Most alpha support edition
Most alpha support edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>ywn come home from a long day of work to find your wife Evelynn in a naked apron cooking you dinner
xth for breast metal waifu
xth for my wife Syndra
>tfw no qt petite gf
thread theme
Best girl.
Best thighs.
Best wife.
>Mao into Aatrox
>He rushes Tabis
bUt MaOkAi DoEsN't Do DaMaGe!
Who's a good midlane champ? What are the best skins for Jhin, Miss Fortune, and some top laner.
Were you naughty this year?
these 2 vids were the shit back in the day
What do I build on cassiopea? I get you need tear, morello and roa items but shouldn't you rush rylai early instead? Or when?
I've been a good boy! Can I have the elf gf I asked for this year now?
>ywn be as cool as fiddlesticks
why live
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
OOC waifu-fags are the worst.
you'd be surprised at how many top level korean op.ggs i browse while hunting replays and they have like twenty arams played in a row
Don't you mean on?
Get tons of assist, throw out W whenever possible onto the adc, and ward a ton in the enemy jungle.
In the 2 games today where I got S's my vision score was 81 and 91 while buying 2 control wards in each. Zombie ward helps out allot especially before you get your sightstone.
Try to get adcs like Jinx, Vayne, and Tristana that love the attack speed steroid your W gives. Without your passive it gives 45% attack speed at max rank, 50% with. That's basically a full item's worth of attack speed that's always up when you get a bit of cdr.
Holy fuck, cringe.
>tfw cannot get dravenbread because nobody plays jinx, veigar and draven, and i own none of them
Vi and Caitlyn are the perfect couple and lovers!!!!!!
>ywn convert them to heterosexuality
what does ooc mean?
apparently heterosexuality is a sin
congratulations, you beat the literal most useless champ in the game with one of the most busted ones
out of character
xth for sexual slavery.
>Hey! We're really far ahead
>Lets keep chasing kills and making bad engages
>"Hey Voli you keep chasing and getting caught we're gonna throw"
>No we're not, fuck you guys you'll be the ones to throw
>I'm gonna keep chasing kills even though my team isn't around
>oh look we lost, wow you guys threw this shit not me
At this point I'll be demoted with in a few games but fuck it right cause it's preseason and everyone on my team is just having a bad game xD
aww, thank you!
babs explain
Bird daddy or Dad bird
Swain for the incoming rework or Azir
out of character
Cait is the straightest champion in the game.
The most >adc 2017 image possible
My bet goes for your team
I want to impregnate that cop.
what time zone are you in syndraposter? you never seem to miss a thread
Nothing gay about a little friendly kissing with your workmate
Hey, where the fuck is the crit from triforce????
There's literally nothing gay about two women kissing, or caressing each other's necks, or some good ol-fashion tribbing.
It's not gay if the hands don't touch.
Call it
It's a Legendary
Heartseeker Varus
450 skin
it's pretty good
Eh, if you like it.
>tfw no fertile ghost gf
>tfw no tight dragonpussy gf
I hate that champ so much
But good for you
I'm GMT +1.
I don't think that's how it works
>He doesn't know that ghosts are hyper fertile
A single drop would knock her up with triplets.
Quick question: How do you feel about this skin?
reminder to give lulu the gift of being bullied for xmas
>not owning veigar
You know why vi calls cait "cupcake" because she eats her like cupcakes everyday
>friendly kissing
surprise impregnation is also a great gift for your loved ones
Was she on the naughty list?
>some autist buys thousands of dollars worth of capsules and records all the loot
>calls out riot for secretly weighting rerolls into giving you shit skins
>oh sorry goys, we don't know how this happened! XD! Spaghetti code again amiright? XD. Buy more RP goy!
It's alright for a 750 skin, the only thing I dislike about it is that it does not show her hair. Would've been much better otherwise.
>surprise impregnation is also a great gift for your loved ones
Soo you find it okay for you to impregnate your mom or sister or daughter?
She's permanently on there, she killed a poro
(look at the poro crying over the broken polymorphed snowman)
Why do you post so many pictures of Syndra being lewd?
Jesus I'm shit at videogames.
that's just her natural state
>tfw you almost lose a game where you go 43-5-20
>tfw your xayah refuses to shove a lane after you quad kill the enemy team twice
user if you think that's lewd I don't know what to say.
>not impregnating your daughter
is she that ugly?
will probably have to buy him...
I do worse than that on a regular basis. I can't carry. I have to be carried. I don't win games, ever. I just do enough for us not to lose. I think I may be the worst LoL player in NA, and potentially the world.
bruh if i had abs like that i'd never wear a shirt again
>I can't carry. I have to be carried. I don't win games, ever. I just do enough for us not to lose.
Are you me. That's the reason I main support. And also because it's the role with the cutest champions.
You mean the one that bullied her?
You'll be next too if she heard you say that.
I can play well in normals but I’m on a 4 game loss streak for ranked. What is happening to me.
I see a nipple
I do play a fair amount of support but that's because I like the role. I like supporting other people and setting up plays for them. I've never really been a glory hound so it works for me. But I also know how important the support role is, and I know people decrying it as "freelo" or "braindead" are retards, and laughable ones at best. Especially ADCs.
>no asswings
>Minding my own lane
>20 minutes happen and their kayle has 250 farm, is level 17 and has 14 kills
What the fuck how do people feed this badly?
I want to adopt Annie!!!!
Its a very dangerous thing to do
>-10 winrate in normals
Is Twisted Fate good yet?
He sucks grave's cock pretty well
Sure why not
>HAHA you took my buff I'ma troll fuck you guys t.udyr
>HAHA I'm just having a bad game xD
Fairly certain this game wants me to demote. literally every fucking game has:
>"haha just having a bad game"
>It's my goal to piss away this lead
>I'm gonna troll becasue someone KS/Took X from me
>implying Graves isn't the bottom
yeah he has a real high win rate and pickrate right now
he was even better when klepto was broken but hes still high tier with comet
I think in this case they take turns
>tfw no gorilla juggernaut champion to beat the shit out of assassins
why even live?
tfw Kalista will actually never be cute and in all her splash art/in game models she looks like a hag
what was klepto like when it was broken?
>heal slut
Deserved it
it just procd a lot and anyone who could abuse it was balling out of control with all the extra gold and free pots
also the extra range on AA is kinda big for his stun cards
>wanting tank ekko back