>What? You're a capitalist? *unsheathes katana* *teleports behind you* Nothing personal, kid.
What? You're a capitalist? *unsheathes katana* *teleports behind you* Nothing personal, kid
Other urls found in this thread:
These people are so fucking stupid it hurts.
Primarily due to their utter lack of self-awareness.
>*nods communistically towards you* Da, comrade.
How do I upvote here?
>colonizing Veeky Forums
>nothing personal
>Veeky Forums is an alt right echo chamber
This is how you know they've never been here for more than a few minutes
Buy a Veeky Forums pass
>I salute comrades who would try to agitmeme there
>to agitmeme
Post the stormnigger one about taking over forums starting with the new boards.
>we'll go onto 4 Chan and out-argue the competition
So they're trying to colonize us without ever having set foot on our shores? They're in for a rude awakening. Maybe we'll be like Poland as these guys and a raid from /pol/ run into each other.
>memes are the way forward
they're never gonna get it are they?
What a pack of faggots. One /pol/ is enough.
These people already sound like typical Veeky Forums /leftypol/.
It is true that Veeky Forums has an abnormal amount of leftists. I generally don't mind it so long as they stick to facts and don't start to spout identity politics.
filthy dumb alt left scum
Stormfront did the same thing to /pol/, back when it was known as /new/. Newfags will try to deny it, but you can even find the threads where they discuss this on various white nationalist sites.
And it worked.
Veeky Forums has always been inherently politically incorrect and even contrarian. Ever since moot made /b/ and this site stopped being solely about anime, its fate was sealed.
Sure, but stormfront really pushed the white nationalism maymay.
Google it if you don't believe me. They used to have entire threads dedicated to shilling this place.
I don't doubt you. But any Internet site that remained open and unmoderated became fairly far-right oriented. It was an escape for people who had previously been shut down by the mainstream media and social circles. Veeky Forums will always attract those who have no room to speak in public. It reminds me of a very popular Swedish forum called flashback. Eventually journalists started to call for its shutdown because suddenly opinions that would've typically been repressed through the media filter were now expressing themselves on the Internet.
Veeky Forums has always been anti-establishment, but that doesn't necessarily lead to far-right white nationalism. I remember during the Bush years when this site was mostly left-wing
Unironically liking capitalism is only ever done by rich people and fedoras.
The right-wing retards are loud, obnoxious and immune to facts, so most people don't bother shouting them down.
This is true. But it was also still politically incorrect. Conservatives were mocked because it was conservatives that attacked sites like Veeky Forums (remember the Fox News segment of an exploding van?). That changed during the Obama years and instead sites like Veeky Forums suddenly came under fire from liberals and people were branded as sexists and racists whereas previously they were just Internet trolls.
Now they're the "alt right" which means secretly just asshole Republicans.
Nu-rightists are the only ones who spout identity politics here.
>Napoleon Bonaparte
What a stupid choice for a communist.
>Veeky Forums
>Leftist board
So boards that don't like /pol/ overleakage lefty now?
I don't get the feeling that Fox is well liked here even now.
Branding people as "alt right" will only make them more dedicated to right-wing politics. The mainstream media is making a huge mistake with their branding tactics. If you point at someone and shout racist at him, eventually he's going to believe himself one repeated enough times.
>there are people on reddit who unironically think Slovenian sniffles man is a legitimate and original intellectual
If I wear this shirt how maby leftists could I trigger?
>Memes are the way forward
Too bad Reddit/leftist memes are just copies of other memes or incredibly dry and forced.
Memes must be ironic and chaotic. They aren't master memers.
Veeky Forums is a copy of 2chan, an anime board filled with right wing neutoyos
its fate is sealed
Didn't know the alt-right were such nu-males
this explains all the commies here
Sam and Charles are pretty normal looking. It's the left that is full of numales.
This is your brain on egalitarianism
>When it comes to mental abilities (and ableism along these lines), it may help to use the categories of neurotypical and neurodivergent. These are socially defined, not rooted in nature. People who are neurotypical have the mental abilities broader society expects of them, and those who are neurodivergent have different abilities - they diverge from the norm. This doesn't make them better or worse, but just different
Remember kids, don't do egalitarianism.
>What is zizekposting and strinerposting?
and /pol/'s memes are too evangelical.
>untermench thinks they can become patricians simply by migrating
>too evangelical
What do you mean by this?
>This is how you know they've never been here for more than a few minutes
But it is. I've been here for 12 years, so I've seen how much of an alt-right echo chamber it has become. You probably don't realize it because you've only been here for a couple of years, probably after #gg, and think that's how Veeky Forums always was.
Most /pol/ memes serve to prove a point (JEWS SUCKS!) or shill for someone like Trump. Vastly different from say /tv/'s memes when it is syncretic in nature. Like for example sheevposting being translated into Veeky Forums using those same lines in their own meme threads. Usually other boards' memes adapt to the local board culture to serve that local board's ends. But /pol/ tries to do the inverse.
I must clarify though the zizekposting and strinerposting don't necessarily shill those two people but act as Veeky Forums (or Veeky Forums)'s version of smug anime girls
>it's a "i've been here for a long time but I only say that to trick you" episode
neck yourself my man
>so I've seen how much of an alt-right echo chamber it has become
Half of pol unironically believes in civic nationalism.
The grasp of the alt-right on this site is severely overestimated. Not that it's strange, leftists are completely paranoid about fascists.
>Most /pol/ memes serve to prove a point (JEWS SUCKS!) or shill for someone like Trump
It seems that it has worked pretty well. Also in a board about politics is natural that most posts shill an idea
hi iam mr ditred
i belive we have to change or racist ways my fellow n words
Idk about its effectiveness but that becomes a huge problem in crossboarding coz it just seems like propaganda. I do prefer inane memes over propaganda.
This underlies why /pol/ crossboarding is the worst. They come not to discuss ideas or stuff, but to advocate, evangelize and shill for whatever shit they are into. Boards becomes less of a marketplace of ideas and stuff and becomes more of a soapbox for them to preach. You can of course say the same for /leftypol/ but i doubt they are as evangelical as /pol/
They're preachy propaganda and not memes for meme's sake.
/int/ has the purest memes
If there's a reasonable half of /pol/ they don't go around shitposting on all the other boards. So the average users experience of /pol/ is paranoid anti-semitism, severe retardation, and an attempt to regiment Veeky Forums to their standards.
If you think /pol/ is overly maligned, clean up your shit. No one bitches about horsefuckers anymore, because they stay on their board.
Everyone in the picture you posted is nu-male as fuark though.
that's an adaptation to the left-wing retards who are loud, obnoxious and immune to facts.
The alt-left has created the alt-right... not just by being Marxist extremists in and of themselves but also by destroying conservative politics via osmosis
>t. im not alt right milo
If you're right wing and more extreme than Reagan Republicans, Libertarians, or even the Tea Party, you're alt right.
The alt-left is SJWs. (Non-cultural) Marxism is traditional leftism. And SJWs hate Marxism.
If there's a "silent majority" or whatever they're completely irrelevant. It's very clear what the dominant ideology and aesthetic on /pol/ is.
The alt-left does not even understand what that word means... if they did they may be surprised at how well they fit it
Who the fuck leaked this
but milo isn't alt-right.
He's a faggot and he's not a racist.
>If you're right wing and more extreme than Reagan Republicans, Libertarians, or even the Tea Party, you're alt right.
The alt right is a meme.There is no real basis other than being more edgy than mainstream republicans and to have reactionary tendencies
>And SJWs hate Marxism
No they don't. Not even remotely. Plent of sjw are marxists.
This makes leftypol butthurt but it's not wrong.
>The alt-left has created the alt-right...
What is the "alt-left". Sincerely asking, I've never heard that term before.
>not just by being Marxist extremists in and of themselves but also by destroying conservative politics via osmosis
egsblain plz
SJW ideology is anti materialist though. Sure they might have read the Communist Manifesto, but that doesn't make them Marxists
>SJW ideology is anti materialist though
What? No.
What the fuck is "alt-right" and what does it have to do with Veeky Forums.
I can't believe I'm in that photo. That's kinda hilarious. The jig's up.
Hopefully I inspired some people to begin coming over. Winning the culture war is vital.
>He thinks that Veeky Forums worshiping Hitler was ironic
The idea that social issues can be resolved outside of class issues, independent of the material conditions (which is universal among SJWs) is anti-materialist and therefore no Marxist.
stop larping dude
>you're not alt-right unless you're a literal neo-nazi
The alt-right is a meme. And like anyone who takes memes super cereal, they are extreme faggots and shitlords. I had a couple friends that swung hard to alt-right tendencies over the past year, because they are the type of people who think memes are dank.
>(lol this is funny for some reason)
This shit started about 4 years ago but really picked up steam after fucking #GG brought all these fuckhead faggots here.
>What the fuck is "alt-right"
Right wing special snowflakes who call normal right wingers cucks
But they don't say that, they say it's not JUST class. And they're right of course. For the wrong reasons, but they're right.
No, you don't have to be a neo-nazi. You have to be a racial/ethnic nationalist though. That's the one thing everyone has agreed to.
Too bad any posters from reddit are painfully obvious (toupee fallacy, I know). Same as /pol/ crossboarders.
>The alt-left does not even understand what that word means... if they did they may be surprised at how well they fit it
really makes you think
So it's literally a meme; got it.
Alt-right is the mass media term for /pol/, neo-nazis, fascists, misogynists, racists, etc. Anyone who is right wing but considered too extreme to be part of the normal conservative right wing, so anyone that thinks conservatives are cuckservatives. There's going to be people who play dumb and insist alt-right only means you're a follower of the guy that coined the term "alternative right" or be hipster about it and claim they're not what they are.
Take SJWs who say shit like "the pay gap is real!!!" and "triggered!!!" and replace them with /pol/
Jesus Christ
>So it's literally a meme; got it.
yes, you newfag. All politics is memes now
Let's clarify. Are you talking about the SJW/Liberals that conform to the caricature, or are you talking about Marxists who think there is more to it than class issues?
>That's the one thing everyone has agreed to.
No it isn't. It's one thing some sources cite and a core idea, because the guy who coined the term "alternative right" said it was, and many people considered alt-right think in terms of white identity politics.
We live in surreal times. Might as well embrace it.
I'm talking about a significant proportion of SJW who are marxists. They're SJW because they spend 99% of the time talking about stuff like fags, transfags (and other degenerates) and niggers. They're marxists because they agree with marx on property and materialism and blah blah blah
So... Why alt rights is so triggered by new lefts?
Yeah but not as a marxist. Marxism is dead in the west.
You guys are just buffoons staging a play for neoliberals. Wouldn't you prefer actually improving the lives of the proles?
Because alt-right is largely the reactionary movement (in b4 alt-right says something about monarchists being the only true reactionaries) to the new left. Being triggered by the new left is what makes many alt-rights into alt-rights.
what is the new left
Revolution is the way to help the working class. We have to build a working class movement. Winning the culture war is the way to do that.
Mhmm. Yeah well I just disagree. In my experience SJWs don't know shit about Marx and Marxism. But whatever.
>The New Left was a broad political movement mainly in the 1960s and 1970s consisting of educators, agitators and others who sought to implement a broad range of reforms on issues such as civil rights, gay rights, abortion, gender roles, and drugs,[2] in contrast to earlier leftist or Marxist movements that had taken a more vanguardist approach to social justice and focused mostly on labor unionization and questions of social class.
The original of cultural marxism and SJWshit.
So sort of second wave feminist stuff?
This desu. I'm not even left, but I did bother to read some Marx because he's pretty important in terms of history. At least in America, everyone thinks Marxism means equality, including Bernie supporters. Most Americans on any side of the political spectrum don't know what Marxism is and aren't familiar with Marx besides the Communist Manifesto and that he was responsible for founding the Soviet Union even though he wasn't.
Veeky Forums is all about free-speech. Since now the left is pretty much SJW-pandering, of course Veeky Forums identifies with the right wing.
>Veeky Forums is about free speech
>the right is pro speech
When will this meme die?
>Veeky Forums is all about free-speech
I like to masturbate to anime feet. Where am I on the political spectrum?
when the left stops censoring speakers in universities, shaming people who disagree and let people speak their mind.
Being serious now: even if you think that "free speech" is a concept that can't fit on left-right spectrum, there's clearly one side today that's openly against it
While #GG has proved that it has limits, it's the freest forum you can find easily in the internet, by far.
>the left is pro free speech
>only as long as you aren't a white person who doesn't hate their own race
>Its only bad if stormfront does it
There are people on both sides who support speech... And none of them have any real power.