/dg/ - Destiny General
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>Destiny 2 is by far the highest quality launch product Bungie has ever delivered
Destiny looks good and has a good OST. That's it. I know PC didn't get Halo 3, 4, 5 or ODST, but c'mon. That's ignoring the fact that D2's launch is at the same level AT BEST to D1's.
Please recommend a game on PC besides Warframe that scratches the same itch D2 does
I hear the Division compared to Destiny a lot.
Crucible is literally unplayable if you're not a Voidlock
Its no big deal now at the end of the week.
Just wait until Tuesday when you need your 5 mayhem matches for your weekly dawning milestone.
Also its not all of crucible, the bug just affects the mayhem.
Is 3oC only bugged in Strikes or everywhere?
I've gotten one exotic over the course of 4 3oCs and three in one day without any 3oC so I have no fucking clue.
say something nice about mayhem
The first few days were fun
>Reddit hugbox no naming and shaming.
>Official forums hugbox no naming and shaming.
>Veeky Forums nobody gives a fuck about naming and shaming people that aren't from Veeky Forums.
We need like a third party side dedicated to naming and shaming. Where you can fill a form with the name, ID, report of what the little kike is doing and a video proving it.
Just add all these nova bomb faggots to it.
>most /dg/ clans moved to PC
>most players worth a shit moved to PC
>I moved to PC
>forsook my character I had since Y1
>forsook all my exotic emotes and ships and sparrows
did i make a mistake
>imblying your D1 shit moves on to D2
You fucked up hard
>farming for dusklight crystals
what a pain in the ass this is
It doesnt matter that nothing carries over, its the sentimental value.
Now that you're on PC your old copy of D1's stopped working, so it's all gone.
>skipped House of Wolves so my Ghost feels the need to define the Fallen for me
For god's sake Bungie you recognized that I went through Rise of Iron, just because I didn't kill Skolas doesn't make me Fallen-illiterate
whens this game gonna get better because it's in the fucking shitter right now
3 years from now before the announcement of D3
Good point. See ya then.
Official forums are on fucking fire.
Surely nothing will change but I'm glad the majority of the playerbase is pissed off about the Eververse.
post cool titans please
>PC player so my ghost tells me everything like I'm new
>which I am
>but during Inverted Spire, when you have to kill the 2 drill captains, Zavala says that I slayed gods in the Black Garden
They're enough to get bungie just another spike on the publication's radars. So they report again, and it just a tiny chink in the armor, but with enough chinks you can do a lot of damage, they're very industrious people.
i think he is talking to the ghost
Not him but, that makes no sense either. If you weren't there to clear out the black garden, your ghost wouldn't be there either.
Reminder that the Xboners are have gone absolutely off the rails.
is horizon zero dawn good? thinking about picking up some titles for myself on boxing day.
I dont blame them. they thought theyd get some love with the focus shifting to current gen consoles, but their numbers must be the lowest theyve ever been with Destiny's massive PC superiority
Yes, unironically DLC is what I wish Destiny DLC was as well. Just makes the game better in every way.
Does PS4 save wizard work for destiny 2?? How are people spamming their ults?
>but their numbers must be the lowest theyve ever been with Destiny's massive PC superiority
t. leddit mustard
glitch with the charge grenade tree in voidlock
Are you really going to argue that the game isn't better in every single way on PC?
The world is dominated by women and men have to sit down a shut the fuck up, sweetie.
lmao retarded tumblr freak
Never been to /pol/. Horizon is just not a good game.
Are you going to argue that it is?
PS4 has the most content and is therefore the best version.
Yeah, heard you when you were spamming /v/ you /pol/tard. Feel free to provide an argument you don't have.
Didn't sony release a firmware patch that made save wizard obsolete?
holy fuck give me the crystal I have been doing this for more than an hour
It's just a tumblr freak, possibly a tranny or soyboy of some kind. Notice how it immediately jumped to crying about /pol/. Might as well ignore it.
Just use the vault glitch.
>doing strikes
>use vanguard boon
>exotic gift
>it's a tractor cannon
>If you complete all schematics you dont have to quest anymore for the reward
This better not reset.
They fixed that. At least on PC.
Bored and just playing crucible alone. Too lazy to find a trials team. Why is this game so eh
I shouldn't be seeing any piece of gear I pick up under 330. Any legendary engram I get seems to decrypt into Armor. zavala and shaxx have been selling 326 engrams for 2 days and gunsmith 328. When I finally get a MW weapon it shards into 1 core. others are 2. Very rarely 3. Why is there RNG on mats for breaking down guns? And how long before bungle sells MW Cores at ever verse?
> inb4 nice blog
>I shouldn't be seeing any piece of gear I pick up under 330.
The only drops you'll ever see be 330 are luminous or vendorengrams.xyz
>Any legendary engram I get seems to decrypt into Armor.
Pure garbage RNG, just look at engrams as a chance for exotics and take the shards
>When I finally get a MW weapon it shards into 1 core. others are 2. Very rarely 3. Why is there RNG on mats for breaking down guns?
Because Bungie relies on the game being poorly weighted RNG to maintain their dwindling playerbase
>And how long before bungle sells MW Cores at ever verse?
Probably never god I hope never
>And how long before bungle sells MW Cores at ever verse?
Probably in the next patch they'll add a 3oC like item to "increase" the chance of MW drops.
>The only drops you'll ever see be 330 are luminous or vendorengrams.xyz
Wrong, I've gotten blues and legendaries from public events, crucible, strikes, etc at 330. This is normal assuming you've reached 330 base or 335 with mods on everything
>Bungie selling weird boosters for exorbitant prices.
More likely than you think.
> wrong. I've gotten Blues...
This is true. Though they're few and far between. I'm just tired of all this RNG for literally everything. At least with D1 you knew what you were getting for whatever activity you were doing. Legendary were 385. exotics 400. Doing your CoE gave you 400 etc etc... This is just bad
>Though they're few and far between
They really aren't, I've gotten every single piece of Armour and weapon I like and use on both of my warlock and hunter to 335. I do play plenty every day so there's that
No. The pitiful stat buffs aren't why people use MW cores, you retard.
>brings you to level 40
>leaves all of your subclass trees unleveled
I play quite a bit myself and I've been exclusively in crucible Nova bomb glitching for about the past 3 hours. 1 piece of 330 gear. I got a few yesterday. I'm just trying to max out all my faction, mercury and iron banner gear. cuz what the fuck else is there to do. ...
Only bugged in Heroic Strikes, specifically.
3oC increases your Exotic drop rate from 5% to 7.5%. They're worthless even when they're working.
New IB emblem.
Probably Raid Lair challenge mode.
New NM emblem.
New DO emblem.
New NM emblem.
Who the fuck knows, probably New-years bungie store sale bonus.
Who the fuck knows, but it looks exactly like a strike boss so probably a timegated quest related to it.
Same thing as the last, probably something to do with a timegated quest.
Master Gardener is the same symbol as the fake door on Mercury that spits you back out when you run through it.
Legit no clue what you're talking about.
he probably means it's the entrance to the infinite forest. so if it has to do with a strike, it would be one of the infinite forest story missions.
Do you even play the game?
Not what I'm talking about, no.
You know the ground floor portal to the Lighthouse on Mercury? Turn around and you'll see the 2 Goblins posing, and that triangle symbol on the emblem. You can walk into the triangle and it spits you back out.
>he probably means it's the entrance to the infinite forest.
That's what I thought as well at first but he said it spits you back out when you run through, you can't run through the Infinite forest gate outside of missions, and it doesn't spit you back out if you're in missions.
>Do you even play the game?
I do, do you? See That's not a gate, the public event is inside that stone circle, and its programmed to teleport you out of the circle if you stick around past the public event, the teleport barrier just happens to cut through the other side of the wall a bit so you can hit it if you grind your cock against the triangle just right.
>You know the ground floor portal to the Lighthouse on Mercury? Turn around and you'll see the 2 Goblins posing, and that triangle symbol on the emblem. You can walk into the triangle and it spits you back out.
Actually if you get on top of the sloped wall when an event is not in progress, going to the inner edge will spit you back out at the same spot, I believe the triangle port to be pushing into the reset zone and anyone going into it just gets fuck off as the game thinks they arent meant to be there.
Legit question as I want to love D2. What’s left for this game?
January update and 2nd expansion . Of course we have no idea what either entails. Supposedly the January update is supposed to fix the rest of the complaints the community has, but I can't see them ever getting rid of Eververse or somehow fixing the RNG grind aspect of this game.
On top of that maybe a large scale third update.
If we are gonna follow the D1 trend.
>Legit question as I want to love D2. What’s left for this game?
A hollow shell of a company that hasn't been good for over a decade.
Why did they let the eververse become the endgame? It was perfect in D1. Non intrusive, but there if you wanted exclusive items
Nothing? None of the core issues will be fixed without an actual, long-term revision by Bungie which means the game will be some sort of fucked until next Fall.
Wasn't making enough shekels in D1.
>lion for NM
fuck this stupid fucking game
>Why did they let the eververse become the endgame?
Money. MTX makes companies boat loads of money. EA made 1.6 billion in 2017 alone off MTX. Bungie/Activision wanted a larger part of that pie.
Its better than profile of the titan helmet in Season 1 emblem for some fucking reason, at least lion face has some fucking corelation.
I just want the NM logo. Why the fuck are they going with lions
>males look better with lipstick and makeup
>females look better without makeup and as tomboys
Took me a million fucking years to break the system and create a human waifu
if they look better without makeup why'd you put white makeup on
Acti-Blizz made ~3.6 billion in 2016 from all their games' microtransactions.
Thats why they doubled down.
Forgot to say, not that I'm not pissied both other factions got an emblem with their actual logo on it.
I do to, friendo. I do too.
>you only have 5 chances to get a gun or armor piece that is above your level a week through a Luminous engram
>you only have 3 Dawning engrams to earn a week
Wow, really makes you think. Bungie really rewards frequent players. Literally no reason to play this shit heap. Everybody already has ever exotic. There's literally no reason to play any endgame shit. It's all over.
I mean normal makeup with colors like red black pink red etc. I used the white makeup on her eyes to complement her skin tone and make her eyes appear brighter and less ugly.
You forget get a 300% speed increase to getting your first 3 bright engrams of the week.
Masterworks where the first step in trying to alleviate the complaints of people that wanted to play this long-term instead of two hours a week.
But then they nerf'd the chances of getting 2 items out of a bright engram, and masterworks do nothing so they're clearly shooting in the dark.
They have to acknowledge this at some point if they want this game to go anywhere as a AAA franchise, if they alienate the core audience any further Destiny 3 is going to be a mobie title.
>exotics and good armor and guns are the endgame
>literally not enough content (loot, exotics, raid and other things) to justify playing
>bungie's idea of making something challenging is to reskin an enemy and make them bullet sponges, make them strong as hell, and give them all with an ability that send you flying if you get too close
>everybody already has everything
>9/10 teams in crucible are a clan together with the most OP builds
>the second an exploit or glitch is found, 70% of the remaining userbase abuses it
>the core set of players are elitest and only play with each other
>new players are left to drop out anytime
>there are actually players that take crucible very seriously and treat it like an MLG game
>you have to play with them
>Bungie implements something that doesn't work, even though they had a working formula of it in D1
>Bungie removed 3/4 of the QoL aspects of D1 and what made D1 fun and replaced it with weekly shit, absolutely no reason to sign in daily
>Tokens are retarded
>gathering materials is WORSE because you don't get them in the chests on the planet, sometimes you don't even get materials, just glimmer
>glimmer is STILL pointless
>legendary shards can't be used for anything
>Xur sells the same shit every week, including shit everyone got from the campaign
>strikes are worse, more time consuming, and don't give you a reward
>can't use 3oC to get more exotics either
Bungie is downright retarded. They literally threw out 3/4 of D1 and remade it for the Eververse.
I want to get a gift for Failsafe, but Dusklight crystals are boring to find. Dusklight shards for Caydes chicken were bad enough
>D1 exotics are powerful.
>Can wear only one because stacking would break the game.
>D2 exotics are mostly on level of D1 legendaries.
>Can still only wear one because....????
Are Hunters the only class that males look good in their gear?
Get a mop to clean out all the fallen cum clogging her up.
Hunter females look fat in their gear..but not Titan females...
Well, think about it. Hunters can only jump once or twice, but it's a single action. Titans' double jump is a continuous jump so it makes sense that Titans are more fit.
White makes right.