How did a nation with thousands years of history and billions of people was conquered by bunch of anglos from other side of the world?
How did a nation with thousands years of history and billions of people was conquered by bunch of anglos from other...
>billions of people
uhhh... kid..
>Indian nation
There was no such thing until 20th century.
Now delete this thread
They had already had successive foreign rulers when the Brits arrived. Non-indo folk were ruling that peninsula for centuries before they won their independence.
In corporate terms, the British made a hostile takeover. They took over control of existing bureaucracy step by step. They began as tax farmers on behalf of local rulers and ended up controlling them in the end.
Outdated technology, cultural disadvantages, and outdated military tactics
India wasn't a nation it was a sub-continent with a diverse array of ethnic groups, religions, and kingdoms that were at war with one another
Made worse that the largest empire the muslim Mughal empire was on the decline when they showed up. so they just divided and conquered (like all historical events muslims ruin everything)
Better question is why did they manage to kick China's ass which was both long-lasting, numerous, richer, and actually united under one gov't (the answer is because of Manchus aka Chinese jews)
Most of the subcontinent wasn't even integrated until the British forcibly integrated it through economic occupation leaving their institutions, language, railroads and infrastructure to flatten their territory.
no friend, that was almost entirely british political manipulation and their navy.
navy was probably one of the reasons but China had the money, people, and power to build a similar navy easily (in fact Japan next to them did just that).
it was all because of political derping
during that time period, the japs imported their naval manufacturing.
Chinese ships since the time of the opium wars have been a floating anachronism vs. the modern british gunboats carrying heavy ordinance that'd sink coastal cities into the ocean.
Look at the battle of Chuenpi for example, it only took 1 frigate and 1 sloop to sink 29 chinese ships.
The political manipulation had more to do with preventing the intervention of other european powers from intervening in favor of China.
Browness and lack of toilets
>both China and India gain independence from the West at roughly the same time
>China is a rising world power
>India has open defecation problem
Because the English — the best race in the world — cannot lose!
--Ludwig Wittgenstein
India would be world power by 2020
They got BTFO by Nader Shah first.
>China becomes independent
you wot m8
though their navel tech was better than the west during the age of discovery
Ships larger than anything Spain produced
fucking Turtle ships (Korean I know but being a vassal China could've easily manufactured them)
China didn't innovate because they were complacent, they didn't think the "unwashed barbarians" could possibly overtake them in military tech (now they're the unwashed barbarians such is the way of history)
>both China and India gain independence from the West at roughly the same time
Everybody point and laugh at the retard.
if you count release of japanese occupation as independence he's correct
The power of communism
The only time China really lost a strong portion of its' sovereignty was by the Japanese
The Mongol Yuan dynasty were for all intents and purposes Chinese with orange skin
While the British Empire managed to infrastructurally crumble and rape India
China didn't innovate because they were NOT individualistic*. The reason Western European succeeded so much can be traced back to the early medieval ages in which the Catholic Church promoted individualised contracts that nowhere else in the world would meaningfully have on every social level for centuries
Because it wasn't a nation but a grouping of then, many of which were willing to corporate with the brits (see princely states) and others of which were invovled qith infighting, like the mughals and the marathas. There was no unified Indian state even under the British, theconept of a single Indian nationbemerged late into the Raj. Even the largest historical empire of India, the Mauryas, did not capture small portions of the south and sri lanka.
I am surprised people here never give credence to its importance in virtually all aspects of history. Instead favoring some delusions of ethnic superiority becoming /pol/-lite.
China wasnt a colony you mong
These typos
I hate phone posting desu
This makes me mad.
Britain doesn't even have a space program, are they the only large, advanced country without one?
Unfortunately yes.
Thanks to our shitty lib governments that canned the program to appease dumbfuck Americans.
It took Anglo conquest to give these people a shared suffering. Before that, they were just a bunch of shitty kingdoms.
Because it isnt always everything maybe? Explain how a bunch of horse fuckers from the steppes wrecked the shit of more advanced states. Theres more to it than just tech you jared diamond fanboy.
>Explain how a bunch of horse fuckers from the steppes wrecked the shit of more advanced states.
They had excellent quality steel, used composite bows, and were just based craftsman in general. Of course they also had horses, which were the best technology back then. They also quickly adopted major technology from China and ME to swell their ranks. Which invariably helped them conquer even more territory.
Technology isn't everything, but it is key. Without it a nation is nothing.
>Thanks to our shitty lib governments that canned the program to appease dumbfuck Americans
Proofs? We just ran out of money and scientists to fund such ventures. Look at us now, struggling to even get Hinkly point.
>They had excellent quality steel, used composite bows, and were just based craftsman in general. Of course they also had horses, which were the best technology back then.
So did the byzantines.
> They also quickly adopted major technology from China and ME to swell their ranks
They had what their rivals had. The exception might be the mongols and gunpowder, but they seemed to use it sparingly. Also there are plenty of examples throughout history of states with superior weaponry being humiliated by lesser armed states/groups.
Good point.
It wasn't one.
>Better question is why did they manage to kick China's ass which was both long-lasting, numerous, richer, and actually united under one gov't (the answer is because of Manchus aka Chinese jews)
Britain never got to rule the whole of China though. Largely because a sense of unity did exist.
>I am surprised people here never give credence to its importance in virtually all aspects of history.
It would be a wrong assumption given that indians were doing line battles themselves and knew what a flintlock fucking was.
Tipu Sahib proved that. Even made the Britits consider the use of Rockets.
>They had what their rivals had
Their rivals didn't have heavily equipped and trained horse armies. Most of their 'conquest' was small villages and empty land. Cities were taken by adopting war technology from all over.
>Also there are plenty of examples throughout history of states with superior weaponry being humiliated by lesser armed states/groups.
Once again, I am simply pointing out that the deciding factor for Colonialism was primarily technology. Gunboats, guns, artillery, horses, etc. were the keys, then you can talk about leadership and politics. No colonial power today has remotely the capability to conquer even a fraction of what they used to have. UK took their entire army to just barely keep the Falkands, and US got royally btfo'd in Vietnam. This has nothing to do with 'whiteness', ethnicity, politics, or leadership but a simple and rough technologically level playing field that entered by the mid 20th century.
The British gained the right to collect revenue in Bengal, the richest part of India and the leading supplier of salpeter to the world. Not to mention cotton, jute, silk, indigo, and other valuable goods.
They basically drained Bengal of all its riches, destroyed the thriving textile industry there in favor of British produced cloth from machines, and used the tax revenues to recruit and train the largest field army of Asia. By having their base in Bengal, they were able to expand to the rest of India through treaties and outright conquest. And this was a joint-stock company mind you.
In a lot of ways, the East India Company's activities in China and South Asia are something out of an RPG.
Not only did Japan never occupy all of China, Japan also isn't "the West"
>implying liberals dont love space programs
do people have literally no idea about how the brits came to power in India?
No OP, it wasn't a conquest. It was more like a series of trade deals that gave the british access to small plots of land called factories which allowed them to trade with local merchants and goods producers. The british had their major factories in
Europeans were in demand for training troops and providing practical artillery for the several warring powers in India.
The british were nearly kicked out out of india by the then defacto independent ruler of bengal when they got arrested. The british decided to bribe the Nawab's brother in law to turn tail against him, and thus won the battle of Plassey.
The next hundred years were largely the brits winning or drawing as successive indian powers exhausted themselves in trying to take over india.
When the british tried taking over land more proactively, it ended up with the Sepoy mutiny and the end of the BEIC company. Ever since then, the colonial administration changed to a form of neglect in India as the natives were left to their own devices and India was turned into a colonial garrison state with the BIA taking on the role of a police force as well.
>china cannot send satellites to mars
>india can.
Whose raughing now wangdong?
>primarily technology
do you literally have no idea about India?
The brits lost their early battle to indian rulers pretty hard, especially the first anglo maratha war.
The gamechanger for the brits was their acquisition of bengal which made them a powerful entity on the indian subcontinent because they could use an entire economic base willy nilly to profit themselves to hire armies.
Do you know what this word means?
>Treaty Ports
On top of all the things people have pointed out wrong with this post, China has an open defecation problem too.
>tch, they only took over the coastline kid.... no one even lives there....
>massacres? never heard of em....
>india and china have nothing in common kid.... you're just not enlightened enough like me to understand......
>rising world power
>and actually united under one gov't
Great meme
Umm, no it does not.
Open defecation != shitting in a building
You don't need to occupy all of a country to colonize it.
The entire post WW2 history of Britain is basically one of appeasing American popular sentiment
>Viceroy of China/Governor of China
Besides most of those treaty ports controlled only bits of cities. Most also disappeared like bitches when the whole of China erupted in war during the Warlord Period. Only the Coastal ones remained.
>and US got royally btfo'd in Vietnam.
Seriously man, when will this shitty meme end. Just because the politicians don't allow the army to present their victory and the south goes communist afterwards (as they always do when "the people" can decide it) doesn't mean the US military lost, don't present it as such. Vietnam is probably the best proof that politicians shouldn't intervene in matters od the Army during war.
>Umm, no it does not.
t. chinese pro.
>Umm, no it does not.
t. Li Dong Wang
They have to put signs in places in Hong Kong asking mainlanders not to shit on the floor.
>a nation
The British government give India millions of pounds in """aid""" every year
>they have a space program
>we don't
I think we've earned the right to use their rockets. We probably paid for the fucking things.
>millions of pounds
to british ngos in India dumbass.
India hasn't needed british "aid" for a long ass time, especially as india based MNCs make up a large part of the UK employer's market.
>m-muh no Viceroy
Cause no one was allowed to eat the delicous China cake alone.
>Open defecation != shitting in a building
Designated Shitting Buildings.
Britain is part of ESA, why would they need their own stuff?
Because master race
>master race
Was getting raped by refugees part of their plan? What is their endgame?
>a nation
fucking christ, welcome to Veeky Forums
Basically sums it all up.
You forgot the last part though: The aliens end up degenerated by other aliens (Jews) and start importing massive amounts of outsiders. By this time they have lost all technological edge and are on the verge of being ruled by these outsiders, with their main city already being run by them. They then start adopting their religion in mass, finding it superior and filled with truth.
We will conquer UK, in'shallah. The Anglo will be no more, and all that will be left is the glorious Caliphate. ISLAM is supreme kafir.
This. Objectively, if there's a master race, it's anglos. Biggest empire ever, biggest current superpower, hell, even Austrilia is #2 in hdi. We pretty much live in an anglo world, like it or not.
I know this is bait but FUCK YOU.
Brexit was just the start. No more immigration, no more visas. We will kick you all out soon. I don't care about being 'technological advanced', US can launch our rockets and Germans can make our cars for all I care. Scotland commies can leave and enjoy being a shithole. I just want UK to go back to being an Anglo country.
This is the most autistic shit I've ever read regarding colonialism in India but I still see people passing it around Veeky Forums like a back street whore who's had a bit too much to drink.
It's a horrible generalization, and I think that comes from trying to put it in the perspective of a poor villager in which I would say its kind of an accurate account. However it doesn't really apply to other people in India like your average city-dweller or government official.
Yeah, but city dwellers and government officials were the exception in the British Raj.
The United States was on the losing side of the war
The performance of their militarily is literally irrelevant to that fact
Please, UK is going to be Norway 2.0 without the oil
Or the government will just never get around to triggering the exit and in 20 years people will still be going on about how great things will be when the UK finally leaves
Britain actually lost several Wars and Battles during their campaigns. To the Marathas, Tipu Sultan, etc.
The Dutch East Indian Company army was outright destroyed and bankrupted. Which is why they never had a foothold.
The comparison with aliens is funny, it screams of some kind of inferiority/superiority complex. If they were that far ahead, they wouldn't be behind today.
>stopping pakis, indians and jamaicans from coming
the slavs will have to go back though
The Mongols classed Chinese as shit citizens, they weren't allowed to maintain their bureaucracy. This was completely opposite of what the Mongols usually did. They usually led the conquered co-rule with them, to maintain a certain stability in their newly gained land. They did take over China. Looking like someone, doesn't make you one.
The Western European civilization didn't flourish until the 14-15th century, which is due to influences from Asia and the Middle East. Especially the Mongols, which paved the way for faster sharing of ideas and technologies, due to having one empire spanning from east to west of the Eurasian continent.
t. history student
Nothing bothers me more than dumb /pol/ites would want those leeches to stay, because of 'muh whiteness'. We keep some immigrant doctors, maybe a few immigrant businessmen and that is it. Also defund that BBCThree marxist cancer.
The Manchu did this as well. But what that other poster is trying to argue is retarded.
The primary difference between India and China is that one chose to adopt Capitalism and Globalism sooner than the other. India today is where China was at in early 2000s. I expect my iPhone to be made there in the next 5 years.
I agree, but you're making one hell of a generalization by saying that Chinese and Mongols were the same. Ethnic Chinese people were fucked for the entire duration of the Yuan dynasty, living as low class citizens.
I agree with your point of the nations development. China is ahead and will soon be comparable to The West, which eventually will lead to a more free country and speed up the process of a functioning democracy.
India will probably end up getting shit jobs, until robots replace them in manufacturing jobs.
Another point to this, is that Africa is fucked. They never get the chance to develop the ways The West and The East have done, before robots take over.
If robots do take over, there's no reason for the west not to send way more aid.
After all, labor is the limiting resource in most production cycles, so if you have unlimited labor, you may as well give the robots overtime and let the darkies get some good stuff.
Like, totally automated manufacturing would make industrializing a country so much easier.
It depends on how much richer we get with the robotic revolution. You have to keep in mind, that we have to support a very high number of people, in our own countries, with Universal Basic Income. I'm skeptical that we can keep sending in billions too Africa, in that scenario. Which means that Africans can't buy the good stuff.
>until robots replace them in manufacturing jobs
Robots have been 'coming' since the 50s. Nothing has ever changed, economies are ALSO funded by consumption not just production.
What robots are going to do is allow countries to achieve isolationism much easier.
Yes, but it's getting nearer every year, we've lot A LOT of human labour jobs in recent years. When I had my sabbatical year, I worked for a huge clothing manufacturer, at one of their warehouses. Some of those who've been there for years told me, that all the machines had stripped the warehouse of 3/4 of the workers.
Also, you need money too consume and there are a lot of people, who does not have an education, in all the Western countries.
Machines per Capita has been increasing for several decades now.
There hasn't been a drop in overall proportion of structural unemployment. This is unlikely to change anytime soon. By that I mean, I doubt anything serious is happening before 2040 at earliest.