>Patch 4.18
>Callback Campaign:
>Job Guide
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
last thread:
>Patch 4.18
>Callback Campaign:
>Job Guide
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
last thread:
Thanks for coming!
Here's an unused code since pretty much everybody had a Starlight Robe already, so here ya go.
RGFT - APD2 - 32LJ - ZYY3 - GNJ3
>thinking of making my first non-erp character
Are there any tricks to this?
only blankpost below this line
Nice cringe
Impressive cringe.
>mogstation down
I hope Kaori Irving does a horrible death.
Post his shame.
So cringe
>Rena and the cuckets
Nice cringe.
There's a small plot for sale in Lavender Beds on Mateus if anyone is interested.
Fucking mongrel, spell it right.
Ah yes my wife Lei Ari
Shoulda stayed longer so I could hug you back! Enjoy!
Looks like its working to me, someone claimed that code already.
wait all the shitposting is just about a literal y'shtola clone?
Fuck you she's not a clone.
Lei Ari is original and my wife.
You're all dumb it's not a blankpost if you include the reply
>7 friend(s) accepted your Recruit a Friend Campaign invitation.
>Still don't have friends
i'm an idiot user that'll just stay a want
Post postbirds
It's not me, go blame wet paws or whoever tf
The filth must die.
Don't hide it, Acat. Just be open
kill yourself wetpaws
i wish i could understand why you're lying about it but you feed off of attention so that's probably why
I can smell the mental instability on this one
your child in that screenshot is cold and hungry
Question for lore experts here: are there any "priests" in Eorzea, confirmed in lore?
{Highest quality}{armpits}
Plenty. Halonic Priests come to mind.
Still up for hanging out before sleep!
Yes, In the holy see.
I'll pass on the lazy attempt at begging for erp.
ugly slut
Why is Kaori such a horrible individual?
Nobody wants to hang out with you so you can feel good about yourself while they get nothing out of it.
What do you mean by "priests"? There are plenty of worshipers, temples, and such. If I recall the THM guild is run by the priests of Nald'thal.
I'm developing ideas for a new RP character, are there any "priest" types that originate from Doma?
there's nothing to even lie about?
>Same image name scheme as acat
>types just like acat
>posted pit pose before
>now you respond with wet paws to posts about acat
acat = wet paws
Drainer of catboys on gilgamesh and on his balmung erp alt. RED I FOUND YOU A NEW WIFE.
It's okay, Acat. You can confide in me. I won't let you starve in the cold
can you fuck off permanently already?
Acat, you're a fucking retard.
Why would I ERP before sleep? And with someone I just met? I just wanna talk to someone before sleep about DRG stuff.
red isn't a homosexual
God dude, you really need to pay attention to what you're posting if you're gonna avatarfag. Rest in peace you.
Because he says so.
How about talking lewd to me while I fap to your character?
howtf do you get the bikini looking like that tho
there have been worse things posted without punishment lol
>Thinking he dosen't evade
Look at the fucking background cat. He's gonna get banned.
I'm very confused. You guys don't make no sense.
lol rip that guy
And I missed it yet again
It's okay. I'm here for you in your time of need
Not really. You could pretend that the Makai Priests from the Garo crossover are canon and that they originate from Doma, but thats donutsteel territory.
who's got bluebell salmon
I need 8 of them
Anything kinda Chinese or Japanese will fit in fine enough.
okay? Thank you! even though I don't really need anything atm x.x
Do you know of any standills? I'm essentially trying to create a nippon-style shrine maiden/priestess as the inspiration
I dont even know what that is, but im sure they have Japanese inspired priest outfits in the game.
Remove Kaori Irving.
Remove Jeph Irving.
Remove Amai Amai-ocha.
Report and spam their discord: Jeph#3541
>Cum inflation.
>Lalafell obsession.
>Size difference.
>"Friends" with Madotsuki Yamoire.
>"Friends" with instigator Amai.
>Autistically crafts.
>Pity posts.
>Muh no EB.
>Has no real friends.
>Takes advantage of Madotsuki, his "best friend."
>Is being cucked by Amai.
>Is a pedophile.
>Obsessed with pets and hugs.
>Enabler of /soc/posting.
>Stalks people.
Does anyone need a Stormblood(PC, not Steam) key? I have a spare.
Also does anyone want to play PUBEG.
nice photoshop. You guys are really taking this Wet Paws stuff seriously
This confirms wet paws/acat is the anti kaori poster.
Stop bullying my sisterwife
this just turns me on
>used to play every day with eb
>he quit the game and slowly stopped talking to me as much
>realize i have feelings for him
>go full autism and start pushing him away
They're probably mentally ill. Can't stand thread roleplayers.
You can edit armor models in this game?
your sisterwife is a massive slut.
wet paws is cute. acat is stinky.
Why not ask Reinette? I thought you two did everything together.
Aren't they EBd to that meme lala now?
m8 nobody would know or care who this person is if you weren't constantly shitposting about them. Just fuck off
I blame our separation at such an early age. I'll take responsibility and make sure they grow up to be a fine wife
I've no doubt the outfits and such exist, I'm most concerned with the lore fitting. The endgoal is to have a wandering healer who would have lived in Doma sometime in the distant past, 50-100 years or so. Someone who acts a lot like a priest, who consoles and gives advice and teaches children
Can I get one can of refreshing memcoke please?
tfw you dont have any revolving drama
tfw you lose out on potential yous by being stable