champion and it's bothering me.
A Kitsune. Long, soft, dexterous tails to cuddle and tease me with while we watch bad movies under a blanket together
>real ranked
How's it going to be any different from what it is now?
>sona and jinx fuck for the first time
[/spoiler]>jinx pulls out her 4in cock
>sona pulls out her 11in cock
>jinx's face when
A cute Soraka wife!
Yeah about that Klein made it so you get it around a certain time, so basically you could go the whole game with nothing hit someone at 20:00 or so and insta have it while hitting everything pre 15:00 or so and be like 3/4 of the way there...
> every post is some depressing shit
you guys are fucked up
>surprised terror
do you think it fits in her pussy or her ass better
>one on your balls
>the other one on your nipple
>People shit on overgrowth
>taking it on Sion supercharges his W passive
what mid laner rapes yasuo the most?
>trying to climb in holiday seasons
elo clamping.
if you were in bronze/silver/gold/plat/diamond I, unless youre mmr was super duper high, youd most likely be only gaining +4-5 lp, and you'd only lose -4-5 in games. even if you got up to 99 lp, it wasn't uncommon to get +0 lp even upon winning if your mmr was not high enough. this essentially meant that you'd have to make large winstreaks to "overcome" your mmr and be worthy enough to get normals gains. The thing was, in season 3, because riot made that season be impossible for anyone to demote (except with elo decay), they made the required mmr be much higher than what people needed to technically be to get into their promo series. It was not uncommon for plat 1 players who had 70+ lp to be regularly matched up with and against diamond 3 players, and still have low gains. Hell, i duoed with my brother, i was p1 he was d3, and we would play against d2-d1 players, and i'd only get +5 lp when i was plat 1 80lp while he would get 20+ in diamond 3.
it was a wierd concept because a vast majority of the ranked playerbase would either be in the V division or the I division, hardly anyone was in between it. it eventually got removed and balanced out a bit because season 4 near the end of it, they introduced the Masters tier, and they also made it that people who dipped too low mmr able to demote full tiers.
LMFAO literally banned for being new at the game
Tried amumu for the first time ever and didn't know how his abilities worked so i fucking died a lot.
i literally got banned for being bad at the game, i wasn't even able to get to ranked.
Nice fucking game lolbabs
can't even play normals. theres always a premade group of passive aggressive group children playing that ruin everything and make the game no fun
>he didn't learn the basics in bot games
it's your own damn fault moron
>send ticket to support
>get unbanned
overgrowth on sion is slightly less shit than overgrowth on other champs
guess what
it's still shit
How do you git gud?
Who's Klein? Is this a bug? Do you have any advice for me? It does seem like it takes way longer to fill his passive than it did before pre-season.
I just want to be useful with him, he's one of my favorite champions but every time I play him I feel useless and get really angry at the game. Recently I played a Kayn game and I did so poorly I was 100% the reason my team lost. I've been playing since Season 2 and I've always mained jungle so I'm not even a new player or anything, I just can't put my finger on exactly what I'm supposed to do to make Kayn work consistently. Like, sure when I walk into river and randomly pick up a double kill at level 3 I can pop off, but I mean consistently, without my opponents doing something retarded to give me undeserved early kills.
> show your games
> if /lolg/ says it is bullshit then send a ticket
>be bad
>get banned
good i want you useless fucks out of my game
I'm sure they'll figure it out.
uhh to be fair I kind of see what happened here
anyways send a ticket to riot and maybe attach a replay
i see your games and other than that 2/22 amumu shitshow i see nothing wrong
send a ticket to riot support that's where they trap all their nice people
My main is lovely
I'm going to lie and wait until my mains become sleeper OP to cheese my way to Diamond again.
>0.09:1 KDA
>Who's Klein? Is this a bug?
his champ designer that wanted it to work EXACTLY like that also killed his lane potential. The best I can tell you is wack stuff and honestly I always enjoy getting Rhaasts since they offer more to the team but if you're like 3/0/0 or somewhat fed assassin can work (if you're good)
>Males can look good as males and also look good trying to emulate females
>Females can only look good as females and always look bad trying to emulate males
How the fuck does this work?
You should have just said "I'm just having a bad game, don't be toxic" than it makes any amount of feeding okay.
This is me, if you're gonna feed you gotta do it right.
>still did more than udyr
you're gay
I've unironically gotten teamates that just end up feeding and saying
one per each nipple and each ball!
DEMACIA! Get some!
>All these people playing like shit becasue "it's just preseason bruh"
>Placement come and they play way lower than they expected
It's gonna be good.