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The Void Elves come edition.

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Posting this image so that nobody else can. Fite me kids


Daily reminder to stay comfy regardless of how many elves there are.

shimmy shimmy ya shimmy yam shimmy yay


so with the PTR showing the unlock requirements for Highmountain being account wide (minus the unlock scenario) does that mean the rest are (hopefully)

>inb4 runeheal starts copypasting my oc greentexts

Hope you're feeling the Christmas spirit wowg


Yall niggas gay af

good morning wowg your favourite poster just woke up

> waking up at 9:30pm

y did ur thread get deleted

He's a Polish subhuman.

Pezado is Lithuanian

Delete this

>get a titanforge in LFR i don't need
>ask people to roll for it
>BR wins the roll
>give it to someone else

Christmas cow

guys why aren't' we all friends?
were all sad boys right?


>decide to do the bacon world quest
>legion invasion in this zone

>Get good titanforged trinket in LFR
>Ask people to roll for it
>Half the raid does
>I disenchant other epic saying that I had wrong chat tab open and thought that no one wants it

god nightborne fit me so much because
>high IQ
>always know what to say and how to win arguements
>grew up in big cities so I know my way around
>love to play oppressed darker skinned races
>purple is my favorite color
>LOVE to get wasted on wine and cider
I cant freaking wait.

>in my class discord
>ask question regaring theorycrafting regarding relics in 7.3
>no answer
>faggots keep coming into the discord and asking questions about trinkets
>"sim it"

really love these class discords guys

post you're favorite pvp music

discords are just circlejerks for losers with shitty lives who live through their discord channel

>People actually click female worgen at the character creation screen

Holy projection batman

>pull one of those elite rare mobs for a wardens WQ
>nobody in sight, expecting to solo, only 14M so should be EZ
>everyone and their mother comes out of the woodwork to tag it
>up to 114M

>That one guy that pugs all weekly shit in few hours right after the reset before some even wake up then spends rest of the week complaining that no one ever raids with him
He has to be fucking with us, right? Like no one can actually be this retarded

Yeah, all class discord are just high school drama tier shit filled with virgin neckbeards.

But wanna know whats worse? Role discords, such as tankchat, those are literally worse than /b


Why are horde players so cringe?

hello my fellow reddeter! the narhwal bacons at midnight xD


reddit please go

>he limits himself to a single site

I guess it's safer for your fragile ego that way.

>MoP was a good expansion

This is an oldy I remember making this oc right before emerald nightmare was open


>he says while posting with reddit spacing


>tfw you're constantly hearing about LOL MELEE DONT NEED TO DO MECHANICS IN RAIDS HEHE when it's a fucking meme but what's reality is that range need to do fucking nothing in M+ and melee need to do everything there

Fucking did arcway+21 today as melee, great fucking fun.
>slimes at the start give you the option to either die repeatedly or do zero damage, range simply stay away from the explosions
>ghosts kill you at 2-3 stacks which range can easily avoid by using line of sight, if you want to do that it's a huge hassle and DPS loss if at all even possible
>sparks that spawn by these arcane elementals do 60% of your health and kill you if not focused immediately, the group right before that withered boss where two sparks spawn at the same time are certain death/huge dps loss for melee
>withered boss himself is a huge pain in the ass for melee due to the triangle drag mechanic and being more confined for dodging the orbs

And that got me thinking, in almost every dungeon virtuall all trash only has abilities annoying for melee which are absolutely lethal at these higher key levels.
So shut up ranged fags.

>He doesn't know about the fact that tankchat imploded then went shitposting mode before turning into full ironic shitposting which resulted in unironic ironic shitposting before someone decided to have meaningful discussion again which brough back real shitposting again

How would you know what spacing on reddit looks like

get a life kiddo ..

>>He doesn't know about the fact that tankchat imploded then went shitposting mode before turning into full ironic shitposting which resulted in unironic ironic shitposting before someone decided to have meaningful discussion again which brough back real shitposting again

If you mean about the H2P shit, Im full aware of that. They haven't changed and are still worse than /b and will ever will

because other people have pointed it out before

>having to move to avoid damage is considered a mechanic by this meleebab


I just came back to this game and I heard someone in trade say you had to have a 110 and be exalted with each faction before you can make a new alt. Is that true?

If so what should I be doing before the new patch drops?

>reddit invented post formatting

Imagine being so new that you think someone spacing their post out for readability is a newer concept than Reddit's existence.

>doing rbgs to try and get my apperance for 10 rbg wins
>its so hard to win at yolos even when your against other yolos
>people who dont know how to peel or do dmg
why isnt it just play 10 rbgs


is there any reason to do normal invasion points since they removed the requirement for the greater?

So now you're listening to redditors?

what was wrong with it?

your arguments contradict themselves

>farm starlight rose
>buy all the other herbs
>make flasks
>sell on AH
>check every hour to undercut
>week goes by
>say something in trade
>everyone hates me and tells me to shut up because they have to fork over 600 gold for a flask and I'm usually the seller
>calling me things like "fucking AH exploiter"


You might have a reading disability then.

invasion points give the same BLP as emissary caches so you can get a legendary per week if you do a lot of them

>keep undercuting
>somehow the prices are 600g

your story makes no sense

>Anime poster

Your opinion was invalid before you even hit submit

>you had to have a 110 and be exalted with each faction before you can make a new alt. Is that true?
Yes. Still not clear on whether or not you need to have an alliance character at full exalted for the alliance allied races, and a horde character at full exalted for the horde allied races.

>what should I be doing before the new patch drops?
Get flying ASAP. It seriously makes things 100 times easier for you in the long run. There are a few more days left for the 50% rep boost going on, so take advantage of it while you can. The next thing you should focus on is maxing out your class hall champions so you can send them on missions that net you sizeable amounts of gold and rep. After that, work on getting your ilvl up so you can participate in the current raid.

>Weekly 15 on alt
>Get targeted by every single bomb and triangle on ivanyr
>Other melee didn't even move a single step entire fight
>Then somehow it's fucking me who gets targeted by prison on whatever-trillax and a fucking marksman has to walk 50 yards to click me because no one else does it
>Immediately after that i get targeted by his explosions
>Unholy shitter starts whining about how no one in the run deserves even a +1

>undercut prices
>people complain about prices

Homosexual and fraudulent.

when you start resorting to personal attacks that means I won the argument

I want the higher res version of the old winter clothes and not be a gnome

>reddit spacing
>going to an anime website to complain about anime

What spec do I have to play if I want to pvp as a priest?

>He thinks using proper grammar and spacing to make posts more readable is "Reddit".
>Revealing himself as a Redditor, and proving he's as retarded as the rest of them.
Back to the urban blight with you, uncultured swine!

You need to get the toy "Disposable Winter Veil Suits"

Anime posters can't even quote properly

[Reddit]Like pottery[/Reddit]

>doing a world quest
>typical retard 30 ilvls lower than me who doesn't comprehend how followers work has a follower attacking me
>kill it
>they attack me in response
>kill them
>10 minutes later get a whisper from what I presume is their alt that i'm a faggot for killing people weaker than me

Nice quote.

>nightborne fanboy is redditor
cant make this shit up

report all the anime spam

only redditors get baited this easily

Its pretty fucking obvious.


Make a mistake

Play it off as if you meant it

>knows the secret to perfect kimchi
goddamn, gets me every time

I was to intellegent to figure out how to do this tol barad daily so I tried fishing it out

this was my first and only cast

What are you doing right now wowg?

Running some old Pandaria raids while I wait for one of my class hall missions to finish so I can finish the Legionfall questline

playing fifa while shitposting

power leveling a holy paladin and learning to heal for the first time. anything i should know wowg?

farming lvl 69 with my lock for the mage tower challenge.

woke up rway too early and now I have to wait for my mom to come get me for christmas

How is reddit spacing proper spacing?
Have you ever written a paper?
Do you even know your words?
Are you using text to speech?

You forgot your frog image pissado

>come get me
from where pessaddo?

Browsing Veeky Forums on my phone at work until I get home then I can post my panda all night.

fatty's camp

Is your panda female and do you plan to post her butt

my apartment to her home??
i dont have a drivers license

Some realms still have flasks on the 800g+ gold as a regular price, excluding the stamina ofc.


don't take this the wrong way i always assumed you lived in some sort of special home.